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Table of content
What is an AI Prompt?
How to Write AI Prompts?
🏫 30 Good AI Prompts Examples for Education
Best AI Prompt Examples for an Essay
Best AI Prompt Examples for a Research Paper
Additional Education-Related AI Prompts Examples
🖼️ AI Prompt Examples for Art & Images
AI Art Prompt Tips
AI Art Prompt Ideas and Examples
AI Image Prompts
✏️ Best AI Prompt Examples for Writing
😄 Best AI Prompt Examples for Fun
🌿 Best AI Prompt Examples for Healthcare & Wellbeing
How to Use These AI Prompt Examples
Conclusion: Importance of AI Prompt Examples
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165 AI Prompt Examples for Students to Use in 2024

ai prompt examples

In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become increasingly significant in various fields, including education. One of the key applications of AI in education is through the use of AI prompts. These prompts can help students generate ideas, write essays, create art, and solve problems more efficiently. This article provides 100 AI prompt examples that students can use in 2024 to enhance their learning and creativity.

What is an AI Prompt?

An AI prompt is a set of instructions or a question designed to elicit a response from an AI system. In essence, it is a way to communicate with AI, guiding it to generate specific types of content. AI prompts are crucial in applications such as AI writing assistants, AI art generators, and more. For instance, an AI prompt writer can craft precise and effective prompts that help students and professionals achieve their desired outcomes with AI tools.

AI prompts examples can vary widely, from simple queries like "Write a summary of this article" to more complex instructions such as "Generate a creative story about a futuristic world where AI governs society." The versatility of AI prompts makes them an invaluable resource across various fields, including education, art, and research.

Importance of AI Prompts in AI Applications

AI prompts are essential because they shape the output of the AI. Well-crafted prompts can lead to insightful essays, creative art pieces, and accurate problem-solving, making them invaluable tools for students. For example, a prompt AI system can use specific instructions to produce high-quality academic content, aiding students in their studies. By understanding how to create effective AI prompts, users can maximize the potential of AI technologies, ensuring that the responses generated are relevant, accurate, and useful. Whether for academic, creative, or practical applications, the right AI prompts can significantly enhance the capabilities of AI systems.

How to Write AI Prompts?

Crafting effective AI prompts is an essential skill for leveraging the full potential of AI technologies. Knowing how to write AI prompts correctly can significantly enhance the quality of the output generated by AI systems, making them invaluable for educational, creative, and professional applications. Below are detailed tips, common pitfalls to avoid, and useful tools for writing effective AI prompts.

Tips and Techniques for Writing Effective AI Prompts

To ensure that AI systems generate the desired content, it is crucial to follow some key techniques. Here are several practical tips for crafting effective AI prompts:

  • Be Specific: Clearly state what you want the AI to generate. Specificity helps the AI understand and deliver precise responses, improving the overall quality of the output.
  • Provide Context: Give the AI enough background information to understand the task. Contextual information can guide the AI to produce more accurate and relevant content.
  • Use Clear Language: Avoid ambiguity to ensure accurate results. Clear and straightforward language prevents misinterpretation and ensures the AI comprehends the instructions fully.
  • Experiment and Iterate: Test different prompts to see what works best. Iteration allows you to refine your prompts for optimal results.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

While writing AI prompts, certain common mistakes can hinder the effectiveness of the AI's output. Being aware of these pitfalls can help in crafting better prompts:

  • Vagueness: Unclear prompts can lead to irrelevant or incomplete responses. Ensure your instructions are detailed and specific.
  • Overloading: Too much information can confuse the AI. Simplify and focus your prompts to keep them effective.
  • Lack of Structure: Disorganized prompts can result in disjointed outputs. Maintain a clear structure in your prompts for cohesive responses.

Tools and Resources for AI Prompt Writing

Several tools and resources can assist in writing high-quality AI prompts. These tools provide templates, suggestions, and platforms to experiment with prompts:

  • GPT-3 Playground: Experiment with different prompts and see instant results. This tool allows you to interact with AI directly and refine your prompts.
  • AI Writing Assistants: Tools like Essay Writer, Jasper, and offer templates and suggestions for prompt writing. These assistants can help you create effective prompts with ease.

Explanation of Terms

Understanding key terms related to AI prompts can enhance your ability to write them effectively:

  • AI Writing Prompt: A prompt designed to generate written content. These prompts guide AI systems to produce text-based responses.
  • AI Prompt Writer: A tool or person specializing in crafting AI prompts. Skilled AI prompt writers can create precise and effective prompts for various applications.
  • Prompt AI: The practice of creating prompts for AI systems. This involves understanding how to design prompts that elicit specific and useful outputs from AI technologies.

