130 Inspiring Persuasive Speech Topics For Students - GradesFixer
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Definition of the Persuasive Speech 
How to Compose an Excellent Persuasive Speech? 
List of Persuasive Speech Topics 
  • Persuasive Speech Topics for College
  • Persuasive Speech About Art, Media, and Culture
  • Persuasive Speech About the Economy and Work
  • Persuasive Speech About Education
  • Mental Health Persuasive Speech Topics
  • Business Persuasive Speech Topics
  • Medical Persuasive Speech Topics
  • Scientific Persuasive Speech Topics
  • Sports Persuasive Speech Topics
  • Family Persuasive Speech Topics
  • Persuasive Speech About Politics and Society
  • Government Persuasive Speech Topics
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    130 Inspiring Persuasive Speech Topics For Students

    persuasive speech topics

    Definition of the Persuasive Speech 

    Before you explore various persuasive speech topics, let's take a quick look at the definition and learn what a persuasive speech is and how it can be identified in writing. As the title implies, a persuasive speech represents a type of speech that aims to persuade a person to believe in a certain concept or a notion. In some instances, a persuasive speech contains a call to action. A persuasive speech topic may deal with professional challenges, world events, and debates that can be political, commercial, legislative, or educational. Depending on what you study or research, the choices are basically unlimited! Therefore, let your inspiration run free, and ensure that you have at least one statement or argument that poses the ground for persuasion. Choose a certain idea, take a note about your take, and make it clear as you choose a competitive persuasive topic. 

    How to Compose an Excellent Persuasive Speech? 

    Regardless of what persuasive essay topics you may choose, specific structure rules will help you to achieve success and avoid confusion as you shape your ideas and make your speech inspiring and clear. Here are the main points to consider: 

    1. Choose a topic that inspires you and reflects your research objectives. 
    2. Narrow things down and do your best to define the goal of your speech. 
    3. Study your target audience and check whether your persuasive speech addresses their concerns. 
    4. Continue with the thesis statement representing your opinion or a certain notion. 
    5. Create an outline for your speech with the hook sentence in the introduction. 
    6. Provide facts from both sides of the debate. 
    7. Include at least three pieces of evidence for your writing. 
    8. Make a call to action in conclusion and repeat the main points. 
    9. Edit your speech for repetitions and grammar mistakes. 
    10. Proofread your speech aloud and check the readability factor twice. 

    List of Persuasive Speech Topics 

    Below is the list of 130 competitive persuasive speech essay topics you can use for brainstorming purposes as a speaker. Play with the wording of these persuasive speech examples, narrow things down, and choose the category that looks most suitable. 

    Persuasive Speech Topics for College

    Here are some persuasive speech topics college style that you will find helpful: 

    1. College education should be made free or funded based on academic merits. 
    2. The problems of college debt are artificial and can be resolved. 
    3. The secret to college popularity: why fashion still matters in 2023? 
    4. The colleges represent the best ground for social movements. 
    5. Social media use among college students can benefit their studies. 
    6. College safety should be increased, and the parties must have stricter control. 
    7. American colleges are better than most European institutions regarding career chances. 
    8. Hybrid form of learning is the future of college education. 
    9. College bullying and the reasons why the cases of harassment are rarely reported. 
    10. The best ways to overcome college depression and anxiety. 

    Persuasive Speech About Art, Media, and Culture

    Dealing with persuasive speech ideas, consider the field of art, media, and culture as one of the branches of science worth exploring. Here are some starting points worth checking: 

    1. Modern metal music has roots in the blues and classical music creations. 
    2. The older generation sometimes pays attention to the music we like. 
    3. Why do college bands remain popular? 
    4. The use of art exhibitions in colleges should be obligatory. 
    5. The cultural aspect of baseball popularity’s decline in the United States. 
    6. The wrong perception of wearing a hoodie: the cultural factor and misconceptions. 
    7. The use of social media helps to keep people alert to environmental issues. 
    8. Instagram influencers should not be considered journalists. 
    9. Video game culture should be considered a separate cultural trend. 
    10. Neuroscience and using artificial intelligence to write music will eliminate creativity. 

    Persuasive Speech About the Economy and Work

    Now, if you are majoring in Business Management, studying the Economy, or working in the Financial sector, the following persuasive speech ideas will be quite helpful in keeping you inspired as you overcome initial confusion: 

    1. The concept of third-world countries is outdated and must be eliminated. 
    2. Cryptocurrencies are damaging to the American economy. 
    3. The phenomenon of economic wonder in Iceland is only possible because of the limited population. 
    4. Economic education must be an obligatory part of each academic curriculum. 
    5. Economic disparity in Afghanistan is caused by the current gender policies. 
    6. Workflow issues can be eliminated with the help of LMS platforms. 
    7. The challenges of employment in the United States during the pandemic could have been eliminated. 
    8. Most social campaigns these days are driven by the funds provided. 
    9. There is a man in the middle in every economic executive plan in business. 
    10. What are the pros and cons of digital accounting systems, or why are pros speaking against them?

