The Breakfast Club The movie The Breakfast Club, directed by John Hughes in 1985, shows a group of five adolescents who are going through high school. These adolescents face difficulties that place them into Saturday detention. Each high school student is from a different walk...
John Berger is a novelist, poet, art critic and painter. His essay “Ways of Seeing” is widely known by acclaimed artists and university students. When first published in 1972 after his BBC show -he shocked people with his perspective on viewing and understanding art; but...
John Berger begins his book “Ways of Seeing” by putting across the idea that words are inadequate when it comes to conveying the way we perceive the world, seeing is habit plus convention. Building upon the German philosopher, Walter Benjamins’ works, he theorizes, with the...
In “Ways of Seeing, ” art critic John Berger discusses different perspectives of how people believe and go on with life. Berger stated, “The way we see things is affected by what we know or what we believe. ” For purposes of my discussion, I’m...
John Berger wrote an article entitled Ways of Seeing . In this article of his, he imposes his opinion of works of art , what constitutes a work of art. He also talks about reproductions of art. His perception of reproductions is that they pervert...
In the 1970s there was a four part program hosted by John Berger called “Ways of seeing”. In this program Berger conveyed a fascinating viewpoint towards art. He questioned art’s value, the reason humans create it, its attitude towards the sexes, and how it allows...