Sometimes we find ourselves looking back at time remembering all the highs and lows we have been through and at the end just admiring the simple life that once occurred. Chivalry does the same thing by bringing us back in time but by adding some...
Inside the story “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been” is a story that deals and revolves around the ‘demonic’ Arnold Friend who is seen to possess some signs and unpredictable behaviors that can be said to be satanic, he is seen to have...
“Dark” and “light” were originally used as a metaphor by Christians to explain how people lived in the “dark” before Jesus came to the world to add “light” into people’s lives. Petrarch, an Italian scholar, used these terms of “dark” and “light” to illustrate learning,...
While the chivalric code has rarely taken the shape of a formal code of conduct, its effects can be observed in the way medieval life was shaped from the way wars were waged to the way nobility behaved. The original meaning of the word “chivalric”...
In this essay, we take a look at how the writers of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and First Knight use chivalry and courtly love, as well as taking a look at how one can use satire to easily ridicule the story of King...
Martin Luther’s To the Christian Nobility Of the German Nation effectively questions why religious clergy are superior to the common man. In this Luther is effectively inciting the Protestant Reformation. Not only does this train of thought represent the changing western mind, but it sets...
The backbone upon which the medieval romance “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” was constructed is the code of chivalry. Chivalry, in a modern context, may bring to mind the simple practice of being courteous to women. In a medieval context, though, it is the...
Characters in the poems, Beowulf and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, all believed in most of the honorable codes of chivalry. Characters within the poem Beowulf valued bravery, strength, loyalty, and beliefs. In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight characters honored similar codes. Beowulf...
When the chivalric code was introduced wars became lass barbaric, developing an honor-based system of warfare. Chivalry is characterized as, “a period of significant metamorphosis with an emphasis on lineage allegiance to one’s lord and violence”. Chivalry is known for of having deep routes in...
The Protestant Reformation has impacted and reformed a variety of things such as science, religion, art our mentality and even reforming parts of healthcare. The Protestant Reformation has greatly impacted healthcare by increasing awareness of a new logical ideology and how it leads to the...
The Metropolitan Museum of Art is one of the world’s most prestigious art museums. It all started in 1866 in Paris, France. People from all over the world, especially Americans, wanted to begin a ‘national institution and gallery of art’ to allow people to view...
While chivalry was characterized as an ethical, religious social code of noble and courtly conduct in medieval times, it has changed over time to be something less formal but still very relevant. The origin of chivalry “derives from old French as chevalerie, which is loosely...
Introduction Edgar Allan Poe was a very mysterious man who objected to what was socially acceptable back in his time. Poe had a love for writing and not so much anything else. His work mainly centered around the literary movement known as Romanticism, having a...
Introduction The French Revolution lasted around 10 years. It was a time of turmoil, despair, bravery, patriotism and violence. While the public of all classes (except the higher wealthier classes of course) were suffering and it was quite a dampening milieu, art was still a...
The French Revolution of 1848 was the first of the revolutions happening all across Europe during the year 1848. The goal of these revolutions was to remove the old governments and create independent nations throughout Europe. The French revolution ended the July Monarchy (Louis Philippe)...
Imperialism is defined as one country’s domination of the political, economic, and social life of another country. In the late 1800s, Europeans colonized countries, traded slaves, gold, and many other various resources. One of the countries the Europeans colonized was Africa since Africa had an...
Heart of Darkness was a novella written by Joseph Conrad in 1899. This novella mainly talks about Marlow an introspective sailor, and his journey up to the Congo River to meet Kurts known as idealistic man of great abilities which he represent the European as...
Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad, a story of a sailor who travels up the Congo River in search of the ambiguous and infamous Mr. Kurtz. During his journey up the river Marlow learns of the hypocrisy of imperialism and the truth of the white...
Colonization in Nigeria and the Congo is one of the greatest atrocities committed by humankind. The system imposed by European powers, at its very own core, fomented all kind of abuses and violations, through policies that were dictated to comply with the economic demands from...