
The Danger of an Unhealthy Ego Strength: Analysis of "Two Worlds"

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Words: 2934 |

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15 min read

Published: May 31, 2021

Words: 2934|Pages: 6|15 min read

Published: May 31, 2021

Table of contents

  1. Abstract
  2. Introduction
  3. Freud’s Perception
  4. Metamorphosis of Superego Personality Into ID Personality
    Emotions Instability of Behavioral Changes
    Disadvantages of Anger
  5. Conclusion


This is a study of the transformation mood of people from normal personality to abnormal behavior. As we felt that there is an intertwining between the emotions and behavior of the humans. When we are peak in emotions, we won’t be conscious. We may have a chance to lose our temper and commit mistakes or misbehave. This is quite common behavior of humans. Here, we have analyzed and suggested few points convalesce in the perception of Sigmund Freud.

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About a hundred years ago, Sigmund Freud has presented the idea of ID EGO and SUPEREGO in an essay titled: Beyond the Pleasure Principle.,_ego_and_super-ego 'According to this Freudian model of the psyche, the id is the set of uncoordinated instinctual trends; the super-ego plays the critical and moralizing role; and the ego is the organized, realistic part that mediates between the desires of the id and the super-ego.' I started to keep on questioning myself how the super ego-personality metamorphoses into an id personality. For that, I tried to analyze Freud’s perception and suggested few points to overcome these issues.

Freud’s Perception

On the perception of Freud, psychology proposes that psychological forces are underlying human behavior, feelings, and emotions. Psychodynamics was originated with Sigmund Freud in the late 19th century, who suggested that psychological processes are flows of psychological energy (libido) in a complex brain. In response to the more reductionist approach of genetic, structural, and functional psychology movements, the psychodynamic perspective marks a pendulum swing back toward more holistic, systemic, and abstract concepts and their influence on the more concrete behaviors and actions. Freud’s theory of psychoanalysis assumes that much of mental life is unconscious and that past experiences, especially in early childhood, shape how a person feels and behaves throughout life.

Consciousness is the awareness of the self in space and time. It can be defined as human awareness of both internal and external stimuli. The conscious level consists of all those things we are aware of, including things that we know about ourselves and our surroundings. The preconscious consists of those things we could pay conscious attention to if we so desired, and where many memories are stored for easy retrieval. Freud saw the preconscious as those thoughts that are unconscious at the particular moment in question, but that is not repressed and are therefore available for recall and easily capable of becoming conscious (e.g., the “tip of the tongue” effect). The unconscious consists of those things that are outside of conscious awareness, including many memories, thoughts, and urges of which we are not aware. Much of what is stored in the unconscious is thought to be unpleasant or conflicting; for example, sexual impulses that are deemed “unacceptable.” While these elements are stored out of our awareness, they are nevertheless thought to influence our behavior.

Metamorphosis of Superego Personality Into ID Personality

The superego is the part of a person’s mind that acts as a self-critical conscience. There are differing opinions on exactly how a superego is formed. Sigmund Freud believed the superego formed during the emotional tumult that takes place in the toddler years, during which time a child internalizes the voices of their parent. Regardless of how and when the superego is formed, it seems universally understood that a child’s early environment has a significant impact on the nature of the superego. While supportive, present, and receptive parents are more likely to affect the formation of a mildly critical or supportive superego, aid is, more likely than not, at least partially the product of critical, harsh, or emotionally or physically absent parents.

Like an envious child who would rather destroy something that isn’t theirs, simply because they cannot have it, an id personality can make it feel like there is an internal someone or something intent on destruction. Shifting from a superego to id causes only by emotions but it is possible to overcome. Those who experience this harshness, these internal cuts, might often feel stuck in life. They may feel isolated, experience depression, self-harm, or fantasize about hurting themselves or others. This mentality can lead people to push others away and can also cause a person to feel stagnant at work or in a relationship. This led some individuals who cope with the id may also be more likely to turn toward drugs, alcohol, or other substances or use violent outbursts or sex to escape the persecutory voice within.

Emotions Instability of Behavioral Changes

Being emotionally unstable can be a sign of a greater issue within a person. Being emotionally unstable can mean a personality disorder such as borderline personality disorder. It can also be a sign of childhood trauma, depression, or anxiety disorder. The signs of an emotionally unstable person can vary. They may show signs of depression and anxiety, while also exhibiting several behaviors that can affect both themselves and the people around them. Counselling Directory adds, “They may also have intense bouts of anger, anxiety or depression that can last several hours or even days. Mood swings will vary between periods of dysphoria to periods of euphoria, and from manic self-confidence to severe anxiety and irritability.” If you know someone who you suspect may be emotionally unstable, it’s important to recognize the signs so that you’re better prepared to understand them and what they need. You’ll also be prepared to support them without allowing their behaviors to personally affect you, or to get them the help that they need to work through these behaviors. Emotion is the term used in psychology to describe short-term variations in internal mental state, including both physical responses like fear, and cognitive responses like jealousy. Research has shown that the self-constructive type gets high scores in extroversion and low scores in neuroticism. But not only that, but they also get high scores on another feature that we haven’t mentioned yet: responsibility.

