The story of the Shakers is one that is similar to that of most Utopian communities. The origins begin with one woman, and their story continues today. Although the Shakers come from relatively nothing, they built a successful life for themselves. A woman named Ann...
I believe the era of reform increased the extent of social and cultural freedoms by adding more religious and social diversity in communities which gave Americans more choices. In the following paragraphs I describe three utopian societies, Mormons, The Shakers, and the Oneida community. Starting...
The Shakers, are members of the United Society of Believers in Christ’s second appearing. They are one of many utopian farming communities of the early 1800’s. The Shakers are more than a farming group, they were dedicated to a life of perfection. They invented many...
The shakers are a group of people who believed in revolution and the second coming of Christ. This group of people was a mix of The Shaking Quakers and The French Camisards. The French Camisards started in the southern France region during the seventeenth century....