Justice is not only an essential human aspiration but also a basic prerequisite for any society to function normally. Justice essay topics are very broad – some of the subtopics found in this category include: social justice, restorative and retributive justice, justice in various literature or pop culture works, justice ...Read More
Justice is not only an essential human aspiration but also a basic prerequisite for any society to function normally. Justice essay topics are very broad – some of the subtopics found in this category include: social justice, restorative and retributive justice, justice in various literature or pop culture works, justice systems in various countries, various topics in criminal justice (e.g. juvenile offending), economic justice, The Youth Criminal Justice Act, environmental justice, etc. Browse through the samples of papers listed here or search by keywords to find an essay on your topic of interest. Read one or more justice essay topics to learn more about the topic and to get some inspiration for writing your own paper.
Hook Examples for Justice Essays
Anecdotal Hook
Step into a courtroom, where the pursuit of justice unfolds before our eyes. As the gavel strikes and decisions are made, the impact of justice reverberates through society. Join me on a journey to explore the complexities and significance of justice.
Quotation Hook
""Justice delayed is justice denied."" These words, attributed to William E. Gladstone, emphasize the importance of timely and fair justice. Let's delve into the profound implications of justice in our world.
Justice and Human Rights Hook
Justice and human rights are inextricably linked. Explore how the concept of justice intersects with the protection of fundamental human rights, shaping our understanding of justice on a global scale.
Historical Perspectives on Justice Hook
Justice has evolved over centuries, often in response to historical events and societal changes. Delve into the historical context of justice, from ancient legal systems to pivotal moments in the fight for civil rights.
Justice in the Legal System Hook
Justice is a cornerstone of the legal system. Analyze the principles and mechanisms that underpin justice in legal proceedings, from the presumption of innocence to the role of juries in delivering verdicts.
Social Justice and Equity Hook
Justice extends beyond legal proceedings to issues of social justice and equity. Investigate how societies address inequality, discrimination, and the pursuit of a more just and equitable world.
Modern Challenges in Justice Hook
Justice remains a pressing concern in the modern world. Explore contemporary challenges and debates surrounding justice, including issues related to criminal justice reform, restorative justice, and access to justice.
Procedure for Compounding When a person is made aware of the contravention of the provisions of the Act by the RBI or any other statutory authority or the auditors or by any other means, she/he may file an application in the prescribed format along with...
The criminal justice system is unique in every country, but the United States and England are both based on common law so it would seem that they would have more in common than countries based on completely different systems. Still, they are both quite different...
Tort The French word ‘tort’ means ‘wrong’. The word tort is derived from the Latin word ‘tortum’ which means twisted or crooked or wrong and is in contrast to the word rectum which means straight. Tort is an act or omission which gives rise to...
Introduction William Malloy was arrested on September 11th, 1959, by the Hartford, Connecticut police at 600 Asylum Street due to a gambling raid. He was placed in jail for one year and fined $500 because he pleaded guilty to a criminal offense, pool selling. However,...
In light of recent events in the past few years, have you ever stopped and asked yourself how ethnicity and class affect the attention law enforcement gives to certain individuals? Or how does an individual’s social standing allow them to “get away with more” compared...
Murder, sexual assault, and drug possession are just a few of the heinous crimes famous people commit everyday. Celebrities do tend get away with more crimes than the average person, but the answer as to why they seem to get away with them is one...
The subject matter of the right of defence extends to the defend one’s own body and even the act gives the right of self-defence not against any unlawful act has been committed or has been attempted, the right only arises when such act is an...
Introduction The Supreme Court of Canada, seen as the guardian of the constitution was given the advantage of making broad judicial decisions after the entrenchment of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in 1982 (Kelly, 2004). The courts prior to the Charter had authority, but...
Consider the following list: justice, citizenship, law, happiness (or another goal of human existence). Which of these four is the most important foundation for a political existence, a civilized life? Defend your position by a close analysis of Herodotus and Aristotle. One potential answer is...
Introduction At the end of June, Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement from the Supreme Court, giving President Donald Trump the duty to select a nominee for the Supreme Court. The person who best fit Donald Trump’s criteria was Brett Kavanaugh. On July 9, 2018,...
Introduction Majora Carter stands out as a prominent figure in the realm of environmental justice and economic equality activism. In February 2006, she delivered an impassioned eighteen-minute speech at a TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conference in Monterey, California. Her talk, titled “Greening the Ghetto,” primarily...
