
Health and Yoga

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Published: Apr 11, 2019

Words: 2882|Pages: 6|15 min read

Published: Apr 11, 2019


According to Sushruta man is said to be swastha whose dosha, Dhatu, agni and mala are in the state of equilibrium along with mental, sensory and spiritual pleasantness and happiness.

Dinacharya is composed of 2 words

Dina - day time, day

Charya - regimen

Thus dinacharya is regimen that is followed daily


a. Maintenance the normal health.

b. Increased life span without any diseases.


  • Regimens done daily to maintenances normal health.
  • Maintenance of hygiene (Shoucha) and keeps the body cleans etc.
  • Desire for the intake of food, proper and easy digestion of the ingested food.
  • Prolong the life and longevity.
  • Keeps the mind calm and quiet and helps in meditation
  • Helps in increases the strength of Indriyas.
  • Helps in increase the strength of body.
  • Prevents all the diseases.

BRAHMA MUHURTA - (Getting up in the morning)

One desirous of long healthy life should get up in Brahma Muhurta. After considering the position of digestion or indigestion. (Food taken previous night)

The healthy person, should wakeup from bed in the Brahma Muhurtam i.e. around 48 to 96 minutes before the sunrise to preserve his health, after considering the condition of digestion of food taken in previous night whether properly done or not. Then he should offer prayer to lord Madusudana, so that all the Papa deeds he has indulged in are forgiven by the god.

Attending to nature’s call (like passing of Mala, Mutra etc.) in early hours is a good habit for better health and problems like Antra Kujanam, Adhmana and Udara Gouravam (heaviness of abdomen) are also relived by attending to natures call in early hours of the day immediately after awakening up from bed at Brahma Muhurtam.

USHAJALAPANA-Drinking water

Drinks eight Prasruti (768 ml) of water at the time of early sunrise shall live for a hundred years and more free from diseases and old age. Person drinks water in early morning can not suffer from Arsha, Shotha, Grahani, Jwara, Jathara vikara, Kushtha, Medoroga, Raktapitta, ear and eye disease etc.


The healthy person should get up during Brahma Muhurta to protect his life. After considering the

position of digestion or indigestion food taken in previous night. The person should next attend to

eliminating the Mala and Mutra.

Cleaning after defecation, urination etc keeps those areas clean, promotes complexion, strength, holiness, lifespan and removes poverty, unrest and evils.

Washing of hands and legs always leads cleanliness and removes tiredness, improves Sukra, eye sight and prevents the attack of negative force or infection.


One should excrete the urine and faces only after getting the urge, facing north during daytime and south during night, silently, without diverting attention on other things, having covered the body and head and should allow the excreta to pass naturally on their own and not by strain. One should not pass them at following places- unclean place, road, heaps of soil, ash, cow dung, cow shed, where movement of peoples is there nearer to city, sacrificial altar or on hill, place meant for disposal of dead bodies, under and above the trees. Also not in front of women, respectful persons, cows, sun, moon, wind, fire and water.In case of fear or handicapped persons the elimination can be done according to one’s desire.


The face wash with Sheatala Jala prevents bleeding problems (Raktapitta), subsides Mukhapidika, Mukharoga, Mukhanilika and Vyanga and while washing with warm water pacifies Kapha and Vata Doshas, makes face oily or Singha by removing the Rukshata or dryness of the face.


One should clean his teeth in two times morning and night after intake of food with twinges of Arka, Vata, Khadira, Karanja and Arjuna.

Asana, Karavira, Sarja, Arimeda, Apamarga, Malati, Jati.

Which are Kashaya, Katu and Tikta in taste; twigs should of size of tip of little finger in thickness and twelve Angulas in length and straight. Its top made like a soft brush by chewing, the teeth should be cleaned without hurting or injuring the gums.

In early morning this should be used considering season, Doshas, Rasa and Veerya, as having Kashaya, Madhura, Katu, Tikta rasa. Nimba is best among Tikta Rasa, khadira among Kashaya Rasa, Madhuka among Madhura Rasa, Karaja is best among Katu Rasa.

The lower row of teeth should be brushed first. Keeping the mouth filled with water the eyes are to be splashed with water every morning with cold water in Grishma and Sarada Rutu.

