100+ Proposal Essay Topics: Ideas to Inspire Change from
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106 Proposal Essay Topics
  • Arts & Culture
  • Social Issues
  • Business
  • Environmental Issues
  • Education
  • Health and Wellness
  • Technology
  • Politics and Governance
  • Proposal Argument Topics
  • Project Proposal Ideas
  • School Proposal Ideas
  • Proposal Essay Topics for College Students
  • Conclusion
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    100+ Proposal Essay Topics for All College Students

    proposal essay topics

    Proposal essays are a valuable way for students to develop critical thinking skills, engage with complex issues, and propose viable solutions. These essays require you to identify a problem, present a detailed plan to address it, and persuade your audience that your proposal is practical and beneficial. In this guide, we will explore a variety of proposal essay topics, including proposal argument topics, project proposal ideas, and proposal essay topics for college students. Additionally, we will provide tips on how to select good proposal essay topics and discuss why topics involving problems or controversies make for strong essay subjects.

    106 Proposal Essay Topics

    Here is a comprehensive list of proposal essay topics across various subjects, including those suitable for college students, addressing current issues, and those involving significant controversies:

    Arts & Culture

    1. The Role of Youths in Shaping The Future of The World
    2. The Importance of Proper Documentation of History
    3. The Benefit of Using Postmodern Characteristics in Stranger than Fiction
    4. Fearless Girl as a Feminist Piece of Art

    Social Issues

    1. Addressing Homelessness in Urban Areas: Propose solutions to reduce homelessness in cities.
    2. A Modest Proposal to Solve The Issue of Homelessness
    3. Modest Proposal Ideas on The Topic of Abortion
    4. Improving Mental Health Services: Suggest ways to enhance mental health support in communities.
    5. Combating Racism in Schools: Develop strategies to address and reduce racism in educational institutions.
    6. Proposal for an Effective Speech for Pitching The Strict Gun Policy in Parliament
    7. An Examination of Abortion and its Health Implications on Women
    8. Gun Control: An Essential Step in Reducing Gun Violence
    9. The Role of Slavery and Immigration in The Production of American Musical Theatre
    10. Reducing Gun Violence: Propose measures to decrease gun violence in high-risk areas.
    11. The Issue of Gun Violence Prevention by Congress
    12. The Controversies of Immigrants Support in The Us
    13. Implementation of Zero-tolerance Policy in Schools to Stop Bullying
    14. Supporting Single-Parent Families: Suggest policies to provide better support for single-parent households.


    1. Proposed Smart Evacuation Plan for Risk Reduction Management
    2. Proposed Management of New Enterprise – Belly Happi Café
    3. Scientist-practitioner Divide in Employee Development
    4. Review of The Issue of Conflict of Interest in a Workplace
    5. Recruitment and Selection and Training as Procedures that Unite Associations and Human Resource
    6. Philosophy of Thanos and Its Connection with The System of Eugenio Lopez Jr. Center for Media Arts
    7. Key Responsibilities and Code of Ethics in Engineering Profession
    8. Effective Leadership in a Multicultural & Multigenerational Workplace
    9. Disaster Recovery Plan for a Commercial Enterprise

    Environmental Issues

    1. Reducing Plastic Waste: Propose initiatives to reduce plastic consumption and waste.
    2. Promoting Renewable Energy: Suggest ways to increase the use of renewable energy sources.
    3. Conservation of Endangered Species: Develop strategies to protect endangered wildlife.
    4. Addressing Climate Change: Propose actions to mitigate the effects of climate change.
    5. Improving Urban Green Spaces: Suggest ways to enhance green spaces in urban areas.
    6. Air Pollution: Causes, Effects, and Proposed Solutions
    7. The Unintended Consequences of The Plastic Straw Ban
    8. The Problem of Global Warming in Diary of an Interesting Year by Helen Simpson
    9. Integrating Resilience Thinking with The Rehabilitation of Dry Forest Ecosystems
    10. In Vitro Meat as a Sustainable Solution


    1. Sexual Harassment and Bullying: The Need for Developing Safer Educational Environments
    2. Enhancing Remote Learning: Propose improvements for online education systems.
    3. Addressing Student Loan Debt: Suggest solutions to reduce the burden of student loans.
    4. Implementing Online Classes Instead of The Traditional Classes
    5. Study Plan for Master's Degree Program
    6. The Problems of Illiteracy Pakistan is Facing Today
    7. The Possibilities of Offering Fine Arts in Rural Schools
    8. Improving STEM Education: Develop strategies to enhance STEM education in schools.
    9. Promoting Diversity in Higher Education: Propose measures to increase diversity and inclusion in colleges and universities.
    10. Preventing Bullying in Schools: Suggest effective anti-bullying programs for schools.
    11. The Need for Repeating Policy in Educational Institutions
    12. The Flaws in America’s Reproductive Education
    13. Application of The Pedagogy of Discomfort in Teaching

    Health and Wellness

    1. Combating Obesity: Propose initiatives to reduce obesity rates in children and adults.
    2. Improving Access to Healthcare: Suggest ways to increase healthcare access in underserved areas.
    3. A Tax on High-Calorie Foods: A Solution to the Global Obesity Epidemic
    4. A Proposed Policy for a Campus-Based Food Cooperative
    5. Prioritizing Early Intervention for Children's Mental Health
    6. The Treatment of Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss with The Help of a Cochlear Implant
    7. The Effectiveness of Narrative Medicine in Health Care Practice
    8. The Benefits of the Medicaid Program in America
    9. Sport as a Public Health Issue
    10. Self-myofascial Release as a Treatment Approach to Improve Joint Range of Motion
    11. Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Cancer
    12. Ban Gambling on Dog Races
    13. Addressing the Opioid Crisis: Develop strategies to combat opioid addiction.
    14. Promoting Mental Health Awareness: Propose campaigns to increase awareness about mental health issues.
    15. Encouraging Healthy Eating Habits: Suggest programs to promote healthy eating in schools and communities.


