As states develop, it is common for class structures to become more rigidly defined through wealth inequality, often codified through strict laws regarding debt and a harsh and clear distinction between the lifestyles of the wealthy and the common people. Examining the history of Sparta,...
In his oration, Pericles sheds new light on traditional Greek virtues by examining not only the accomplishments of the Athenian empire, but the particular qualities and institutions that have facilitated Athenian greatness. Pericles defies the traditional role of a funeral orator as historian of Athenian...
In Thucydides’ History of the Peloponnesian War, the conflict between Athens and Sparta is illustrated not only with direct, fact-based wartime accounts but also with dramatized orations and debates that are interwoven into the narrative. Through the resulting interplay of speech-giving and war-making, two activities...
Alexander the Great was one of the old leaders from Macedonia and by extension one of the greatest military minds in history (Burgan, 2010). He was the king of Macedonia and Persia, and during his tenure, he managed to establish the largest empire in the...
The Life and Influence of Alexander the Great Alexander the Great was educated by Aristotle and developed an influence from his father, Philip of Macedonia. Both his father and Aristotle loved Greek culture, which influenced Alexander’s later decision to spread Hellenistic culture. Alexander also slept...
Thucydides set out to narrate the history of what he believed would be a great war, one requiring both great power and great leadership. Although he measured greatness through both economic and military prowess, Thucydides dictated the history of the Peloponnesian War through a multitude...
Alexander “the Great” was known for many feats, such as conquering most of the known world and more. Through these actions, it is easy to say that Alexander certainly deserves the title “great”. Alexander, son of Philip the II of Macedon, inherited his father’s throne...
This essay is about Alexander the Great. He is said to be one of the greatest military minds in history. This essay will describe his ascension in to the throne, his upbringing, his great military mastermind, his impact on the world, and his famous battles...
In Steven Pressfield’s book Gates of Fire, a mortally wounded soldier named Xeones tells his life story to a Persian scribe under the order of King Xerxes of Persia. The story is told through a series of flashbacks, broken up by the scribe, who inserts...