Animal poaching is when an animal is killed illegally. It usually occurs when an animal possesses something that is considered valuable. This is a big issue right now especially because it is causing extinction or endangerment of a lot of animals. As of May 2019,...
Introduction The ecological footprint, a concept developed to measure an individual’s or a population’s impact on the environment, has become increasingly relevant in today’s world as concerns about climate change and resource depletion intensify. This essay embarks on a personal journey to assess and reflect...
Animals kept in zoos, aquariums, and circuses are treated poorly by humans and inevitably suffer of disease, pain, starvation, and fear so they will perform seamlessly for the public. Animals are forced by their owners to carry out pointless tricks and performances and are almost...
In this essay we are going to look at the positives and negatives of keeping animals in captivity.Now a days they are many animals attractions world wide. This ranges from large sea animals such as orcas to rabbits at a petting zoo. Zoos are seen...
Wild animals play a vital role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem. One single extinct animal species may lead to the collapse of an ecosystem, which could bring disastrous consequences on the environment. Marco Lambertini, Director General of World Wide Fund for Nature(WWF) International,...
“Elephants in the wild travel up to 50 miles every day” and hundreds of those elephants are captured and bred into captivity (Dahl 1). Keeping them would be inherently cruel, for they would have to live the rest of their lives confined pacing back and...
Introduction In a country or state, there consists of other parts which entail diversified individuals. For instance, Kenya, as a country, comprises different people who come from diverse regions, tribes, religions, and with distinct cultures. In these regions, there are individuals and families: Some who...
Introduction: U.S. citizens are dying with their planet with every breath they take. It is no secret that America has a pollution problem, but what is not widely known is that there is only a recycling rate of 35% while other countries, like Germany, have...
Animal domestication began in the ancient times. Human beings are seen to have domesticated animals like cats for companionship in ancient Egypt and livestock for agricultural purposes. This was the earliest form of animal captivity. Over the years, the form of animal has undergone drastic...
US and Canada are known as one of the areas which lead the wildlife conservation action in the world. In Canada, there is Canadian Wildlife Service (CWA). There are also some NGOs such as Wildlife Conservation Society Canada, Canadian Wildlife Federation, Nature Canada and WWF...
The battle of water conservation is very real today. The need for water has gone sky high due to the doubling size in the worldly population. Things such as pollution and water shortage have affected countries all around the world including the United States. Every...
The cognitive theory, developed by psychologist, Jean Piaget, has influenced the fields of education and psychology. Piaget discovered four periods of cognitive development: the sensorimotor stage, the preoperational stage, the concrete operations stage and the stage of formal operations. During the preoperational stage, children between...
Executive Summary Declines in biodiversity poses a serious threat to human civilization today, and will remain so far into the future. In order to maintain species populations and protect habitat for wildlife, several national and international organizations have developed reporting guidelines for conservation of species....
‘As long as men continue to slaughter their brothers the animals, war and suffering will reign on earth and they will kill each other, because he who sows pain and death will not be able to reap joy, peace or love.’ Pythagoras. Animal rights is...
Exploring the role of zoos in the modern age reveals a complex narrative where these institutions serve as sanctuaries for wildlife, contributing significantly to animal rehabilitation and conservation. Amidst debates on the ethical implications of zoos, it is crucial to delve into specific instances where...
Introduction The ethical debate surrounding the issue of whether animals should be kept in zoos has gained significant traction in recent years, spurred by a series of tragic incidents and ongoing discussions regarding animal welfare and safety. These incidents, ranging from intoxicated individuals entering animal...
Introduction As a child, I cherished the fond memories of visiting the zoo during school holidays, where I marveled at the magnificent creatures on display. However, those joyful experiences were overshadowed by a growing realization – the zoo was not just a place of wonder...
The topic of this essay, global warming, is a very controversial topic within the realm of science and politics in the modern world. Global warming is defined as an increase in the temperature within the Earth’s atmosphere due to an increase of greenhouse gases. The...
Introduction Animals have an inherent worth just like human beings and this value is completely deferent from how they might be seen as being useful to humans. Every being that has a will to live should be able to enjoy the right of freedom from...