    Persuasive Speech About Education

    The problems encountered in education always remain a subject of heated debates as education poses a serious concern not among current learners and educators and everyone out there. Check these helpful topic ideas: 

    1. ADHD is an overhyped problem and can be addressed with the help of stricter discipline. 
    2. Dealing with PTSD and military veterans can be approached with the help of music education. 
    3. AI-based tools will never replace the physical teacher in the classroom. 
    4. Pandemic situation has shown us that virtual classrooms take away the sense of belonging. 
    5. Smartboards as the solution for shy primary school students. 
    6. The reasons why there is a negative bias concerning community colleges. 
    7. Why should you choose a Christian college for your education? 
    8. Handwriting is still an important skill that should not be ignored. 
    9. The pros and cons of the Waldorf schools education system. 
    10. Augmented Reality is a dangerous concept for middle schools. 
    11. The benefits of gamification in the development of cognitive skills. 
    12. The mechanisms that should be used for reporting teacher-student abuse. 
    13. The problem of gun control in the classrooms: do teachers have a right to carry a gun? 
    14. The racial prejudice in the business management schools in the USA: why it's still a problem.
    15. Colleges in the United States should offer free mental coaching sessions. 
    16. The reasons why every student should consider becoming an app developer. 
    17. The subjects that should be added to a modern college education. 
    18. The practice of exchange students leads to a lack of adjustability in the native country. 
    19. Females represent better specialists in the cyber security field. 
    20. The phenomenon of college athletes: why should they be treated just like anyone else? 

    Mental Health Persuasive Speech Topics

    Dealing with mental health subjects is quite complex. If you are majoring in Healthcare and Psychology, you must remember to be respectful and sensitive as you make your choice and portray a viewpoint

    1. Why is depression often overlooked as a serious mental health problem? 
    2. Social media addiction leads to negative body image issues and wrong perceptions. 
    3. The phenomenon of bloggers creates a false impression of instant success. 
    4. Childhood abuse recovery: why do the survivors often keep silent?
    5. Schools and colleges in the United States must introduce strict mental health screening. 
    6. The negative effect of violent media games on children. 
    7. British medical ethics versus American perception of mental health. 
    8. LGBT movement and dealing with mental health issues is a unique concept worth exploring. 
    9. YouTube mental health courses as a free alternative to commercial offerings. 
    10. Armed conflicts lead to prolonged mental health issues in the future. 

    Business Persuasive Speech Topics

    Business marketing and business management also represent a popular field of science for composing an excellent persuasive speech essay. Just take a look at these example ideas

    1. Why is starting a business as a college student worth it in 2023? 
    2. Digital marketing is always the problem of brand loyalty and switching. 
    3. Social media and website localization: why should modern businesses implement the practice? 
    4. Doing business in China: what are the cultural points worth considering? 
    5. Why joining a free business course online will make you a better learner. 
    6. The business aspect of the Black Lives Matter social movement. 
    7. The male vs. female perception of a successful business in the IT sector. 
    8. The use of virtual reality tools to study the target market: a fashion case study. 
    9. British versus American understanding of corporate ethics. 
    10. Politics have no place in the retail business. 

    Medical Persuasive Speech Topics

    The medical and nursing students will find these persuasive speech ideas quite helpful and interesting

    1. The problems of the NHS system in the United Kingdom.  
    2. The pros and cons of the ObamaCare healthcare campaign. 
    3. What are the best methods to overcome professional burnout for nursing personnel? 
    4. The most common challenges of the ER nursing department: ethics vs. personal safety. 
    5. The readiness for the future risks: analysis of the pandemic threats. 
    6. Covid-19 has helped to make our world a safer place. 
    7. Why should medical volunteering be developed in 2023?
    8. Technology is not always helpful if it's not accessible in remote areas. 
    9. Dealing with religious beliefs when offering medical help. 
    10. The limitations when reporting suspected abuse: why the changes must be introduced? 

    Scientific Persuasive Speech Topics

    In case you want to choose something complex and scientific, these ten persuasive speech topic offerings will help to keep you inspired: 

    1. Augmented Reality tools usage will help people with learning disabilities learn. 
    2. The link between the vaccination risks and the cases of autism among children. 
    3. The psychological aspect of using painkillers and the damage to the person's system. 
    4. Exploration of nuclear Physics remains useless for most people today. 
    5. The negative side of the Green Energy transformation. 
    6. Politics should have no place in the scientific community. 
    7. An ethical aspect of genetically modified foods is ignored because of the lower costs. 
    8. The scientific benefits of uniting physically challenged students with healthy learners. 
    9. The positive effect of blues music on the human brain: the cardio wave effect. 
    10. Social media changes how communication takes things to another level. 