This personality is not only related to higher levels of happiness but also with greater resilience: the ability to see difficulties as challenges to be overcome. Things that will make them stronger. Thus, people who are not able to cope with situations have a vulnerable or inhibited personality. This is the same as the self-destructive personality type. As you can see, personality and emotions are closely linked. Our personality greatly influences our overall health and all areas of our life

We as humans are naturally lazy and thus naturally stupid. We come with our own personalities, but it is critically important that we encourage these personalities towards a direction of more effort. That is, if you don’t exercise your brain into regions where it is uncomfortable then it will atrophy just like every other muscle that is devoid of resistance. I attempted to map emotions to the 7 deadly sins. I discovered the obvious that is you can’t divorce the notion of self from either the sins or the virtues. Haidt’s moral intuitionism relates to a person’s own beliefs of the priorities of society.

Anger is often associated with negative connotations. Yet is it not all bad. Some of the most successful people I’ve personally met have little to no reservations about unleashing their anger. The is management and how to harness the power of it. Everybody experiences a bout of anger every once in a while. And many feel embarrassed and even ashamed whenever they display it. It is important to understand that anger is not all bad. There are good elements to it as well. It’s bad enough is you tend to physically hurt people when you get angry. But the more painful part is the emotional and psychological damage you put on family and friends. It’s no fun being around people who get angry all the time over minuscule issues. Friends and colleagues start to avoid you and get too uncomfortable in your presence to be themselves. You start to strain relationships that would take a lot of time to mend, if ever. That’s just your friends. Your family has it worse. Your wife or husband is stuck with you. And the only way to cut ties should you continue with your ways is a divorce. And what about your children? Is your anger creating a conducive environment for them to grow up into responsible adults? Just try to ignore it.

This is probably why counselors and professionals treating victims of anger often don’t go about trying to eliminate anger from a sufferer. They only attempt to train him or her on managing it.

  • We can identify those people through the following behavioral changes and also should find solutions.
  • They’re more into impulsive actions,
  • They have anger issues,
  • On again, off-again relationships,
  • They have extreme reactions

If someone you know and are close to has issues with being emotionally stable, recognizing these behaviors can help you figure out what type of help they need to get them on the right track. We can bring them back to a normal life. I can only imagine that it is different for each person depending on their personality, history, and immediate circumstances.

It's going to be very different for a psychopath that removes an obstacle, or who is curious to see what a person looks like when they die, compared to an enraged lover who picks up a gun by the bed of discovered plovers, compared to a woman who has been beaten, and discovering their child has been sexually abused by their partner who has said he will hunt them down if they leave them, ends the life before it can do further harm, compared to the young man who carries a knife expecting to use it against a potential rival on the street, compared to the leader who declares an edict that one racial group should be wiped out because they are an irritant to his plans, compared to a drug addict looking for valuables but instead finding a person who he beats to a pulp out of fear and desperation, compared to a teenager who is tormented by voices that tell him he is worthless and who sees demons in faces everywhere so that he finally believes that god has sent him to vanquish the world if drmons only they aren't demons they are schoolchildren, compared to the husband who gives his wife more morphine than is absolutely necessary so that their time is cut more bearably short.

  • Guilt, anger, sickness, relief, upset, madness, victory, disappointment, emptiness.
  • I am sure such an extreme act causes an extremity and most likely a range and of emotions.
  • It's a category of crime that encompasses a huge breadth of human experience.
  • Consequently, you can't pin it down to one thing and one feeling.

Disadvantages of Anger

Self-control is key to a well-functioning life because our brain makes us easily [susceptible] to all sorts of influences. Watching a movie showing violent acts predisposes us to act violently. Even just listening to violent rhetoric makes us more inclined to be violent. Ironically, the same mirror neurons that make us empathic make us also very vulnerable to all sorts of influences. This is why control mechanisms are so important. Indeed, after many years of studies on mirror neurons and their functioning we are shifting our lab research to the study of the control mechanisms in the brain for mirror neurons. If you think about it, there must be control mechanisms for mirror neurons. Mirror neurons are cells that fire when I grab a cup of coffee (to give you an example) as well as when I see you grabbing a cup of coffee. So, how come I don't imitate you all the time? The idea is that there are systems in the brain that help us by imitating only 'internally' they dampen the activity of mirror neurons when we simply watch, so that we can still have the sort of 'inner imitation' that allows us to empathize with others, without any overt imitation.

