The warriors of Homer’s Iliad strive to ascertain posthumous glory, yet the majority of individuals involved in the main conflict seemingly lack personal sentience as they remain anonymous and unconscious to the power of those who exhibit individuality - those who actively rise from the...
Homer’s The Iliad is an epic poem that talks of the Trojan War. Many similarities in behaviour between the gods and people are described in this epic. In Book 14 of The Iliad, “Hera Outflanks Zeus”, the book incorporates the disparity between the gods. At...
These mighty Gods are famous in pop culture today, like in movies and TV shows. But we’re going to talk about these Gods in their original views, what is now mythology. Back in the day when these Gods were “relevant” or praised, it was because...
It is commonly known that the Ancient Grecians and Romans relied on the supernatural for many things; in fact, it was really just a way of life for them. They went to Oracles to hear their futures, performed certain rituals for luck or otherwise, and...
Introduction In Hesiod’s Theogony, a chronology is presented in which multiple generations hold the position of “king of the universe.” Ouranos, his son Kronos, and his son Zeus all hold this coveted position at different times. While Ouranos and Kronos both meet an untimely end...
Introduction The human tendency to seek validation, to conform to societal expectations, and to disguise our true selves under the guise of conformity is a pervasive phenomenon. In our pursuit of acceptance, we often find ourselves donning masks that obscure our authentic identities. Malcolm Gladwell’s...
Death is something most all people have experienced. Whether it be someone you were close to, or someone you hardly knew, strange emotions evoke. Being the diverse species we are as humans and knowing that death is a part of life, everyone has contrasting views...
The Goblin is one of the classic monsters of myth. More a class of creature than a single creature itself, it draws from myths across the world. While the classic goblin is fairly easy to describe, the many sub-species of goblin make it the type...
Introduction Hospitality shows the reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers through unselfishness and goodwill. In Greek culture, hospitality is demonstrated as a great level of respect with a massive feast and days of celebration. The Greeks began using hospitality as a sign of...
Despite the idea that literary works stem across a multiplicity of genres and were composed in different time periods, they always seem to have one underlying core: a similar thematic idea or overarching moral of the story. One theme that seems to be the underlying...
W. H. Auden’s poem, ”Musée de Beaux Arts” centers around human suffering by the speaker observing the painting. Auden utilizes this work of art to show how egocentric people on the world had become. The painting “Landscape with the Fall of the Icarus” was painted...
The Iliad by the Greek poet Homer is a patriarchal epic led by fearless men with a supporting cast of female characters. In Greek society, women are either a man’s prized possession or a man’s impediment and are the symbol of masculine pride. In the...
Literary history is filled with tales of travelers. These travelers journey to lands far and wide, gaining new experiences and knowledge of cultures around the world. As much these literary travelers can tell readers about the new cultures they encounter, their stories also contain a...
Throughout history, humanity has always traveled. From prehistoric nomads to modern-day migrants and vacationers, there have always been various types of travelers who journey for different reasons. By examining ancient texts and observing the world today, it is evident that travelers of all types are...
As a species, humans have specialized in not only exaggerating the remnants of our survival instincts, but also incorporating intangible concepts into our daily lives. From calculus to gravitational time, people have been steadily implementing new discoveries in hopes of improving the human timeline. Made-to-order...
Destiny has been a constant theme for authors, poets, dramatists and playwrights since time immemorial. The idea of destiny has been incorporated in many novels and plays. Human beings have always been intrigued by the power of moira and its ability to dominate the course...
What does the myth say? The Story of Jumping Mouse is a Primal myth depicting the life of Mouse and the adventure upon which he embarks. On this journey, his spirit is transformed from Mouse, to Jumping Mouse, to Eagle through tests and deeds that...
Introduction The relationship between male and female is a key theme in the Odyssey and has been increasingly popular in recent scholarship. This essay will explore the representation of three types of relationship in Odyssey: husband and wife, goddess and mortal, and mother and son....
In book 6, in the evening, Nausicaa, the Phaeacian princess is visited by Athena in a dream and obliges her to clean her dress. Once Nausiacaa wakes up, she takes her maids and a mule-pushcart, and the maids clean her attire in the ponds by...