🏫 30 Good AI Prompts Examples for Education

Using AI prompts can significantly aid in various educational tasks. Below are detailed examples of AI prompts that students can use for different types of assignments, from essays to research papers, and more.

Best AI Prompt Examples for an Essay

AI prompts can be incredibly helpful in generating well-structured essays on a variety of topics. Here are some examples:

  1. Argumentative Essay: "Discuss the impact of climate change on global agriculture and propose potential solutions."
  2. Descriptive Essay: "Describe a day in the life of a medieval blacksmith."
  3. Narrative Essay: "Write a story about a young explorer discovering a hidden island."
  4. Expository Essay: "Explain the process of photosynthesis and its importance to plant life."
  5. Compare and Contrast Essay: "Compare the educational systems of the United States and Finland."
  6. Cause and Effect Essay: "Analyze the causes and effects of urbanization in developing countries."
  7. Persuasive Essay: "Argue whether or not college education should be free for all students."
  8. Reflective Essay: "Reflect on a personal experience that significantly changed your perspective on life."
  9. Definition Essay: "Define the concept of 'freedom' and discuss its implications in modern society."
  10. Process Essay: "Describe the steps involved in preparing for a marathon."

Best AI Prompt Examples for a Research Paper

When it comes to research papers, AI prompts can guide students in structuring their work and ensuring comprehensive coverage of their topics:

  1. Literature Review: "Summarize recent research on renewable energy sources and their effectiveness."
  2. Methodology: "Outline a research methodology for studying the effects of social media on mental health."
  3. Introduction: "Introduce the topic of cyber security and its importance in the digital age."
  4. Abstract: "Write an abstract for a study on the impact of remote learning on student performance."
  5. Discussion: "Discuss the implications of genetic engineering in modern medicine."
  6. Conclusion: "Conclude a research paper on the benefits and risks of artificial intelligence."
  7. Data Analysis: "Analyze data from a survey on consumer preferences for electric vehicles."
  8. Case Study: "Write a case study on the economic impact of tourism in small island nations."
  9. Research Questions: "Formulate three research questions for a study on climate change adaptation strategies."
  10. Hypothesis: "Develop a hypothesis for a research project on the relationship between diet and mental health."

Additional Education-Related AI Prompts Examples

AI prompts can also assist in other educational activities, such as summarizing articles, solving math problems, learning languages, and conducting science projects:

  1. AI Prompt for Summarizing Articles: "Summarize the main points of the article on quantum computing advancements in 300 words."
  2. AI Prompt for Solving Math Problems: "Solve the quadratic equation x^2 - 4x + 4 = 0 step-by-step."
  3. AI Prompt for Language Learning: "Create a list of 10 sentences using the past perfect tense in Spanish."
  4. AI Prompt for Science Projects: "Generate a hypothesis for an experiment on plant growth under different light conditions."
  5. AI Prompt for History Assignments: "Outline the key events leading up to the American Revolution."
  6. AI Prompt for Geography Projects: "Describe the climatic conditions of the Sahara Desert and their impact on local wildlife."
  7. AI Prompt for Economics Studies: "Analyze the effects of inflation on household savings and spending."
  8. AI Prompt for Literature Analysis: "Discuss the themes of love and revenge in Shakespeare's 'Hamlet'."
  9. AI Prompt for Computer Science Projects: "Propose a simple algorithm for sorting a list of numbers."
  10. AI Prompt for Social Studies: "Examine the social and cultural impacts of globalization on indigenous communities."

These AI prompt examples demonstrate how versatile and useful AI can be in enhancing educational outcomes, guiding students through various types of assignments, and promoting deeper understanding and creativity.

🖼️ AI Prompt Examples for Art & Images

AI Art Prompt Tips

Creating effective AI art prompts requires a blend of creativity and clarity. To inspire captivating art, it’s essential to use descriptive language and vivid imagery. Be specific about the elements you want to include, such as colors, themes, and styles. Incorporating emotions and moods can also guide the AI to produce more expressive and unique pieces. For instance, describing the scene as "a serene sunset over a tranquil lake" provides clear visual guidance. Remember, the more detailed and imaginative your prompts, the better the AI will capture your artistic vision. Utilize these ai art prompt tips to enhance your AI-generated art.

