Through the use of the narrative conventions of symbolism, the key themes of keeping secrets, accepting change and the loss of innocence are presented In Larry Watson’s novella, Montana 1948. Montana 1948, written between 1992 and 1993, is a novella by American author Larry Watson,...
Though set in different times of American history, the revisionist novel Montana 1948 written by Larry Watson explores the corruption of justice and the nepotistic community of Bentrock. Similarly, the allegorical play ‘The Crucible’ set in the 1950s in the McCarthysim era depicts a society...
Edmund Burke once said, “The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse.” In today’s society, power is taken and used in manipulative ways by prominent people in the public eye. We see celebrities pay their way out of punishments all the time. Julian Hayden...
The facade of Bentrock, Montana, is the idyllic, but dull, American frontier town. Ordinary people working long hours in the fields each day to provide for their families. To strive for, and eventually live the American Dream, is the essence of what it means to...
In the novel Montana 1948, the relationship between David and his father is complex and distant, and leads us to better understand the struggles that they both face, and their development throughout the novel. Their relationship also helps the reader to understand the importance of...
After WWII, many soldiers returned home to a new world. As more and more females joined the workforce, the American identity shifted from a primarily male dominated society to an integrated society between men and women. The burdens of everyday life of females quickly expanded...