To be a citizen of the world, this new world of invention and discovery, it is as though there is something new being created every minute of every day. We have so much knowledge at the tips of fingertips that people just 50 years ago...
Rain water is naturally acidic and while falling down, the rain dissolves the carbon dioxide and water naturally present in the atmosphere to form a weak carbonic acid with a PH of 5.6. Burning of fossil fuels and emissions from vehicles and natural sources results...
Abstract Air, water, and food are the three basic needs for the survival of mankind. Earth’s surface is enclosed with two third of the water. But the availability of quality freshwater is one of the most critical environmental issues. Pollutants are the major factor for...
Introduction Global warming has been an issue that has been debated on and off many times. Some people believe that it is a man-made problem, while others argue there is not enough evidence to support it. It is an issue that is not always consistently...
Native Americans had a significant influence on the farming practices of the early European immigrants into North America. Some of the agricultural practices, foods, and forms of land use that Native Americans used are still used today even though they have been improved to match...
According to research done by the University of Waterloo, the key to making ride sharing work is to actually enjoy the people you carpool with. A professor of management engineering at the University of waterloo, Bissan Ghaddar, wanted to get a better understanding about what...
Spending on transportation is part of what we consider to be fixed expenses in a family, whether to move to work, to study or simply because we live in areas further away from the large urban centers. In this situation, car sharing becomes an excellent...
India is undergoing rapid urbanization has contributed positively to increasing the distribution rate of vehicles. An aspirational and growing middle-class has led to a massive addition of cars to Indian roads from 6.1million in 2000 to 30.2 million in 2016, according to Ministry of Road...
Traditional Practices Followed Carpooling also referred to as car-sharing is the sharing of car journeys so that more than one person travels in a car, saves time, traffic problems, pollution and restricts only a single car to travel to the same location. By having more people...
Abstract People need energy and related services to ensure social and economic development, and prosperity and to improve health care. In trying to achieve all of these, many environmental negative consequences appear. RES (Renewable Energy Systems) are considered resources that are clean and minimize negative...
Environmental Issues
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Why should we recycle? Failing to recycle could contribute to the end of life on earth as we know it. Recycling should be compulsory in every household because this will eventually save energy, reduce global warming and protects the marine life. This is not happening...
Introduction The project proposal aims to address, give awareness, and solution to the problem of waste management in Angeles University Foundation. The researchers have observed that garbage cans are provided within the school premises yet it is not clearly labeled. This particular reason goes down...
Introduction Management of waste is a global challenge that must be significantly considered for sustainable development and the protection of biodiversity. It refers to the process that involves the inception, treatment activities, transportation, and final disposal of wastes that are generated through daily human activities....
All Animals Are Equal “… or why the ethical principle on which human equality rests requires us to extend “equal consideration” to animals too “. This principle of equal consideration of interests (ECOI) is a“moral principle” that states one should both include and every affected...
We humans should have the need to want to protect animals at all cost. We benefit from animals being protected. For example, people who have been through a lot and need support they can get a support from animals of their choice, people who are...
In 2016, the world went into a frenzy when Harambe, a 17-year-old western lowland gorilla was shot and killed when a child fell into his enclosure at the Cincinnati Zoo. Many were horrified of his unjust death, but what is the difference between killing Harambe...
Imagine growing up with a pet, one that has become your closest confidant, someone you would call your sibling. Now imagine that family member taken away to a testing facility and given a cancer cell to see if the latest treatment for cancer would work....
Many have always seen animals as vicious threats so it would not matter how humans treat them. Not many know how much they suffer every day due to the treatment they get around the world from others. Why should animals suffer and be used as...
A species is categorized as “endangered” if it has a high possibility of being extinct in the near future. It is second in severity in the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)’s conservation status system, following only those labeled “critically endangered.” Made-to-order essay as...