Afterlife Position Different religions and cultures have varying views on what happens to the soul or person beyond death. There have also been various experiments and research done to prove whether there is an afterlife, a soul, and the proof of near death experiences. While...
There are over four thousand religions present in our world, each of these belief systems offer their followers guidelines for living their best lives in accordance to the values and ethics of their faith. However along with the reward of heaven or paradise for ones...
When we delve into the realms of literature, two monumental works stand out when it comes to exploring the concept of the afterlife: Dante Alighieri’s *Inferno* and the ancient Mesopotamian epic, *The Epic of Gilgamesh*. At first glance, these texts may seem worlds apart—one steeped...
Exploring the Concepts of Heaven and Hell When we think about heaven and hell, it’s easy to drift into the realms of theology or philosophy. These concepts are deeply embedded in various cultures and religions, shaping how people perceive morality, justice, and the afterlife. But...
The question of what happens when we die has puzzled humans for ages. Different religions got their own take on what goes down with our souls after we’re gone. This piece is gonna look into those different religious views about the afterlife. We’ll check out...
Introduction The question of what happens after we die has been a topic of intrigue for centuries. Every culture and religion offers its own interpretation, yet the mystery of life after death continues to captivate the imagination of people from all walks of life. This...
Introduction The question of whether there is life after death has captivated human imagination and stirred profound philosophical, religious, and scientific debates throughout history. This essay delves into the complex and enigmatic concept of life after death, examining various cultural and religious perspectives, scientific inquiries,...
The concepts of heaven and hell have played a central role in human cultures and traditions for millennia. These notions of an afterlife, often shaped by cultural and religious beliefs, have a profound influence on how individuals perceive the world and their actions within it....
Socrates said, “For anything that men can tell, death may be the greatest good that can happen to them: but they fear it as if they knew quite well that it was the greatest of evils” (Proverbia 2017). It is true, no one knows what...
Imagine yourself as an elderly person lying in the hospital bed, moments away from death, and you think to yourself, where am I going once I die? Life is not a circle, you are born and eventually, you will die. What happens to us when...
Death has always been a profound and often avoided topic. Over the centuries, individuals from different cultures and beliefs have approached the concept of death with varying perspectives. In recent times, discussions about what lies beyond life have become more open and widely explored. Central...
Introduction Broken Dream is a complex poem that conveys ideas regarding afterlife, death, loss, power, passing of time, and a woman’s beauty. Yeats discusses the beauty of a woman who has grown old now. He features his distinctive affections for her using different images of...
The Valley of the Kings is where King Tutankhamun and over 60 other kings and pharaohs are buried, but most of the tombs were looted by grave robbers. In 1500 B.C., the Egyptian pharaohs stopped building great pyramids in which some would be buried. Instead...
In The Ransom of The Soul, Peter Brown discusses the emergence and evolution of a relationship between wealth and the afterlife in early Christianity. He presents the argument that by examining the differences between early and later Christians views, we can track the development of...
The undead is becoming or some may say has become a huge subject. Many people are interested in the undead and creating stories with interactions between them and the living. Undead interactions with the living are always going to be a huge topic. Throughout these...
At the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, there is a sizeable collection of ancient Egyptian art. There are many sculptures, statues, pieces of pottery, and paintings that capture and convey the unique, spiritual culture of the time period. One piece in particular,...
Introduction Reincarnation refers to the philosophy or a belief that after the death of an individual, there is a part of his soul or his entire life energy that gets transmuted to other body. The concept of reincarnation is prevelant amongst various major religions that...
Yoruba can refer to the ethnic group that resided in Yorubaland, a cultural region within Nigeria, Benin, and Togo, in West Africa. It can also refer to the language that many of the inhabitants speak within that region. The use of the word Yoruba in...
This essay will demonstrate one similarity and two differences between Buddhism and Islam’s belief of the concept of the afterlife/next life. For example, both belief in reaching the end of one’s life (i.e., for Muslims, one will reach either heaven or hell and for Buddhists,...
“What happens to me in death?”, and other questions pertaining to the afterlife are common in the study of religion. There have been many versions of what the afterlife entails, but no singular conclusive concept of it. This lack of consensus calls into question our...