Tooth powder and paste

Powder of Jejovati mixed with honey Trikatu, Triphala and Trijataka, oil, Kustha Churna and Sandhava Lavana should be used daily for cleaning teeth. Every tooth should be rubbed with soft brush and tooth powder without injuring the gums.


It removes foul smell, sliminess, Kapha and provides clarity, desire of food and cheerfulness.

Contraindication for Dantadhavana

Person suffering from indigestion, vomiting, dyspnoea, cough, fever, facial paralysis, excessive thirst, mouth ulceration, diseases of the heart, eyes, head and ears, should not make use of the tooth brush.Twigs of Slesmataka, Arishta, Bibhitaka, Dhava, Dhavnvan, Bilva, Vancula, Nirgundi, Shigru, Tilvaka, Kovidara, Sami, Pilu, Pippala, Ingudi, Gulgulu, Paribhadraka, Amlika, Mocaka, Salmali and Sana should not be used as tooth brush. So also the twigs of these trees which have sweet, sour and salt tastes, which are very dry, hallow emitting bad smell and gummy.


Tongue cleaning should be made of silver, gold or plants. It should be soft, smooth and ten finger long and able to eliminate dirt and bad taste and smell from the mouth.

Anjana (collyrium to the eyes)

Sauvirajana is good for eyes, so it should be used daily; by this eyes become beautiful and capable of seeing minute things even.

Eye is full of Tejas and high risk of troubles especially from Kapha, hence Rasajana should be used once a week, to drain Kapha. According to Charakacharya Rasajana is applied once in five or eight days at night for lacrymation of eyes.

Method of application

Ask the person to sit comfortably physician should stand in front of him, elevate the upper eye lid of the person with left thumb and apply the collyrium to the interior of lower lid, just below the cornea starting from the Kaninika, slowly moving towards Apanga. After application of collyrium the person should close his eyes and move the eye ball slowly to make uniform distribution. Eye lids are also to be moved slightly.After half an hour it should be washed with water, holding the upper lid with the thumb of left hand, the eye is to be wiped with soft cloth slowly and repeatedly. If the collyium sticking on the lid of the left eye should be wided with right thumb and on that of the right eye by the left thumb.

Contraindication for Anjana

In person who have not slept during the night, tiredness, Udavarta, crying after taking food, after washing the head, anger, fear or sorrow, during fever, headache, indigestion, suppression of natural urges, thirst, intake of Madya. Person who are exposed to fire or heat of sun, redness of eyes, blindness, excessive lacrymation, pain and swelling, cloudy or rainy weather etc.

Samyaga Anjana laxana

Clear vision, lightness, no excessive lacrymation, proper function, purity of eyes and alleviation of

diseases are to proper action of Anjana.


Sneha processed with drugs are administered through the nostrils, this is called Nasya.

The Nasya should be performed daily with Katu Tila etc. oils in case Kapha predominance, it should be done in the morning, in Pitta after noon, in Vata evenings should be preferred.

The daily practice of Nasya imparts, Sugandhita to body, Snigdhata to speech, cleans the body organs and prevents Vali, Palitya i.e. ageing and graying of hair etc.


  • Removes dirt of the nasal passage collected in night and provides cheerfulness.
  • It produces firmness of teeth and sugandha in mouth.
  • Dust or smoke not harm because of moisturing of the nasal passage.
  • Removes tiredness of physical exercise, coitus and travelling on foot
  • Used after passing urine and faces, removes heaviness of eyes.
  • Used at the end of gargle and collyrium it makes the vision clear.
  • Used after taking food, it brings purity of passages and lightness.
  • Used after vomiting it produces desire.
  • Used after food removing mucus attached to the passage.
  • Used after rising from day sleep, it eliminates the hangover and dirt and produce concentration of mind.
  • Used in evening it makes comfortable sleep and easy awakening.


Mouth is completely filled with Gandusha Dravya and kept without movement is called Gandusha.

Types - According to Vagbhata

Singdha –Vata Samana- Pitta

Ropana- Vrana Sodhana – Kapha

Drvya use for Gandusha

Gargles consisting of Sneha, milk, honey, meat juice, urine, sour gruel and also decoction and hot water are whole same according to Dosha.


