Confirmation is an essential sacrament within the Catholic Church, representing a significant milestone in the spiritual journey of individuals. This sacrament, which is often received during adolescence, holds great importance in the lives of believers, as it deepens their connection to God and strengthens their...
The biggest of the Christian categories is the Roman Catholic Church. As an organization it has existed following the first century AD, however its structure, degree, and teachings have been altogether adjusted throughout the hundreds of years. The home office of the congregation is Vatican...
Various images of the Church aid people to comprehend why and how God perceives the Church. We also have the images of the Church in order to find out what His church should be doing.“The Bible—both the Old and New Testaments—offers several other images of...
The Rule of St. Benedict, written around 540, not only remains a directory for many people today but also is a key work in the history of Christian monasticism. St. Benedict, born about 480 in modern-day Norcia, was sent to Rome for schooling. Eventually becoming...
Like you I believe in this mystical supernatural being called God. According to the Bible: God is glorious, infinite, without beginning or end or any limitation at all. He is self-existent, not dependent on anyone for anything. He is consistent and unchanging. He is unconditional...
While growing up, my family never practiced any religion or even thought of there being a higher power, so when given this assignment I didn’t know how to feel about it. But whilst talking to a relative about this assignment, I came to the realization...
“Ideally, the Church is at the forefront of social change, guiding society with the unique perspective of Jesus Christ.” During the Middle Age, most people believed in God, heaven and hell. They were taught that heaven could only be reached through the Church if the...
Mother Teresa is a Saint that devoted her entire life to other people. To me, that alone is enough for her to exemplify herself as someone who demonstrates the beatitudes more so than anyone else. The fact, her entire life was devoted to helping other...
From the document Towards a True Sexual Liberation, we can see further and detailed insights as to current society’s perspective of sexual activity and what it truly means in the Catholic’s view. It is a prevailing trend in today’s society to experience sex before marriage...
The Christian Church’s position on usury began with the First Council of Nicaea in the year 325, which forbade clergy from engaging in usury. Later ecumenical councils applied this regulation to any member of any religious faith. Lateran III decreed that persons who accepted interest...
For the religious site visit, I visited the Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church in Claremont, California. I am Episcopalian, only being baptized when I was young but other than that I am not that religious. I was nervous about observing and participating in...
In Dr. Massimo Faggioli’s lecture, he described the recent history of the Catholic Church and the issues that it has faced. He addressed the issue of how Catholics perceive their position and function in relation to the state and politics in general. This was a...
Relationships with the papacy remained strained, despite outlining that being co-leaders of the reformation, Philip and papacy should have been natural allies. Nevertheless, interests of the papacy, Italy and the Spaniards did not align despite the assumption this would be the case therefore threatening the...
Angela’s Ashes is an absorbing memoir by Frank McCourt, a book that details his early childhood in Brooklyn, New York. However, it tends to focus more on his life in Limerick, Ireland through various anecdotes concerning the author’s young life. McCourt presents the novel as...
Over our school’s fall break, I visited San Antonio, Texas. While there, I noticed that the city had a rich cultural heritage deeply rooted in history, and was intrigued by the brief history presented to me when I visited the Alamo or the Mission San...
The Prince by Machiavelli is one of the most influential treatises in human history, conceived by Italian political theorist and diplomat, Niccolo Machiavelli. The Prince is often regarded as one of the first true examples of modern philosophy, most notably, political philosophy, and Machiavelli addressed...
It is quite obvious that not only good people die young because for that to be accurate, all young people have to be good and living longer implies a person is bad. The song “Only The Good Die Young” by Billy Joel is often misinterpreted...
Willa Cather’s Death Comes for the Archbishop depicts the struggle of Father Latour and Father Vaillant to reestablish Catholic authority in their newly formed, New Mexican diocese. They are tasked with righting a territory that has backslid into heathenistic conduct under the jurisdiction of priests...
The Catholic Church has many concerns with the world of pornography. In studying the influence of pornography, the Catholic Church tends to discuss the definition of pornography, what the concerns the Catholic Church has with it, the impact it has and how we can help...
Martin Luther was the main figure who sparked a movement countering the increasing corrupt Catholic Church. While he did institute sweeping and irreversible changes across the world, Luther also wanted to keep some continuity. He condemned old practices, such as the selling of indulgences and...
The Protestant Reformation was a major movement in sixteenth century Europe initially aimed at reforming the beliefs and practices of the Roman Catholic Church. The Church’s religious ambitions were supplemented with motivated political rulers who wanted to extend their power and control at the expense...
The English biologist Thomas Henry Huxley described the man as “one who obscures facts and evidence with aimless rhetoric,” in order to “distract the attention of his hearers from the real point at issue by eloquent digressions and skilled appeals to religious prejudice.” Skilled rhetoric has...
Medieval Europe was the period after the fall of Rome, and during this time, Europe was the cultural backwater of the world, least innovative and knowledgeable in science, math, literature, etc. In this period of uncertainty and warfare (many nomadic tribes invaded), the Roman Catholic...
In the Roman Catholic religion saints are regarded with an immense amount of respect. Saints are still a key part of life for those who are religiously devoted. What some people may not think about, however, is the actual process which takes place to get...
When analyzing a work by John Donne it is important to remember that Donne was arguably one of the most influential poets of his time. It is imperative for readers to be aware that Donne’s use of complex metaphors and imagery was revolutionary and it...
The “Christ Delivering the keys of the kingdom to St. Peter” in the Sistine Chapel at the Vatican City, Rome, Italy is a fresco created by Pietro Perugino with a dimension of 11’5 ½ x 18’8 ½ that represents the papacy having authority over the...
The topic of Eugenics affects several Catholic Views of Social Justice. One Social Justice in particular that directly affects the view of Catholics is Ecological Justice. Ecological Justice is being concerned with the obligations that humans have to the rest of creation. Eugenics is the...
During her childhood, St. Bernadette lived in Lourdes, France. She was the oldest of her eight siblings. Two days after she was born, Bernadette was baptized at St. Pierre’s Church. St. Bernadette had terrible asthma as a child. As a result, she lived the duration...
Depicted in Pierre Auguste Cot’s most notorious painting, All Souls’ Day at the Camposanto, Pisa, a woman and her two children mourn the death of her husband/their father. Painted in 1872, All Souls’ Day at the Camposanto, Pisa emphasizes the Catholic church, and the role...
Between the years 1300 and 1600 was when Europe started to look for inspiration. To find this inspiration they looked at when Greece and Rome were at the height of their empires. The Catholic Church was corrupt which faced many problems. There were people brave...