Control of the emotions also prevents anger from poisoning the warrior. Anger is a useless emotion that only taxes energy and creates numerous vulnerabilities. The famous satirist Pietro Aretino put it best when he said, 'Angry men are blind and foolish, for reason at such time takes flight and, in her absence, wrath plunders all the riches of the intellect, while the judgment remains the prisoner of its own pride.'

Viciousness is another critical characteristic of the killer instinct. By viciousness, I mean dangerously aggressive behavior or extreme violence. Many people will consider this the most revolting aspect of the controlled killer instinct. However, if a self-defense practitioner is to prevail in combat, he must be more vicious than his adversary. His tools and techniques must be brutal, explosive, and conclusive. At the same time, his attack must be strategically calculated to maximize efficiency, effectiveness, and safety.

The killer instinct also requires a unified mind. A unified mind is free from distractions and fully focused on the enemy. Distractions are derived from two sources. The first is internal, wherein your mind wanders off or panics before or during actual combat. The second is external when your adversary attempts to verbally 'psych you out,' for example. Environmental conditions such as weather, lighting, terrain, and noise can also create external distractions. Regardless of the source, distractions must be ignored and eliminated from your consciousness.

The key issue is the balance of power between these control mechanisms that we call top-down because they are all like executives that control from the top down to the employees and bottom-up mechanisms, in the opposite direction, like mirror neurons. Whereby perception watching somebody making an action influences decisions making the same action ourselves. What happens in these individuals is that their cognitive control mechanisms are deranged. Mind you, these individuals are not out-of-control, enraged people. They just use their cognitive control mechanisms in the service of a disturbed goal. There is probably a multitude of factors at play here. The subject is exposed to influences that lead him or her to violent acts including, unfortunately, not only the violent political rhetoric but also the media coverage of similar acts, as we are doing here.

'If you have the high-risk form of the gene and you were abused early on in life, your chances of a life of crime are much higher. If you have the high-risk gene but you weren't abused, then there really wasn't much risk. So just a gene by itself, the variant doesn't really dramatically affect behavior, but under certain environmental conditions there is a big difference”. So it seems that a genetic tendency towards violence, together with an abusive childhood, is literally a killer combination - murderers are both born and made. We now have a far more sophisticated understanding of the complex interactions between the social and the biological factors that predispose people to violence. But what can we do with that knowledge?

Research is focusing on ways to reduce violent behavior and there is good evidence that teaching families who are at risk positive parenting skills are effective at improving impulse control. The hope is that now we know so much more about the causes of murderous behavior we can spot the early warning signs and intervene before it's too late.


Before going into the conclusion, we have seen all nooks and corners of the behavioral changes of humans as our point of view such as “emotions” plays a vital role in it. So, here we suggested a few practical proven remedies to trounce this issue.

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  • Art. Creating art It found to be very therapeutic.
  • Get rest. Sleeping, particularly in the early stages of depression is necessary for your mind to heal.
  • Keep a journey journal... Writing it down helps to get it out of your head and also identify when things are not as bad as you previously thought.
  • Set goals, wild crazy goals as well as achievable ‘realist’ ones. Setting a goal will make your life comfortable.
  • Exercise. As hard as it may seem, do push yourself to exercise. This should be one of your top goals.
  • Watch motivational videos and films.
  • Laugh even when you don’t want to. Even force yourself to smile for at least 30 seconds
  • Meditate. It is really good and with regular practice, you will find some peace of mind.
  • Assess Relationships. Are all your relationships healthy? Not just love relationships but also friendships? It is sometimes important to detach from people who are causing you distress as sometimes letting go is not only beneficial for you but also to the person you are letting go of.
  • Seek A Therapy. Last but not least, you really need to try different therapies alongside exercising, goal setting, sleeping well, and finding motivation.
  • Set clear boundaries about what you will and will not tolerate.
  • Wait for a time when you are both calm to talk to your loved one about the anger problem. Don’t bring it up when either of you is already angry.
  • Remove yourself from the situation if your loved one does not calm down.
  • Consider counseling or therapy if you are having a hard time standing up for yourself.
  • Put your safety first. If you feel unsafe or threatened in any way, get away from your loved one.
  • Don’t Suppress Your Anger. Express Your Emotions Constructively

We often say that peace of mind is one of the most valuable things in life. The path to peace of mind involves taking charge of one’s lifelike driving the car. Then, the life we build is felt to belong to us. We get to enjoy and feel satisfaction from our achievements, and we get to learn and grow from our failures and disappointments. These experiences nourish the mind. They help us to feel more in control which ultimately helps us feel more capable, more real, more whole, and more comfortable. Once, we started to control our emotions, “we can rule the world as we like it”.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson
This essay was reviewed by
Dr. Oliver Johnson

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The Danger of an Unhealthy Ego Strength: Analysis of “Two Worlds”. (2021, May 31). GradesFixer. Retrieved July 17, 2024, from
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