The Drvaya used moves easily in mouth called as Kaval.



It should be done with concentration, sitting erect, liquid should be kept in full mouth till Dosha gets filled in mouth or before discharge from nasal passage and eyes; after that, the liquid should be spit out and another quantity of liquid taken in.


Method of practicing is same as Gandusha and only difference is that amount is less in Kavala and movements done in Kavala.


Gandusha should be done repeatedly with cold water; it removes Kapha, Trushna and Mala. Gandusha with warm water removes Kapha, Aruchi and strengthen teeth, promotes lightness in the mouth.


Person who desires good taste, cleanliness and pleasant smell of mouth, should keep in his mouth the tender leaves of Tambula (betel leaves) along with Jati, Lavanga, Karpura, Kankola and Katuka mixed with areca nut. It is very good for heart.

Chewing betel leaves is recommended after a night sleep, after a bath, after the meals and after sexual activity in the night. Chewing is said to pacify all three Doshas and cheerfulness, it cleanses the mouth removing all bad odours, it makes the mouth fragrant, more importantly it causes an extra secretion of saliva, which will increase the digestion. It is also useful after vomiting or when some organic poison has entered the stomach. It adds to conviviality in assemble of likeminded people. It is advisable 3 to 4 times per day. Excessive chewing of betel leaves causes of impairs the physique diminishes strength, injuries eye sight, dulls the complexion of the skin, looses teeth and root of hair and causes deafness. It aggravates both Vata and Pitta, excessive chewing weakness the digestive power.


One should undertake use of Dhumapana and application of Gandhamalya (garland of flower) etc. Dhumapana cures the diseases of existing above the clavicles and diseases due to Vata and Kapha do not occurs by taking Dhumapana regularly.

Dhumapana Vidhi (procedure of inhaling medicinal smoke)-

First, smoke should be inhaled from mouth and next through the nostrils, that inhaled through mouth should be let out by the mouth itself and so also that smoke inhaled by nose the smoke inhaled by mouth should be let out through the nose by doing so, smoke travelling in opposite direction destroys vision. Prayogika Dhumapana should be inhaled especially through the nose, Snaihika Dhumapana inhaled through the mouth and nose both, Virechanika should be through the nose and other Kasaghna and Vamaniya through the mouth only

Benefits of Dhumapana

Dhumapana cures heaviness and pain in head, chronic rhinitis, headache, eye and ear pain, cough, hiccup, dyspnoea, spasm in throat, weakness of teeth, discharge due to disorder of ear, nose, eyes, bad smell from nose and mouth, toothache, anorexia, spasm in jaw and back neck, inching, worms, paleness, excessive salivation, disorder of voice, tonsillitis, enlarged Uvula, alopecia (baldness)grey hairs, hairs falling sneezing excessive drowsiness, lack of function of intellect, excessive sleep etc. By this, strength of hairs skull, sense organs and voice increases.

ABHYANGA-(oil massage)

Abhyanga should be practice daily, it delays aging, cures tiredness and Vata disorders, improves vision,complexion, and nourishment to the body, long life, good sleep, good lustrous skin and strength. It should be done specially to head, ears and feet. One should massage the body with luke warm oil, according to season, in direction of body hair, oil can be used according Dosha, season and conditions. It is performed in seven positions in order. 1. Sitting 2.Supine3. Left lateral 4. Prone 5.right lateral 6. Supine 7. Sitting with leg


Udvartana mitigates Kapha, liquefies the fat, produce stability of the body parts and excellence of the skin.

Udgharshana means massage with powder of herb without oil.

Udsadana means massage with paste of herbs along with oil.

Udgharshana dilated blood vessels and enhances the Agni in skin. Utsadana enhances the complexion in women’s, gives pleasure, cleanliness, auspicious, feeling of lightness and such other beneficial qualities.

Udgharshana cures itching; eruptions and a disorder of Vata, use of Phenaka (soap nut) bring about stability and lightness to the thighs and mitigates itching, rashes, inactivity of Vata and wards off dirt and diseases. Massaging with the powder enhance the Agni of skin, dilates the veins and cures itching and rashes.