“Narrative of Neglect: Texas Prisons for Men” highlights the progress and injustices in Texas Department of Corrections from its inception to 2011 (Price, & Coleman, 2011). It is nearly two centuries since the creation of the Texas prison system, however there have been 37 changes...
The play Agamemnon involves a variety of characters who introduce and contribute towards some of the major themes of the play, such as justice and revenge. While the play is dominated by Clytaemnestra and the Chorus, we are introduced to different angles in the story...
Canada’s justice system plays a critical role in ensuring Canada is a just and law-abiding society with an accessible, efficient and fair system of justice. And, to an extent, it has succeeded in doing so. systems such as the appeal process in Canada and how...
He proved to be a skilled military commander, politician, and visionary Babylonian ruler. Hammurabi considered himself to be “the King of Justice” and created a law code that consisted of 282 laws. All the laws have covered specific subjects such as slander, fraud, slavery, the...
This research will this study did not look in detail at justice subdimensions. In a recent article, Scott et al. (2009) argued that the organizational justice dimensions would differ for employees based on their managerial positions. Accordingly, this research will study in detail organizational justice...
There are five fundamental values of academic integrity. The first is honesty, which means being truthful about which thoughts are your own and which come from others, and about the procedures and outcomes of your study. Next is trust, which is formed in a structure...
The problem set is approaches to statutory interpretation by the judiciary. In theory, parliament is the supreme law-making authority in the land. However, it is up to judiciary to interpret laws and as such they can often modify a law beyond what was originally intended,...
One of the advantages of blockchain technology is the opportunity to put a digital tag onto objects and document allowing to track movements either physically or online. This feature opens huge possibilities in the joint work of blockchain and law, one of them being the...
Aeschylus’ Oresteia is undebatably one of antiquity’s greatest surviving tragedies. Driven by the universal struggles of justice versus injustice, fear versus obligation and parent versus child, the play follows one ill-fated family through the passion, hatred and destruction that, through ultimate pain and suffering, eventually...
Arbitration is considered a process of resolution of disputes between the parties taking into consideration the arbitral tribunal that is being appointed by the parties committing disputes after a party request to it. It is also considered as an alternative method for litigation of resolving...
We as a community aspire for freedom. Liberty and equality are what we all want in our respective communities, and we have fought for these for decades together. However, we are yet to achieve lete equality and justice in the world, and more specifically in...
Prompt Examples for “King Lear” Essay Themes of Power and Wealth: Explore the themes of power and wealth in Shakespeare’s “King Lear” and their impact on the characters and the overall plot. Character Analysis: Analyze the character of King Lear and his views on justice...
There are numerous ways one is able to assess the changes in man’s use of corrections from ancient Greece, to our present day. Jim Finckenauer, a professor at the Rutgers School of Criminal Justice, shared his observation for how the history of the United States...
As we rely on our judicial system more and more to protect the rights of the citizens in the United States, we must review the concepts of judicial restraint versus that of judicial activism. The concept of judicial restraint encourages judges to almost “police” themselves...
One of the major themes of Dostoevsky’s novel The Brothers Karamazov is the concept of justice, both earthly and divine. Dostoevsky investigates the differences between the two forms and examines several aspects of justice. The novel introduces several different philosophies on justice and shows what...
A child is removed by two main mechanisms these are care by court order this is when a court or a judge has issued the child to be removed from their parents and this is often done by not getting parents choose to do this...
The Government of Kenya has been implementing various Social Protection Programmes across the country to cushion Kenyan Citizens from extreme poverty. These schemes were given an impetus by the 2006 African Union meeting in Livingstone, Zambia, following which the Government of Kenya initiated a wide...
The Supreme Court will hear a petition to exclude the affluent members, or the creamy layer, of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes from the benefits of reservation. The members who earn a specified income should be subjected to a means test, a test conducted...
I believe that in today’s justice system we look as the perpetrator as being the person who physically harms another person, but in reality we have to look at Domestic violence beyond just physical violence. Many times you have instances were an individual is controlling...
Justice, in its broadest sense, is the principle that people receive that which they deserve, with the interpretation of what then constitutes "deserving" being impacted upon by numerous fields, with many differing viewpoints and perspectives, including the concepts of moral correctness based on ethics, rationality, law, religion, equity and fairness.