Thirty years ago I was given Barbara Robinson’s tale of the “Best Christmas Pageant Ever.” Her story takes place in what could be any church, in any town across America in which the Christmas story is told through the innocence of Children. Just like our...
Several years ago, a beloved parishioner complained I had ruined Palm Sunday. Somehow, somewhere in the recesses of her memory, she could recall a time when the church celebrated both Palm Sunday and Passion Sunday on separate days. “Why can’t we go back to that?”...
In 2013, I decided to participate in the Ignation exercises, also known as the 19th Annotation. Despite what it may sound like, it had nothing to with pilates, cross fit or yoga. Instead, for thirty weeks, I was guided through a series of daily prayer...
I often tell people patience is a virtue, and I don’t have any. Patience that is, not virtues. I, like many of us here today, I am not one who likes to wait. True to my type A personality, waiting feels like a waste of...
This morning the prophet cries, “O that you would tear open the heavens and come down, so that the mountains would quake at your presence—“ as the psalmist laments,” O Lord God of hosts, *how long will you be angered despite the prayers of your...
“Thy will be done.” These words are probably as familiar to us as our own names. For most of us, we began reciting these four simple words almost as soon as we learned to talk. The problem with familiarity however, is that over time, as...
Isaac, the son of Abraham, was a central figure in the establishment of the Jewish people. Both him and his father had played tremendous roles in the bible. However, Isaac’s life reflected Abraham’s similarly when compared side by side to his father’s. There are many...
In Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theologiae, he recognizes four types of law. Those four types of laws include Eternal law, Divine law, Natural law, and Human law. If they were to be arranged in a hierarchy, eternal wound be at the top, then divine, natural, and...
Apollo is one of the most complex and important gods, and is the god of many things, including: music, poetry, art, oracles, archery, plague, medicine, sun, light and knowledge. He is the son of Zeus and the Titan Leto, and was born in the Greek...
The influence of the philosophers, Cicero, in De Natura Deorum (“Concerning the Nature of the Gods”), claims that he was the offspring of the ancient gods Aether and Hemera, Air and Day. According to the Orphic hymns, Uranus was the son of Nyx, the personification...
When the subject is worship, the stakes are high—because worship is what God is all about. Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it Each essay is customized to cater to your unique preferences + experts online Get my essay Worship should matter to you...
The Greek goddess Athena was the goddess of wisdom and war. She was one of the most powerful goddesses. She was known for her strategic skill in war. Also, for being fierce and courageous in battle. Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it Each...
Who was Rhea? Rhea was a Goddess, she was responsible for the fertility of the soil, women and motherhood. Rhea took over most of these powers from her mother Gaia/Gaea. Rhea was the “Mother of the Gods”, her name means “flow” and “ease”. Rhea was...
The Ten Commandments is an American Biblical Epic Film that is directed by Cecil B DeMille. It dramatizes the biblical story of the life of Moses. Pharaoh Rameses I of Egypt orders to kill all new first born male baby of his time but, Yoshebel...
Mediator dei This encyclical began a defining moment in the history of the Church. It was promulgated by Pope Pius XII it became the first papal encyclical devoted specifically and entirely to the liturgy. Its relevance is still being felt till this day, and this...
Has anyone ever told you I think I’m a pretty good person so I’ll go to heaven. This kind of view is not biblical. No one is perfectly good. Today I will be making three points about the topic “Analyze and respond to the statement...
Religion a source of World division or World Unity As time goes by, different religions had shown up that make the world’s peacefulness disappear. The people start fighting because of their different religious beliefs. Some are questioning the beliefs of other religions; some are insistently...
There have been various arguments in philosophy that deal with the existence of God. Cosmological Argument is one of those arguments that discusses about God’s existence on the basis of some proofs that verify the existence of God. The Cosmological Argument gives an explanation about...
The claim that our universe began, and did not always exist, brings enormous challenges to scientists who do not believe that the universe was created by God.Are scientists part of the Big Bang theory? Yes. In the late 1920s, astronomer Edwin Hubble saw through his...