AI Art Prompt Ideas and Examples

AI art prompts can spark incredible creativity. Here are 20 prompt ideas and examples to help you generate stunning AI art pieces:

  1. Fantasy Landscape: "A misty forest with ancient, towering trees and glowing mushrooms."
  2. Abstract Art: "A vibrant composition of swirling colors representing chaos and order."
  3. Historical Scene: "A bustling medieval marketplace at dawn."
  4. Futuristic City: "A high-tech metropolis with flying cars and neon lights."
  5. Surreal Portrait: "A person with a galaxy swirling inside their eyes."
  6. Nature's Beauty: "A serene beach at sunset with gentle waves and a distant island."
  7. Animal Kingdom: "A majestic lion resting on a rock under a starry night sky."
  8. Dreamscape: "A floating island with cascading waterfalls and floating lanterns."
  9. Mythical Creature: "A dragon soaring above a mountain range with fire blazing from its mouth."
  10. Sci-Fi Setting: "An alien planet with bioluminescent plants and strange rock formations."
  11. Mystical Forest: "A hidden grove illuminated by bioluminescent plants and mythical creatures."
  12. Urban Jungle: "A city overtaken by nature, with vines and trees growing through skyscrapers."
  13. Seasonal Scene: "A cozy cabin in the woods during a snowy winter night."
  14. Art Nouveau Style: "An elegant woman in a flowing dress surrounded by intricate floral patterns."
  15. Cosmic Art: "A breathtaking view of a nebula with vibrant colors and swirling gases."
  16. Underwater World: "A coral reef teeming with colorful fish and marine life."
  17. Historical Figure: "A regal portrait of an ancient Egyptian pharaoh."
  18. Fantasy Character: "A warrior elf with intricate armor standing in an enchanted forest."
  19. Epic Battle: "A clash between knights and dragons in a mystical realm."
  20. Peaceful Scene: "A tranquil Japanese garden with cherry blossoms in full bloom."

AI Image Prompts

AI image prompts guide the AI to generate specific types of images. Here are 20 AI image prompts to inspire your creativity:

  1. Portraits: "A detailed portrait of a Renaissance artist in their workshop."
  2. Landscapes: "A snowy mountain peak under a starry night sky."
  3. Abstract Patterns: "Geometric shapes in contrasting colors forming a dynamic composition."
  4. Historical Events: "The signing of the Declaration of Independence."
  5. Sci-Fi Elements: "A spacecraft landing on a distant planet with alien flora."
  6. Fantasy Worlds: "A castle floating in the clouds with a rainbow arcing overhead."
  7. Modern Art: "An urban graffiti wall with vibrant, expressive colors."
  8. Botanical Illustrations: "Detailed drawings of exotic plants and flowers."
  9. Ocean Scenes: "Waves crashing against a rocky shore at sunset."
  10. Nightscapes: "A city skyline illuminated by the lights of skyscrapers."
  11. Animal Portraits: "A regal eagle soaring high above the mountains."
  12. Cultural Festivals: "A lively street parade during a cultural festival."
  13. Architectural Marvels: "A futuristic building with sleek, curved lines."
  14. Mythological Beasts: "A phoenix rising from its ashes in a burst of flames."
  15. Vintage Aesthetics: "A sepia-toned photograph of a 1920s jazz band."
  16. Weather Phenomena: "A dramatic thunderstorm with lightning striking across the sky."
  17. Urban Vibes: "A bustling city street filled with people and vibrant shops."
  18. Peaceful Villages: "A quaint village nestled in the rolling hills of the countryside."
  19. Festive Celebrations: "A colorful carnival with balloons, confetti, and smiling faces."
  20. Artistic Collages: "A collage of vintage postcards and modern graphic elements."

These ai prompts examples demonstrate the breadth of possibilities when using AI to generate images and art. By experimenting with these prompts, you can discover new ways to enhance your creativity and produce stunning visual content.

✏️ Best AI Prompt Examples for Writing

Writing prompts are a fantastic way to spark creativity and guide your writing process. Here are some of the best AI prompt examples for various writing tasks, along with tips for generating creative and engaging writing prompts.

Examples for Various Writing Tasks


  • "Write a short story about a time traveler who discovers a hidden civilization."
  • "Describe a mystery adventure set in an abandoned amusement park."
  • "Craft a tale about a young detective solving their first big case."
  • "Narrate a story about an astronaut's journey to a newly discovered planet."
  • "Write about a family secret that changes everything for the protagonist."


