Introduction to the Cyclops Episode The Cyclops episode in Homer's "Odyssey" is one of the most iconic and thrilling segments of this ancient epic. It showcases not only Odysseus's cleverness but also the themes of human cunning, the dangers of hubris, and the interaction between...
Introduction: The Cosmic Cycle The universe is a grand stage, an endless play where creation, death, and rebirth unfold in a cosmic ballet. It’s a narrative that has captivated human minds for centuries. From ancient mythologies to modern scientific theories, our understanding of the universe’s...
Introduction: The Allure of the Divine There’s something undeniably captivating about the idea of visiting a place that is considered sacred or divine. Whether it’s a temple, a mountaintop, or an ancient ruin, these locations often hold stories and significance that stretch back through time....
The Goblin is one of the classic monsters of myth. More a class of creature than a single creature itself, it draws from myths across the world. While the classic goblin is fairly easy to describe, the many sub-species of goblin make it the type...
The eternal struggle between optimism and pessimism is never more apparent than in the comparison of the creation myths of the Yoruba and the Babylonians, The Creation of the Universe and Ife and The Enuma Elish respectively. Humanity springs forth in much the same manner...
According to Mircea Eliade, fairy tales and mythological stories are “models for human behavior [that,] by that very fact, give meaning and value to life (Bettelheim 35). This lends to the idea that fairy tales and myths, from the beginning, have been used as examples...
These mighty Gods are famous in pop culture today, like in movies and TV shows. But we’re going to talk about these Gods in their original views, what is now mythology. Back in the day when these Gods were “relevant” or praised, it was because...
Nobody would point the finger at Sisyphus for surrendering but he doesn’t. Notwithstanding the obvious aimlessness of his undertaking, Sisyphus’ strength forces meaning. Life is just as absurd, yet we get up each day and do it again in any case. What’s more, it is...
The ancient Greeks, like many ancient cultures, believed in multiple gods. The Gods had supernatural powers and strengths. Myths about these Gods helped explain things about Greek life, These myths were important because they explained why the Greeks did things in a certain way and...
Introduction In Hesiod’s Theogony, a chronology is presented in which multiple generations hold the position of “king of the universe.” Ouranos, his son Kronos, and his son Zeus all hold this coveted position at different times. While Ouranos and Kronos both meet an untimely end...
Myths are essential to the human race. The Greeks and Romans used them to explain nature, life and death. Abrahamic and Eastern religions use them to modify behavior and mollify human anxiety about what happens postmortem. In order to keep a myth alive, to retain...
Almost everyone’s heard of the myth of Hercules, but it’s told differently every time. This depends on the format, and I will be focusing on the differences between a short story and an animated film, both telling the story of Hercules, or Heracles. The film...
“Let him hurl his twin-forked lightning bolts down on my head.. let him make the wildly surging sea waves mingle with the pathways of the heavenly stars… he cannot make me die,” says Prometheus after his suffering gives him the hope to withstand Zeus (Aeschylus...
It is no secret that in most cases many of the main characters we encounter in Greek mythology share certain similarities, as well as differences to one another this idea, goes especially for Prometheus in Aeschylus’ “Prometheus Bound” and Heracles from Apollodorus’ “Heracles and Heraclids”....
Prometheus Bound serves as an allegory radiant in theme. Yet, while the symbolism employed by Aeschylus is fairly ubiquitous, and while some scholars argue that the paramount issues of Aeschylus’s play lie in both Prometheus’s services to mankind and in Io’s wanderings and future progeny,...
Abstract Hercules is viewed as the best Greek saint of all. In contrast to Theseus, who was both solid and incisive, Hercules basically is solid. Truth be said, he is the most stranded man who has ever existed. In fact, he is half-god, a son...
Aeschylus’ play Prometheus Bound centers on the struggle between Prometheus and Zeus. Prometheus is an intelligent god who is concerned with the welfare of others. Zeus is a tyrant who acts rashly according to his emotion. The two figures clash when Prometheus, a loyal friend...
Myth and magical realism has been evident in the several fiction readings we have analysed this semester. One of my favorite readings that we read and analyzed in this class this semester was The House of Asterion by Jorge Luis Borges. This literature piece retells...
There are a lot of myth about creation all around the world. Each one has different standpoints about how the world and human being were formed. However, basically all agree that there is a great lord that in a way or another create the whole...
In the play Medea by Euripides, we as readers come across a scene in which Medea herself engages in a conversation with the Chorus that suggests a male dominant society. The Chorus in Medea seems to act as the bridge between the audience and the...
What does the myth say? The Story of Jumping Mouse is a Primal myth depicting the life of Mouse and the adventure upon which he embarks. On this journey, his spirit is transformed from Mouse, to Jumping Mouse, to Eagle through tests and deeds that...
David was born in Bethlehem, the youngest son to Jesse. David’s life grows from a shepherd and then he was chosen by God to become the King. He was Israel’s second and most powerful ruler. He becomes one of King Saul’s associates after his heroic...
The story of David comes from the first book of Samuel chapter seventeen in the Old Testament of the Bible. It is about a young man named David, who is brave enough to take on this terrible giant, named Goliath. Goliath is a great Philistine...
The most complex of the Greek gods, master of intoxication, inventor of the symposium and wine, and patron of Athenian drama and music, Dionysus has fascinated artists, philosophers, and poets for thousands of years. Masks of Dionysus examines the specific social and historical contexts of...
Trickery is common in Greek mythology. Especially among Gods and Goddesses. They use their power of trickery to trick and deceive humans, to fulfill their wishes. An important figure in Greek mythology is Metis. She is the Goddess of wisdom and intelligence. Interestingly enough, Odysseus...
The Story of David and Goliath is one of most known stories from Biblical scripture. It is a true lesson of courage, faith, and overcoming what seems impossible through faith in God. “A man after God’s own heart’ was title bestowed upon David. David by...
The manner by which Aristotle opens up Nicomachean Ethics is with the saying of “Every art and every inquiry, and similarly every action and pursuit, is thought to aim at some good.” This quote addresses that regardless of what your identity is or where you...
Introduction Heracles, Greece’s greatest hero, is a demigod whose mortal life is dominated by a series of successes due to his tremendous strength and failures due to his excessive passions. While, ostensibly, his passions cause him pain and bring about misfortune, he ultimately gains eternal...
Introduction Greek mythology is one of the oldest and most significant religious traditions in world history. It is a vast collection of myths, legends, and stories that describe the lives and exploits of various gods, heroes, and other mythological creatures. Among the legendary figures of...
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