    Sports Persuasive Speech Topics

    If you are a college athlete or majoring in the field of Sports Coaching and Recreational Medicine, you should consider checking these ten persuasive speech subjects that we have chosen for you: 

    1. The best ways to manage stress when you become enrolled as a college athlete. 
    2. Playing sports in college helps to eliminate depression and anxiety risks. 
    3. College sports must be an obligatory part of the curriculum without grading. 
    4. The history of college basketball in the United States helped to shape numerous subcultures. 
    5. The social aspect of sports and communication among middle school and primary school learners. 
    6. The use of sports to challenge substance abuse in the workplace. 
    7. Why does politics have no place in sports, and why should athletes be allowed to compete? 
    8. Tennis represents one of the best sports to help people maintain cardiovascular health. 
    9. Why should playing golf be made more accessible for people with low income? 
    10. Playing sports in college helps to address weight gain issues and improve a person's mood.

    Family Persuasive Speech Topics

    You can also approach the subject of family relations or talk about the values important to you. Check out these ten ideas below: 

    1. The values of the methodist church in the United States and their perception of family.  
    2. Stay Together For The Kids tour or how alternative rock bands contribute to family values. 
    3. The perception of family times during the Victorian Era. 
    4. Why is social media changing how children perceive their parents and grandparents? 
    5. Resolution of family conflicts can be resolved with the help of mediation techniques. 
    6. The psychology of domestic abuse in the Middle East: why are cultural points not likely to change? 
    7. The practice of boarding schools in the United Kingdom and overcoming homesickness. 
    8. The challenges of becoming independent when leaving home for college are overrated. 
    9. Family problems or growing up in a broken home should not be considered a reason for stigmatization. 
    10. The American Dream concept is still relevant for the majority of American families.

    Persuasive Speech About Politics and Society

    Dealing with politics and society may sound easy, yet it often asks you to narrow things down and provide data from both sides of the debate to keep your position clear. See how it's done in the ten political persuasive speech ideas below: 

    1. The concept of the Cold War is more relevant for our times than ever. 
    2. Celebrities should not become involved in political campaigns and stay true to the art.
    3. Most American television networks are run by private funds and offer biased information. 
    4. The phenomenon of West-Coast and East-Coast politics in the United States is artificial. 
    5. Politics and church should not mix, and why religion should not become a part of the conflict.
    6. Racial prejudice in the United States is rooted in wrong politics. 
    7. The cultural perception of Canada by an average American is often incorrect. 
    8. Marijuana use should be banned as a society cannot control it adequately. 
    9. School students should be allowed to vote, starting at 13 years old. 
    10. The use of political agendas in colleges should be banned.

    Government Persuasive Speech Topics

    Now, some students will seek something related to governmental studies or legislation as a way to create their persuasive speech essays. As a way to help you out, here are the subjects for speeches you can start with: 

    1. The U.S. government should raise the age limit for the use of alcohol and tobacco. 
    2. The controversies related to the military budget of the United States should be turned into a public discussion. 
    3. The concept of political immunity and diplomacy should be eliminated as it takes responsibility away. 
    4. The government should decrease immigration to the United States. 
    5. Politicians should have an obligatory education related to Law and Political Sciences. 
    6. Famous media personalities should approach the external politics of the United States. 
    7. Governmental support and the problem of cheating with college scholarships. 
    8. The problem of racial prejudice could be eliminated with the help of a different political agenda. 
    9. The concept of luxury taxing should not be obligatory for celebrities if they participate in charity campaigns. 
    10. The reasons why children should learn Political Science and government structure in school.

    Discover Thousands of Free Essay Samples! 

    Getting your persuasive speech done can be quite challenging, so we have created a list of new topics you may consider. Still, you should see the actual essay examples, which we are happy to offer! Depending on the subject you would like to explore in greater depth for your persuasive speech (or any other purpose!), you can always refer to our free database, where you can find amazing essays and topics.

    Our website offers thousands of topics that keywords or subjects can check. These represent essays you can use for inspirational purposes as you compose your persuasive speech. If you are unsure about something, you can always get in touch with our team, and we shall happily direct you toward something that fits your academic objectives.

    Read your grading rubric twice, or hit us up with your questions! You must be inspired by what you choose because it is the only way to persuade others. Make sure to clarify your point and convince your target audience that your thoughts and ideas are worth checking and following!