Introduction Gwendolyn Brooks wrote a poem called "The Mother" that talks about the sadness and guilt a woman feels after having an abortion. The speaker in the poem is feeling a lot of pain and sorrow because she had to end a pregnancy. Brooks uses...
Gwendolyn Brooks’ “The Mother” and Lucille Clifton’s “The lost baby poem” describes all the filling that a woman experiences after having an abortion. This poem is about abortion and the narrator used the mother’s point of view to express her feeling about how she felt...
During this time in the United States of America, the freedom of choice is available to all. For the country to be at this state of freedom, there have been many laws revised and movements initiated by those who are passionate for the freedom. Concerning...
Gwendolyn Brooks was an African poet and teacher and who was most famous for her famous writings such as “The Mother’. The story is about a moither who has to cope the decisions shes made with the many abortions she’s had where she claims it...
Gwendolyn Brooks was a 20th century American poet born in Kansas but grew up in Chicago. She was a kind, loving, and supportive role model to all colored poets in her time. She was often known to be in the front row engaged in poetry...
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