Throughout our class lectures, our textbook, and in the article titled Governmental Accounting Standards Board’s Why Governmental Accounting and Financial Reporting Is-and Should Be-Different, we the students were given five environmental differences between governments and for-profit business enterprises. The five environmental differences as follows: organizational...
The Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, or GAAP, are the accounting principles, standards, and procedures employed by companies in recording their financial statements (“Comprehensive guide…”, 2018). This principle is used to make sure that investors keep a consistent level of financial statements when trying to figure...
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An audit opinion is a verification that accompanies financial statements based on an audit of the accountant’s opinion of the procedures and records used to provide the statements whatever of whether the financial statements have exist material misstatements. There are four types of audit opinion...
Entrepreneurship has got to be the most rewarding and riskiest of all money-making activities. Sure, you can have stability with a job, but do you earn the same amount of cash as Bill Gates does? However, you have to know that businesses require you to...
Introduction The Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) in 2004 released a 106-page accounting standard related to the impairment of assets. The AASB 136 is applicable to the annual reporting on or after 1 January 2005. The key feature of the AASB 136 is that it...
Introduction to Managerial and Financial Accounting Essentially, managerial accounting is conducted to inform an internal audience, while the financial accountant’s records focus on the needs of an external audience concerning the organization. Managerial accounting emerges as an operational tool compared to financial accounting, which serves...
Accountability is an important part of the educational system in the United States. Accountability is about assigning a responsibility to conduct activities in a certain way or to produce specific results (Hoffer, 2000). The concept applies to almost everyone involved in the educational system. Teachers...
The Accounting Cycle is a combination of processes that occurs at various periods throughout a designated time period. The time period can be weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually, based on the needs of the organization or company for which the accounting cycle is being...
Accountability is the act of knowing where something or someone is at any given moment. This is crucial in today’s professional environment for a couple of different reasons. Companies, businesses, and pretty much anything that is being used to represent a group of people or...
Accounting relies on many assumptions. Among these concepts business entity is a considerable concept. Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it Each essay is customized to cater to your unique preferences + experts online Get my essay The business entity concept which is also...
Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) is a set of principles that guides how laboratory studies are planned, performed, monitored, recorded, reported and archived. This is different from laboratory safety standards (such as appropriate clothing). GLP helps to ensure the credibility and traceability of data submitted, thereby...
Introduction According to a recent study by U.S. Bank, about 82% of small businesses fail due to poor mismanagement of cash flow (U.S. Bank, 2023). But how do you know that? Cash flow mismanagement occurs if your expenses exceed your cash. Without positive cash flow,...
Financial institutions help with the cash flow of money within the economy among customers, companies and the government (pg. 179). There are several types of financial institutions including: commercial, investment, mutual savings, credit unions, pension funds, life insurance, mutual funds, and hedge funds (c-5:8). Each...
A Non-performing asset (NPA) is a credit facility where the interest and/or installment of Bond finance principal has remained “past due” for a specified period of time. NPA is a term used by financial institutions for loans that are in jeopardy of default.. Once the...
The theory of mergers and divestitures is developed in this paper. This theory is not dependent on taxes or the acquirer having huge surpluses. The inability of short horizon projects or firms which are marginally profitable to finance themselves as independent entities due to problems...
This article explores the specific tax imposed on alcoholic beverages in Australia, highlighting its impact on both economic and public health aspects. A specific tax is levied on a particular product with a fixed amount for each unit sold, and it is proportional to the...
Basically, there is an act based on business registration. According to that act, the law governing partnerships in Sri Lanka is English law, which consists of the Partnership Act of 1890. As per the Act, a partnership is the relationship that subsists between persons carrying...
Every enterprise whether big, medium or small, needs finance to carry on its operations and to achieve its targets. In fact, finance is so indispensable today that it is rightly said to be the life blood of an enterprise. Without adequate finance, no enterprise can...
A few investigations have been directed on Dividend Policy by various researchers in various time frames. The connection of value instability and dividend yield is very noteworthy as contrast with different factors. (Asghar, Shah, Hamid and Suleman, 2011) Dividend strategy has positive impact on stock...