"The Stranger" by Albert Camus is a classic novel that delves into the existential themes of absurdity, alienation, and the search for meaning in an indifferent world. Through the lens of the protagonist Meursault, Camus challenges conventional notions of morality and societal norms, prompting readers...
Introduction When we consider human beings and what makes us so different from other species on the planet, we see the complexity of our language, our social structures, our high intelligence, and our emotions and ability to have personal relationships unlike any seen within other...
Introduction The Greco-Roman thought, influenced by philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates, emphasized the power of reason and logic in understanding the world and shaping individual lives. Plato’s theory of education, for instance, held that individuals should be educated to develop their rational faculties...
It is often said that we should ‘know ourselves’ in life. However it isn’t clear what sort of information this phrase is instructing us to formulate, or how to obtain it. We hear a great deal of advice that, in theory, is not always very...
Is math invented or discovered? This apparently simple question I want shortly analyse in this essay. Such a question has created a dispute between mathematiciens since mathematics existed. Some say that mathematics is totally invented, some others claim that it is mostly discovered while a...
Immanuel Kant’s moral theory essay focuses on the concept of the categorical imperative, which states that moral actions must be done for the sake of duty and not for personal gain. Here we will analyze a moral dilemma story through the perspective of Kant’s concept....
Socrates was considered the foremost philosopher in ancient times. He believed that you can really know who you are, what is good and what is bad, only with the help of philosophy, namely a specific approach to the evaluation of knowledge. The topic for this...
Social criticism is a mode of approach that expresses the malicious conditions and flaws of social structure. Social criticism interprets the text in the context of various social affairs existing in the current scenario. History, culture and tradition plays predominant role in this criticism. Though...
Why neither Marx, nor Mill, nor Neitzsche find the present condition of society to be advantageous to human flourishing? In “What is human flourishing?’ essay is stated that Marx calls this condition “alienation”, Mill calls it “conformity” and Neitzsche calls it “slave morality”. I will...
As citizens of a society, we hold the ability to question, criticise and suggest alternative methods of governing to better the society and its individuals. Thomas More used this ability of critic in the creation of his book, Utopia, which acted as a social commentary...
Thomas More’s “Utopia” is a work which fundamentally encompasses and endorses key values of Renaissance Humanists. Despite various interpretations that argue otherwise, in this essay I will contend that through his discussion of education and emphasis on persuasive rhetoric. More demonstrates his support for key...
The definition of Utopia in the Merriam Webster Internet Dictionary is as follows: it is a place of ideal perfection especially in laws, government, and social conditions; it is an impractical scheme for social improvement; also it is an imaginary and indefinitely remote place. We...
Thomas More advocates religious freedom in Utopia essentially to promote civic peace. More utilised utopian religious freedom as a model for Europe and attests to the 16th century conflictions involving Henry VII and the restricting divorce policy, which manifested to the creation of the Church...
Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud are the prominent names of psychoanalytic theory. The interpretations of dreams, conscious and unconscious, sexuality, and religion are the main concerns of Freud’s and Jung’s studies, however, they also have distinctive arguments about common topics. Contrary to Freud’s theory of...
The psychoanalytic theories place emphasis on the role that the unconscious plays in personality development. In other words, these theories suggest that much of what motivates our behavior lies outside of our awareness. While the role of the unconscious is central to all of the...
In “A New Look at the Prime Mover”, Bradshaw argues that Aristotle’s immovable, immaterial, and necessary mover is not only a final cause but also an efficient cause. He proposes to demonstrate this by applying a particular interpretation of divine thought as a key to...
Metaphysics is generally thought of to be the study or profound consideration of what is truly real and exists in life. Thought history many great thinkers have explored this concept and attempted to describe, define, and exemplify their deeply held beliefs about the realities of...
Introduction This assignment will be thinking about leadership and teamwork demonstrated throughout the 302CC module. The class was assigned a scenario-based task and asked to create an intervention to achieve service improvement. This reflection will be using Tuckman’s stages of development alongside management and leadership...
Karl Marx and Emile Durkheim are brilliant scholars that lay the foundation of their unique philosophical work in the field of sociology. While there are some beliefs that both theorists relate to one another, social solidarity is one concept they have drastic opinions on. Durkheim...