    1. Enhancing Cybersecurity: Propose measures to improve cybersecurity for individuals and businesses.
    2. Risk Mitigation Techniques in Information Security
    3. Application of The Internet of Things in the Solar Energy Industry
    4. Regulating Social Media: Suggest ways to address the negative impacts of social media.
    5. Promoting Digital Literacy: Develop strategies to increase digital literacy among various age groups.
    6. Addressing Data Privacy Concerns: Propose policies to protect user data and privacy online.
    7. Encouraging Ethical AI Development: Suggest guidelines for the ethical development and use of artificial intelligence.
    8. The Question of Using Technology in S Classroom

    Politics and Governance

    1. Campaign Finance Reform: Propose measures to reform campaign financing in elections.
    2. Improving Voter Turnout: Suggest strategies to increase voter participation in elections.
    3. Addressing Political Polarization: Develop ways to reduce polarization and promote bipartisan cooperation.Proposed Integrated Model for Our Armed Sources
    4. The Importance of Participation in Democracy
    5. The Effect of Agricultural Practices on Society
    6. Discussion on Whether Governments Should Subsidize The Arts
    7. Reforming the Criminal Justice System: Propose changes to improve fairness and effectiveness in the criminal justice system.
    8. Enhancing Government Transparency: Suggest initiatives to increase transparency and accountability in government.

    Proposal Argument Topics

    1. Mandatory Vaccinations for Public Health: Argue for or against mandatory vaccinations to protect public health.
    2. Banning Single-Use Plastics: Propose a ban on single-use plastics to reduce environmental pollution.
    3. Implementing Universal Basic Income: Argue the benefits and challenges of a universal basic income.
    4. Regulating Big Tech Companies: Propose regulations to limit the power and influence of big tech companies.
    5. Legalizing Assisted Suicide: Argue for or against the legalization of assisted suicide for terminally ill patients.

    Project Proposal Ideas

    1. Community Garden Projects: Propose a community garden to provide fresh produce and promote sustainability.
    2. Recycling Programs in Schools: Suggest a recycling program to reduce waste in schools.
    3. Mental Health Support Groups: Propose the creation of support groups for mental health in your community.
    4. The Great Financial Crash: New Thinking Needed
    5. After-School Programs for At-Risk Youth: Suggest an after-school program to support at-risk youth with academic and social development.
    6. Public Transportation Improvements: Propose enhancements to the public transportation system in your city.

    School Proposal Ideas

    1. Implementing Anti-Bullying Programs: Propose an anti-bullying initiative in your school.
    2. Creating Student Mentorship Programs: Suggest a mentorship program to support students academically and socially.
    3. Enhancing School Safety Measures: Propose measures to improve safety in schools.
    4. Esports Deserves to Be Called a Sport
    5. Promoting Extracurricular Activities: Suggest ways to increase student participation in extracurricular activities.
    6. Positive and Negative Sides of Video Games: Shadow of The Tomb Raider
    7. Improving School Lunch Programs: Propose improvements to the nutritional quality of school lunches.

    Proposal Essay Topics for College Students

    1. Addressing Sexual Assault on Campus: Propose measures to prevent and address sexual assault in colleges.
    2. Improving Mental Health Services for Students: Suggest ways to enhance mental health support on college campuses.
    3. The Role of Understanding of ‘Domestic’ in The Ways in Which We Understand The History of Mughal India
    4. Promoting Diversity and Inclusion: Propose initiatives to increase diversity and inclusion in college communities.
    5. Enhancing Academic Advising: Suggest improvements to academic advising services for students.
    6. Transforming Traditional Business: An Electronic Business Proposal
    7. Reducing College Tuition Costs: Propose solutions to make college more affordable for students.


    Proposal essays are a powerful tool for identifying and addressing problems within various contexts, from local communities to larger societal issues. By choosing good proposal essay topics and following a structured approach, you can effectively communicate your ideas and persuade your audience to support your proposed solutions.

    Whether you're tackling social issues, environmental concerns, educational challenges, or health and wellness topics, the key is to present a clear, well-reasoned argument supported by evidence and practical steps for implementation. Additionally, addressing potential counterarguments and demonstrating the feasibility of your proposal will strengthen your essay.

    For further refined guidance on proposal essays or any other type of academic writing, consulting with GradesFixer experts can provide you with the support you need to excel in your studies. Our professional insights can help you deepen your research, sharpen your thesis, and ensure your essay is both compelling and well-structured.

    By leveraging these resources and topic ideas, you'll be well-equipped to master the art of proposal essays and achieve academic success.