  • "Compose a poem about the changing seasons and the passage of time."
  • "Write a haiku reflecting on the beauty of a rainy day."
  • "Create a sonnet that explores the theme of unrequited love."
  • "Generate a free-verse poem inspired by the ocean's waves."
  • "Craft a limerick about a whimsical character from a fairy tale."


  • "Create a dialogue between two characters debating the ethics of artificial intelligence."
  • "Write a script for a short film about a day in the life of a superhero."
  • "Generate a conversation between an inventor and their skeptical friend."
  • "Script a scene where two old friends reunite after many years apart."
  • "Compose a dialogue set in a futuristic world where humans and robots coexist."

Tips for Generating Creative and Engaging Writing Prompts

To make the most of AI writing prompts, here are five essential tips to ensure they are creative and engaging:

  1. Incorporate Conflict: Conflict drives narratives and keeps readers engaged. Introducing a challenging situation or problem for the characters to resolve can add depth and interest to your writing.
  2. Use Unique Settings: Unique settings provide a fresh backdrop for your story, allowing for imaginative scenarios and new perspectives. Consider places and times that aren't typical for your genre.
  3. Develop Complex Characters: Multi-dimensional characters with detailed backgrounds and motivations enrich your story. Think about their fears, desires, and secrets to add layers to your narrative.
  4. Explore Different Perspectives: Writing from unique perspectives can offer new insights and create intriguing narratives. Experiment with perspectives that challenge conventional viewpoints.
  5. Incorporate Themes and Symbols: Themes and symbols add depth to your writing, providing readers with a richer experience. Consider what larger ideas you want your story or poem to convey and weave these elements throughout your work.

These examples and tips are designed to help you harness the power of AI to enhance your writing process. By using specific, imaginative, and detailed prompts, you can unlock new levels of creativity and productivity in your writing endeavors.

😄 Best AI Prompt Examples for Fun

Introducing fun and creative AI prompts can enhance leisure activities, making them more engaging and stimulating. Here are some of the best AI prompt examples for various fun and entertaining tasks.


  • "Generate a list of riddles that challenge logical thinking."
  • "Create a riddle involving a mythical creature and its magical powers."
  • "Compose a series of holiday-themed riddles."
  • "Write a riddle that uses wordplay and puns."
  • "Develop a riddle based on a famous historical figure."
  • "Generate a riddle involving a common household item."
  • "Create a riddle that requires lateral thinking to solve."
  • "Write a riddle set in an enchanted forest."
  • "Develop a riddle about a mysterious object found in space."
  • "Compose a riddle that features a famous landmark."

Creative Activities:

  • "Create prompts for a drawing challenge inspired by mythical creatures."
  • "Design a weekly art challenge focusing on different themes each day."
  • "Generate prompts for a creative writing marathon."
  • "Suggest a theme for a DIY craft project using recyclable materials."
  • "Create a list of photography prompts capturing different emotions."
  • "Design a scavenger hunt with clues based on literary references."
  • "Generate prompts for a storytelling game involving random words."
  • "Develop ideas for a themed costume party."
  • "Compose a set of prompts for a collaborative mural project."
  • "Suggest themes for a poetry slam event."

Story Starters:

  • "Once upon a time in a land where dragons ruled the skies..."
  • "In a small village nestled in the mountains, a secret portal to another world was discovered..."
  • "On a dark and stormy night, a knock at the door changed everything..."
  • "In the year 3025, humanity discovered they were not alone in the universe..."
  • "Deep in the enchanted forest, a hidden kingdom thrived..."
  • "In a bustling city, a young detective stumbled upon a case that defied logic..."
  • "In a world where magic is real, one young apprentice must prove their worth..."
  • "The old library held more secrets than anyone could have imagined..."
  • "On the edge of the galaxy, a lone spaceship encountered an ancient alien civilization..."
  • "In the quiet town of Willow Creek, a series of mysterious events unfolded..."

Character Creation:

  • "Describe a superhero with unconventional powers."
  • "Create a character who is a time-traveling historian."
  • "Develop a character who can communicate with animals."
  • "Invent a villain who uses music to control minds."
  • "Design a character who is a master of disguise."
  • "Create a character who is the last of their kind in a post-apocalyptic world."
  • "Develop a character who can manipulate dreams."
  • "Invent a character who has the ability to transform into different elements."
  • "Design a character who is a skilled hacker in a futuristic society."
  • "Create a character who is an undercover agent with a hidden agenda."