Samvahana is mild massage or gentle touch, started from foot to waist which produces pleasantness (Sukhakara Sparsha). Samvahana enhances affection sleep and virility takes away Kapha and Vata, tiredness and produces clearness of Mamsa, Rakta and Twaka. It is also acts as Sukakaraka.


The action which produces tiredness in body is Vyayama. The physical action, which enhance strength of the body, increases the digestive fire, Dosha Kshaya, when performed in the required times is called Vyayama.

Lightness of body, ability to work, stability, increase the digestion proper, depletion of excess fat, alleviated of Dosha are normalizes are the benefits of Vyayama.


Moderate walking does not cause much trouble to the body, enhances life span, intelligence, digestive power, stimulated the sense organs.


After doing massage, if one takes bath person cures the bad odour, heaviness of body, downiness, itching, impurities, anorexia and bad smell of sweat.Bathing is purifying, aphrodisiac, life promoting, destroys the fatigue, sweat, dirt, strength, compactness and Ojus at same time cures tiredness, sweat and impurities of body.

Effect of cold and hot water bath

Cold water bath cures the bleeding disorder; hot water bath excluding head enhances strength and destroys Vata and Kapha. Hot water on ‘Adhokaya’ below the neck improves body strength and hot water bath on head leads to loss of strength, hair and sight gradually.


Applying cosmetic powder, paste, oil etc. Which are fragrant on the body is auspicious, increases complexion, affection, Ojas, strength, removes sweat and bad odour, discoloration, tiredness.


Apply cosmetic powder on face gives strength to face, eye, fullness and prominence to checks and face, make face free of color patches and eruptions and increase Kanti of face like, lotus flower.


In cold season one should wear ‘Kausheya’ i.e. warm clothes, which are multi colored and red colored dresses, as there pacify Vata and Kapha Doshas. Wearing dress and ornaments which like by the person, dispels, evil, enhances vitality, best to bestow auspiciousness and increases affection (love).

Role of clean dress in life

Wearing clean cloth enhances bodily Charm, reputation, longevity and prevents inauspiciousness. It brings about pleasure, grace competence to participate in conferences and good look.

In hot season, one should wear decoction or ‘Kashaya’ colored clothes, (saffron or orange coloured), which are said to be ‘Medhya’ i.e. improves intelligence, seetala or cold and Pitta Shamana. Even in decoction color lighter one is superior.

In Varsha Kala i.e. rainy season one should wear Shukla i.e. white coloured. Which is auspicious, cold and protects from sun rays as the white cloth is neither hot nor cold.

Wearing new and neat cloths ensures fame, fulfills desire and promotes life span, money, happiness and is beneficial to skin and attracts attention of people.

One should never wear dirty and unwanted cloths as there may cause Kandu, Krimi, Glani, poverty and is inauspicious.

PADATRADHARANA (wearing of foot wear)

Regular uses of foot wear alleviating diseases of feet, promotes semen, ward off evil organism, gives pleasure and comfort in moving and is whole some for Ojus. Always walking on foot without shoes has adverse effects on health and life span and also harmful to eyes.

RATNABHARANA DHARANA (Wearing the gems and ornaments)

Wearing of gems and ornaments adds to the prosperity, auspiciousness, longevity, grace, Pusthikara, Dushta Swapna Nashaka, prevents damagers from snakes, evil spirits, etc. it is pleasant and charming it is also conducive to Ojus.

NAKHADI KARTANA - Nail, Moustaches, beards, hair cutting etc.

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Nails, moustaches/beards, hairs of the head and body should be cut/ removed once in five days, this bestows beautiful appearance, stouten the body, is auspicious, gives long life, removes dirtiness and gives resplendence. Hairs inside the nose should never be pulled out by force, by doing so disorders of vision develop quickly. Hair of the head should be made tidy using a Prasadhani (comb) this is good for the hairs, removes dirt, worms and wastes. Looking into a mirror is auspicious, bestows complexion, stoutness, strength, long life, and wards off sins and inauspicious.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson
This essay was reviewed by
Dr. Oliver Johnson

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