Virtual reality’s popularity is increasing. Soon it will be used by people from all walks of life. Today, virtual reality is mainly associated with gaming and educational purposes. Moving forward we will see consumers using virtual reality with social media, shopping, and even buying a...
Over the past few years, many of you have auricularly discerned me and other professionals describe how smartphone use, and the technologically immersive culture in general, is associated with a multitude of negative outcomes. Whether it be slumber woes, incremented apprehensiveness, cyberbullying, rampant pornography exposure...
We know the web today as a definitive medium of correspondence and full of dangers if your computer is not protected. A huge number of sites are attacked each day, and the web is becoming quicker than any time in recent memory. Be that as...
All users, including superuser, have their own directories where all private data such as documents, addresses or emails are stored. The Ripper user can only change the central configuration files or system directories that carry executable files. Learn more about access permissions and how to...
Ever since childhood, I was intrigued by how computer programs worked. From how I could type this essay, to how I can control a character in a video game world and have it run so smoothly. This curiosity guided me from a young age to...
We can now notice that with a massive amount of computational power, machines can now recognize objects and translate speech in real time, with this we can say artificial intelligence is getting better and smarter. The adaptations of machines and software to learn in a...
Image segmentation is the process of partitioning a digital image into multiple segments and often used to locate objects and boundaries (lines, curves etc.). In this paper, we have proposed image segmentation techniques: Region-based, Texture-based, Edge-based. These techniques have been implemented on dental radiographs and...
Colleges and universities need to keep up with the latest techniques in communication so that when students begin their educational pursuits they are using up-to-date technology. Not all colleges and universities have the flexibility and budgets to keep current on all forms of technologies but...
Introduction The use of self-balancing robots has become quite extensive in the modern world and they form the basis of numerous applications. The main reason why this robot has gained fame is that it is fundamentally based on the ideology of the popular inverted pendulum...
Every innovation has one thing in common which is Information technology also known as IT. IT field has been acting as a revolution in the advancement of the entire world, which is involved in every field of work. every field requires the help of information...
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The student database is a resource I will be using in my classroom to meet my student’s needs and to plan for my lessons. The student database helps me with planning my lessons because it indicates what are my students learning styles, their multiple preferences,...
During and before the 1980s, there were only a handful of protocols and standards that were around and they belonged to different manufacturers who didn’t have much dialogue with each other. Though eventually computer science and technology continued to be further innovated and become more...
In this paper, I have discussed in detail about hacking. My paper consists of three main topics which are an introduction to hacking, hackers’ motivation & hackers attacking, hacking techniques. In the intro, I’ve defined and discussed the types of hackers. Under the second topic,...
The pointer is one of the functions In C programming. The primary function of the pointer is act as an address referrer of a variable. The pointer obtains the value of a variable by referring its address. The relationship between pointer and c-programming is similar...
Video games in their 60-year history have changed a lot. The first gaming machine was created in 1940, but the development of video games began in the early seventies with the first home console Odyssey and video game Pong in 1972, which has become one...
Paul Rand Paul Rand was an American director and graphic designer, popular for his logo designs in the corporate industry, including the logo of UPS, Enron, Morningstar, Inc., Westinghouse, ABC, and NeXT. He was one of the first American commercial artists to embrace and practice...
Installation of mobile apps on PC is as hectic as it is and with the presence of several Operating Systems in the industry. It is necessary for you to select the optimal solution that would save your precious time and energy. With the evolution of...
Linux is a free, open-source operating system it has been under active development since 1991, so most Linux installations suggest that you include a SWAP partition. This may appear odd to Windows users, who are used to having their entire operating system on a single...
Not since the arrival of the camera has something come along to change the style of art making’s possibilities on such a grand scale as digital art. Digital art captures an artistic work or practice that uses any form of digital technology as part of...