Introduction Invisible City, directed by Hubert Davis, is a documentary that explores the lives of two young men, Kendell and Mikey, growing up in the Regent Park area of Toronto. The film delves into themes of socio-economic inequality, systemic racism, and the struggle for personal...
Miami, often referred to as the “Magic City,” is an urban gem that shines brightly on the southeastern coast of Florida. This vibrant city is renowned for its stunning beaches, diverse culture, and pulsating nightlife. One of Miami’s most striking features is its Art Deco...
For the purpose of a descriptive essay about a street I’ve decided to write about three streets at once. Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it Each essay is customized to cater to your unique preferences + experts online Get my essay I have...
Amsterdam enjoys a particular place in modern urban imaginaries. A recurring theme is that of Amsterdam’s alleged ‘peculiarity’, ‘difference’ or ‘otherness’. Discuss this statement with reference to Soja (1996) and Savini et al. (2016). Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it Each essay is...
Overpopulation is a real problem and now in 2018 it’s more dangerous than ever. Living in big cities is becoming each day a more common thing. People arrive to cities searching fame, their dream job, diversity and freedom. But what they don’t know it’s that...
But even we couldn’t hide from a satellite, and eventually, Pocklebridge appeared on maps. Sat navs could find it through its post codes. People still had no reason to come here, so for a time, it didn’t really matter. We kept on with our little...
Bandipur is one of the most beautiful towns, where there is a living museum of Newari culture. A village where there is a crowning ridge and its main street lined with the traditional row houses. There is a lot of preserved Newari cultures with the...
The Nepalese government is preparing to build the so-called smart city in Kathmandu and other parts of the country. The authorities plan to make Kathmandu the first city in Nepal, ecologically and socially, economically smart. The smart city is one that does not just grow...
In order to meet the demands for a burgeoning economy, Beijing had to specialise areas to fulfil different economic functions. In the interest of attracting and utilising outside capital, Development Zone planning were increasingly prominent in Beijing during this period (Gaubatz). These zones served as...
Mexico City has plenty activities for tourists as well as for its own citizens, but what really captures people’s attention is when they stray from the ordinary and do things that not everybody does. Mexico city as well as their typical tourist attractions, also offers...
The Incan empire is often referred to as one of the last strongholds of the native population of South America before there was an influx from Europe of a newer civilization with their own ways of life, customs, and religions. Machu Picchu city – this...
Parklands is a west coast suburb of Cape Town, named after its view of plane lands after Table View. It has expanded rapidly since the 1970s .The region is located along the seafront road. This beautiful coast area is faced with air pollution threats as...
The Nepalese government is preparing to construct the smart city in Kathmandu and other parts of the state. The authorities plan to make Kathmandu the primary city in Nepal, ecologically and socially, economically smart. The smart city is one that does not just grow in...
Shanghai, with a total population of more than 24 million, is the largest developed Chinese city (by population) and arguably the most developed among the four municipalities that are directly administered by the Chinese central government. As a result, Shanghai is the economic hub of...
Cleveland is a three centuries old, second-most-populous (2.5 million) city in the state of U.S. Ohio that came into existence back in the year 1796. It’s located at the helm of Cuyahoga River where it connects with the Lake Erie (one of the five Great...
Introduction The New Urbanism is a movement for urban design that promotes the creation of small, mixed land use and mixed-income human settlements. This shift started as an incremental change in the conventional styles of low-density car-oriented, separate use sprawl that changed the urban fabric...
All throughout mankind’s long history are stories of cities that once showed great promise but had to be abandoned. Such is the story of Wiang Kum Kam, a 12th century city along the river banks of Chiang Mai. Chiang Mai is a popular tourist location...
Introduction Kegalle is a large town in Sabaragamuwa Province of Sri Lanka. It is located on the Colombo–Kandy road, approximately 78 km (48 mi) from Colombo and 40 km (25 mi) from Kandy. It is the main town in the Kegalle District, which is one...
According to the United Nation’s latest human development report, Vancouver is one of top ten best cities to live in in the world. Vancouver is renowned for its mild climate, breathtaking scenery and inclusiveness, all of which make Vancouver a beautiful city to live in....
M is for Mumbai, and “mobile”. Indicator is something we all know,”says Teke, who is an IT engineer from Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI) in Matunga. In 2006, after graduation, he worked for a software firm and developed mobile applications. “I travelled from Nerul to...
The expansion of Barcelona in the mid 1800s was a necessary step to improve the quality of life of the citizens. The services and spaces lived inharmonious, and the city was characterized by density, congestion, terrible water supply, poor sanitation, non-existent sewage systems, and disease...
Paris is the capital city of France. With over 12 million inhabitants, it holds around 19% of France’s total population. Paris is most popularly known as the center of fashion. The city is also popular for its fine cuisine, art, and architecture. There is a...
Sydney is remarkable for its natural beauty, gorgeous sandy beaches, natural gardens and glittering harbor. Besides all these Sydney is also famous for its flavorsome and versatile foods. After Melbourne Sydney is best known for its food. In the last few years Sydney has proven...
The capital is one in each of the tiniest quantity known destinations significantly by tourists. almost like the rest of the surrounding islands, capital enjoys a tropical climate and thus the area is style of safe as natural phenomena ar rare. However, the island may...
Cities from all around the world are suffering from one major effect of development i.e. pollution. As our cities get increasingly urbanized, it is important to make efforts to preserve and expand the rapidly shrinking green patches. The growth in urban populations has and will...
Seoul is the city that is known all over the world, for its innumerable highlights. These attractions entice a variety of the tourist from all over the world. Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it Each essay is customized to cater to your unique...
Abstract Everyone in this world irrespective of their culture, status, age or background inevitably use public spaces but in today’s era the quality of public spaces had been disregarded and considered merely as “gaps between buildings”(Gaventa, S. 2006, p7). However, recently public spaces are regaining...
The town of Santa Maria has a glorious past, a pulsating present and a directed future. It has the protective and inspiring guidance from the Blessed Virgin de la Purisima Concepcion. Captain Jose whose real name is Don Jose Serapio enriches the past history of...
Milan’s landscape strategy to connect the whole city was initiated a few years ago as a Green ray concept. The Green Rays are a task advanced by the Territory Development and Furnishing Sector, Urban and Green system of the City of Milan in 2008, for...
A smart city is a new concept of cities that apply the new generation of information communication technologies (Smart ICT), such as the Internet-of-Things, cloud computing, big data, to improve and manage the planning, construction and smart services of cities. Made-to-order essay as fast as...