Like most zombie movies, fictions, cartoons, at the beginning of the comics of the Walking Dead, our protagonist woke up from a coma and found that the world has changed. For a time, Atlanta became a dead city, a city of horror, corpses across the...
The Zombie apocalypse, while firmly rooted in the realm of fiction and speculative horror, serves as a fertile ground for interdisciplinary analysis, encompassing fields such as sociology, psychology, environmental science, and bioethics. This essay endeavors to dissect the multifaceted implications of a hypothetical zombie apocalypse,...
Introduction The sun had set, casting an eerie darkness over the deserted city streets. As a college student, I had always imagined the worst-case scenarios of the world, but nothing could have prepared me for the horrors that unfolded that fateful night. In a matter...
Zombies have been a staple of horror literature and films for decades, but rarely do we stop to consider the scientific plausibility of the undead. Max Brooks’ novel “World War Z” and its subsequent film adaptation offer a unique opportunity to delve into the hypothetical...
In studying many of the most successful civilizations throughout human history, a great number of commonalities begin to appear among civilizations that have had no contact: religion, codified laws, division of labor, and zombies! Although widely prevalent in modern literature, the concept of zombies can...
The Dead Don’t Die is a 2019 film made by the director Jim Jarmusch. Once again, the film is not a hot success by the director, but more like a love letter to George Romero’s films. The movie is built with a talented cast that...
Are zombies dead or alive? What does it mean to be living or be dead? Dead and alive seem to have clear definitions at first glance, and they appear to be binary. The definition can be biological (no heartbeat), ethical, and even practical. But is...
Earl T. Roske’s portrait of a mixed relationship in an unaccepting world is the embodiment of his 2011 short-play Zombie Love. There is a comedic tone to the dialogue that dampens the overall theme of stereotypes and discrimination in today’s society. Emily and Walter are...
The depiction of both vampires and zombies have evolved over time. While vampires have developed a non monstrosus and even romantic object of human admiration, zombies have infiltrated culture as one of the most popular monsters in film. They have evolved over time from an...
Stumbling around every corner, lurking into the night, flesh eating creatures, once human, are taking over the world, or at least that’s what pop culture predicts will happen[1] . This zombie culture, like the monsters themselves, somehow lumbered their[2] way into pop culture rather quickly....
America. The land of the free. This country’s foundation was built on individuality, on autonomy, and on the ability to “pull oneself up by one’s bootstraps” and begin again. Today, however, this individualistic spirit has manifested itself as selfishness and egocentricity in many North Americans....
The author describes the occurrence of Zombies in movies, and through his description, the author’s perception of Zombies is expressed. However much the Zombies are horrific creatures that are merciless, they also have a role of illustrating some phenomenon in human society. Made-to-order essay as...