As a continuum that approaches the limit where we can hear Her voice independent of male discourse, A Wild Patience celebrates a new consciousness as Rich attempts to build an Amazon Utopia, a no-man’s land free from a phallocentric language structure, a female utopia fantasy...
‘The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With The Sea’ was written in 1963 by Japanese author Yukio Mishima, known as one of the most controversial yet celebrated writers of Japan. One could argue the novel has many links to Japan’s history, hinting at various aspects...
After reading the poem, When I consider How My Light Is Spent, written by John Milton, my initial reactions regarding this poem produced a sense of confusion on the point Milton was trying to get across due to the analytical elements being used. The figurative...
Many influential American poets throughout the 20th century partook in different poetry movements. Although many of these movements concerned traditional styles of poetry, there were modern movements that favored new styles of writing. Ezra Pound founded the Imagism movement. Pound rebelled against old standards of...
In the story“Johnny Tremain”,by Esther Forbes, the main character, Johnny Tremain, struggles with his arrogance and selfishness prior to the Revolutionary War. Several concepts, like pride, disillusionment, and loss, are introduced by events that the protagonist encounters such as his work as a silversmith,his crippled...
The novels, “The Leopard” by Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, and “Memed, My Hawk” by Yashar Kemal, both involve back stories of power changes, that is changes to the class systems. Yet each novel is told from a different point of view – The Leopard from...
The quest for a belonging in life is something that everyone wants to achieve. Throughout our experiences, we discover new lessons that teach us about who we are in this society and what we strive to be in this life. With all these lessons that...
The House on Mango Street History repeats itself in more ways than one and this statement reigns true for almost all aspects of life and this especially holds true with war. Over and over again we see destruction promises of repair and then many decades...
Smith and Anita and Me by Meera Syal Zadie Smiths White Teeth is about three different cultures, and three families spanning three generations. Characters include Archie Jones and Samad Iqbal, best friends who spend their teenage years together and raise families in the Cricklewood area...
Randomness and Manipulation To define information as a probability function[…]implies that randomness always already interpenetrates pattern, for probability as a concept posits a situation in which there is no a priori way to distinguish between effects extrapolated from known causes and those generated by chance...
Book Review
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May Days I liked putting these poems together because the choosing of them took me over and over the old bound volumes, and in doing that I discovered a continuity–and a severance. That is, I stepped back abruptly through the looking-glass into a literary and...
“Nolite te bastardes carborundorum…Don’t Let the bastards get you down” (Handmaid’s Tale 186-187). This Latin phrase is cherished by main character Offred throughout Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale. Before discovering the meaning of the phrase, Offred becomes fond of the carving on the floor of...
“The Boucherie” is a short story by Stephanie Soileau that was published in the StoryQuarterly. Stephanie Soileau is a lecturer at Stanford University and she has written numerous short stories, she is also a Truman Capote Fellow in the Wallace Stegner Fellowship Program. She is...
A fable is a timeless piece of wisdom presented in story form. The Panchatantra contains three fables which teach about morals, but they also offer insights into human nature. We will identify these insights contained in the Panchatantra and analyze them. Made-to-order essay as fast...
The novel, The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, crosses boundaries between truth and fantasy. Junot Díaz take the reader through a complex story narrated through many voices while supplying the reader with many facts and references, but also embedding magic and myth to the...
Northern LightsThe Golden Compass (US) Author Philip Pullman Cover artist Philip Pullman & David Scutt Country United Kingdom Language English Series His Dark Materials Genre(s) Fantasy, Steampunk Publisher Scholastic Point Publication date 1995 Media type Print (Hardback & Paperback) Pages 416 pp ISBN ISBN 0-590-66054-3...
Dr. Strangelove is a 1964 political satire of the Cold War between the united States and the Soviet Union. It mainly focuses on the fear, at that time, of nuclear war. Within the story one witnesses a rogue U.S. Air force general who calls a...
In the final chapters of Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man, the reader may encounter many different obstacles, all of which lead back to the on-going issue of race and white supremacy in the 1930s. Specifically, in chapter 20, an issue is presented that, fifty years later,...
A comparison of Ted Hughes’ Wind and Shelley’s Ode to the West Wind The notion common to both Hughes’ and Shelley’s poems is that of the wind as a tremendous, uncontrollable force, and the need to reconnect humans with the natural world. There is a...