Simple events in our lives are often overlooked by our rushed and demanding lives. John James Audubon’s Ornithological Biographies and Annie Dillard’s Pilgrim at Tinker Creek show what happens when one stops to smell the roses, or rather, watch the birds. Although describing similar events,...
Swiss researches has tested a field of mustard plants and observed how the pollinating process by bumblebees occur. And they have concluded that the bee-pollinated plants grew and gain a stronger scent. They have also concluded something alarming which was how the flowers in the...
Evolution clearly shows how organisms develop and change as time moves forward. The theory of evolution presents the fact that all organisms are different in all kinds of ways, and that those who descend from another organism have slight variations. Natural selection is what builds...
Although humans often fail to realize the repercussions of their actions, every decision inevitably yields consequences. As the pressure to advance in cosmetics, biomedical research, and education increases, the methods of acquiring necessary information to meet these demands usually come into conflict with moral, ethical,...
In Sundiata: The Lion King of Mali, responsibility closely aligns with life purpose for those who must fulfill key roles in Malian society, and throughout the story, exemplary characters dutifully perform the obligations. Responsibility in this illustrated adaptation of Sundiata: An Epic of Old Mali...
The wolves of Yellowstone that once roamed freely have dwindled in numbers. Wolves are keystone species in their ecosystem. A keystone species is an animal that, if they disappear, create problems in an ecosystem. Yellowstone was set in place to reserve beautiful land and protect...
Mosquitoes belonged to the family of nematocerid flies which was the Culicidae (from the Latin culex, genitive culicis, meaning “midge” or “gnat”). Female mosquito was responsible to carry the vector that leads to the disease spread. There were 3000 species of mosquitoes but there were...