The novel The Jungle by Upton Sinclair narrates the life story of Jurgis and the tortures that he suffers since his arrival in Chicago with his family. Throughout the story, Sinclair describes the hardships that Jurgis and his family face in this capitalist country. Sinclair,...
Introduction In Charlotte Perkins Stetson’s The Yellow Wallpaper, conflict plays a significant role in the narrator’s worsening physical and mental condition. The author has used a diary format to give readers incredible insight into Jane’s state of mind. Stetson inserts John’s voice into his wife’s...
A creature that has been drooled over in the human world, but despised in the magical world. Over the past couple of decades, werewolves have made many grand appearances in shows and movies such as Wolfman (2010), the Howling (1981), Stephen King’s Silver Bullet (1985)...
In Clifford R. Shaw’s novel, The Jack-Roller, the autobiography of a teenage boy named Stanley, who lives in Chicago, Illinois, during the late 1920s is discussed. In the novel, Stanley vividly details the abusive home he regularly runs away from, the delinquent acts he constantly...
“Man is born free; and everywhere he is in chains” is a quote by Rousseau from his book The Social Contract. The opening lines were meant to address an individual’s freedom narrowed by the government, however, the quote is perhaps heavily famous due to its...
Caribbean literature is a confluence of African, European and Indian cultures, languages and traditions. It emerged as a product of imperialism, indentureship and oppression and documents the internal conflicts of the writers as well as other postcolonial subjects. Derek Walcott was one of the prominent...
The historical fiction account of Simón Bolívar’s last seven months, “The General in His Labyrinth” written by Gabriel García Márquez was praised by the St. Petersburg Times as “the author’s most readable book… His words are lush and readers will come away with a sense...
The Dutch Wife is a novel that touches upon the harsh realities of the Dutch and other religions during World War II while they struggle for survival against Hitler and his Nazi army. The novel focuses on the story of Marijke de Graaf as she...
In the abstract of this article, we are made to understand that the idealism of Josiah Royce is informed by the criticism of George Holmes. The free and independent selves are featured in the absolute idealism as reflected by Josiah Royce. His facts and views...
Maus, a graphic novel series written by Art Spiegelman, was published in two volumes. Volume I, My Father Bleeds History, was published in 1986 (“My Father Bleeds History” 4) while Volume II, And Here My Troubles Began, was published in 1991 (“And Here My Troubles...
“Petals of Blood ” is a novel of Kenyan literature that bears the hallmarks of Kenya and its people, the history of its long struggle and also its post-independence struggle that was harder and harder than it was before. Made-to-order essay as fast as you...
In William Golding’s Lord Of The Flies, the characters display various flaws in humanity throughout their stay on the island. They Showcase that humans carry non-evident defectual traits that are concealed/secluded until unleashed when put under certain circumstances that those traits naturally come to effect....
The man we call Pa Kay was coughing, all of us saw blood come out of his mouth, he have been trying to cover it up each time they ask how he is doing. ‘It’s nothing, I will be fine, you people should not bother...
PROLOGUE Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it Each essay is customized to cater to your unique preferences + experts online Get my essay “How dare you respond to me like that? That’s arrant nonsense!! You just need to follow my instructions or we...
I was never called a witch before until those greedy and wretched children came to my house. Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it Each essay is customized to cater to your unique preferences + experts online Get my essay I knew heaps concerning...
Abstract This essay examines the central issues presented in Nella Larsen’s novel “Passing” (1929), focusing on racial identity, gender dynamics, and social mobility in 1920s America. Through close textual analysis and historical contextualization, this study explores how Larsen’s personal experiences informed her portrayal of racial...
Throughout the novel, The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, written by Junot Diaz, sex and masculinity is the vital element in being a Dominican male. Dominican males according to Yunior, the narrator of the novel, is someone who has power and pizzazz, dominates women,...
In literature, authors set the main characters up for different challenges that they will have to overcome throughout the story. Many of these stories have similar conflicts that can be compared and contrasted to one another. Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it Each...
In both The Color Purple and A Thousand Splendid Suns it is evident that the thoughts, actions and personal growth of Celie and Mariam, protagonist of the novels are influenced by those who they surround themselves with, in addition to further factors such as the...