🌿 Best AI Prompt Examples for Healthcare & Wellbeing

AI prompts can also be beneficial for improving health and wellbeing. Here are 10 examples of AI prompts tailored to support mental and physical health:

Mindfulness Prompts:

  • "Generate a guided meditation script for stress relief."
  • "Create a prompt for a mindfulness exercise focusing on deep breathing."
  • "Develop a script for a body scan meditation to enhance relaxation."
  • "Write a gratitude meditation to start or end the day positively."
  • "Compose a visualization exercise to help manage anxiety."
  • "Generate a mindfulness prompt for focusing on the present moment."
  • "Create a meditation script for improving sleep quality."
  • "Develop a series of prompts for a walking meditation."
  • "Write a mindful eating exercise to promote healthier eating habits."
  • "Compose a meditation to cultivate self-compassion and kindness."

Fitness Planning:

  • "Create a weekly workout plan for beginners focusing on strength training."
  • "Design a 30-day fitness challenge for improving cardiovascular health."
  • "Generate a workout routine tailored for busy professionals."
  • "Develop a fitness plan for improving flexibility and balance."
  • "Create a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) program for weight loss."
  • "Design a fitness plan for building muscle mass."
  • "Generate a workout schedule for preparing for a marathon."
  • "Create a fitness routine for seniors to improve mobility."
  • "Develop a workout plan that incorporates yoga and Pilates."
  • "Generate a family-friendly exercise routine for all ages."

Meal Plans:

  • "Suggest a balanced diet plan for vegetarians aiming to increase protein intake."
  • "Create a weekly meal plan for individuals with gluten intolerance."
  • "Generate a diet plan for boosting immune system health."
  • "Develop a meal plan for athletes focusing on high-energy foods."
  • "Create a balanced diet plan for weight management."
  • "Generate a meal plan for maintaining heart health."
  • "Design a meal plan for improving digestive health."
  • "Create a vegan meal plan rich in essential nutrients."
  • "Generate a meal plan for supporting healthy skin."
  • "Develop a meal plan for individuals with diabetes to manage blood sugar levels."

Exercise Routines:

  • "Design a 30-minute daily workout for improving cardiovascular health."
  • "Create a morning exercise routine to boost energy levels."
  • "Generate an evening workout plan to promote better sleep."
  • "Develop a strength training routine that can be done at home."
  • "Create a low-impact exercise plan for individuals with joint pain."
  • "Generate a flexibility routine to improve range of motion."
  • "Design a high-intensity workout for experienced fitness enthusiasts."
  • "Create a quick 15-minute workout for busy days."
  • "Develop an exercise plan incorporating both cardio and strength training."
  • "Generate a workout routine for enhancing core stability and strength."

These AI prompts for fun and health are designed to inspire creativity, promote wellbeing, and enhance overall quality of life. By utilizing these prompts, you can explore new activities, stay engaged, and maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

How to Use These AI Prompt Examples

To effectively utilize these AI prompt examples, follow these steps. First, choose the right tool: select an AI platform that suits your needs, such as GPT-3 for text generation or DALL-E for image creation. Next, customize the prompt: tailor the provided prompts to fit your specific task or creative goal. Finally, evaluate the output: review and refine the AI-generated content to ensure it meets your quality standards.

Main tips for customizing and optimizing prompts:

  1. Iterate and Improve: Continuously refine your prompts based on the results.
  2. Seek Feedback: Use input from peers or educators to enhance the prompts' effectiveness.
  3. Experiment and Adapt: Try different approaches and variations to find what works best for your needs.

Conclusion: Importance of AI Prompt Examples

AI prompts are incredibly powerful tools that can significantly enhance the educational experience. Throughout this article, we've explored a variety of AI prompt examples that can assist students in writing essays, conducting research, creating art, solving problems, and even improving their health and wellbeing. By understanding what an AI prompt is and learning how to write effective prompts, students can unlock new levels of creativity and productivity. Сheck out our article on learning tools for more information on resources that can aid in your learning journey.

AI prompts are not just for academic purposes; they can also inspire creativity and support personal wellbeing. Embrace the possibilities and start exploring the potential of AI prompts today. By experimenting with and adapting these prompts, students can enhance their learning experiences and achieve their academic and creative goals. Whether you are looking to write a compelling essay, generate stunning art, or develop a balanced meal plan, AI prompts can be a valuable resource in your toolkit.