Plate Tectonics You may not realize it, but Earth’s surface is always changing. Over a hundred years ago, a man named Alfred Wegener came up with a hypothesis called continental drift. His hypothesis stated that all of the continents were once joined together into a...
Our world is an amazing thing. Scientists have worked to try to understand as much as they can about our earth, including how it changes. Plate tectonics is a relatively recent idea explaining how the surface of our earth changes. Our earth is constantly changing,...
Plate Tectonics
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Introduction So, let’s talk about plate tectonics. It’s this big idea in science that explains how Earth’s surface is always on the move. Picture Earth’s outer shell, called the lithosphere, as being broken into a bunch of plates. These plates float around on a layer...
The claim is “How does the age of the Hawaiian Islands affect the distance from the hotspot?” Scientists believe that continetal drift may have been involved. This proof of contiental drift, has several aspects that could be investigated. Scientists believe that million of years ago...
Introduction The glass house mountains are a group of large hills scattered across the sunshine coast region in Queensland Australia. The mountains received their names form the indigenous community however their shared name (the glass house mountains) was named by Lieutenant captain cook in 1770....
The theory of plate tectonics was not always accepted in the scientific community. The theory would originate from Alfred Wegener and his theory would initially be known as continental drift. It would serve as the basis for the theory of plate tectonics. The evidence that...
As the lecture began I kept in mind the topic of the lecture ”How Science Progresses” as I realized it is a helpful tool while internalizing what is being taught. This lecture continued to build on previous lectures with the nature of scientific inquiry being...
From a tectonic and structural point of view, the Montejunto area is divided in two parts by a transversal group of faults. The NE zone is limited, in the east side, by fault with an orientation NE-SW and the contact between the Meso-Cenozoic formations is...
The Earth had formed over 4.5 billion years from now and since then, we are still seeing changes. We are seeing volcanoes erupting and earthquakes shaking the earth’s surface causing massive destruction, the causes is due to plate tectonics. The plate tectonic theory is the...
The crust is one of the three main concentric layers which make up the Earth’s interior. It is a very thin layer of solid rock which forms the outermost shell of the planet that supports living organisms as well as natural surface features such as...
The continental drift is a movement of earth continents. The continental drift demonstrated how continents shift positions on the earth’s surface. It was discovered and developed in the early 20th century. The continents are combined to form a single supercontinent. In addition, the continents lay...
The Plate Tectonic theory explains the formation of Mountains because of folding, faulting, and Convergent Plate Boundaries. Folding is a fold in a layer of rock and is a type of deformation. This happens when the rock layers change shape. Faulting is when sections of...
Probable causes and governing factors related to the manifestation and distribution of intraplate earthquakes are proved to be very much subtle. Different researchers have tried to explain this earthquake in different perception and several model have been proposed till date. On a global context, occurrence...