Marx believed that the bourgeoisie own the means of production and gain a profit from the surplus value of the workers. This key concept in Marxist thinking, surplus value, is the excess amount the proletariat earn beyond their labour and how much profit the bourgeoisie...
The United States’ presence and intervention in the international community has been greatly noticed. Engaging in two large-scale world wars, pursuing temporary isolationism, fighting the Cold War, and vigorously promoting democracy has turned the US into an international hegemon. Earning this label, thus, obligates the...
Introduction My assignment will look at what makes liberalism an ideology. Through the years liberalism has evolved taking on new ideas and becoming a fundamental part of human life. This assignment will look focus on two aspects: what is an ideology? And liberalism. The liberalism...
The nation of Great Britain has a long history of a parliamentary democracy and in obtaining progress in what it means to be a liberal democracy. Most people think that the creation of the British nation began in 1707, with the passage of the Act...
Andrew Jackson, the seventh President of the United States, is a controversial figure in American history, particularly regarding his approach to democracy. To assess how democratic Jackson truly was, it is essential to analyze his beliefs and actions in relation to the democratic principles of...
Following the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914, the First World War erupted and endured until 1918. This catastrophic conflict embroiled a coalition comprising the United Kingdom, France, Russia, Italy, Romania, Japan, and the United States of America against Germany, Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria, and...
“Collectivisation in the USSR, in the years 1929 to 1941, was a success.” Assess the validity of this view. Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it Each essay is customized to cater to your unique preferences + experts online Get my essay Collectivisation was...
This essay will mostly deal with the movie “Pride”, directed by Matthew Warchus, through Marxism and Marx’s theory of alienation. The major emphasis is on the theory of alienation throughout the movie, with the somewhat introduction to Marxism. Even though Marxist theory is about the...
The Land of Green Plums, by Herta Müller, is a novel arguably as defined by its language as its content. There are many interpretations of Müller’s literary style, and one of the most cogent is that it serves to show the reader how indirect, and...
Theodore Roosevelt’s speech “National Duties” calls for nationalism and unity, as it says that each individual must work hard and that individuals must work together. Furthermore, it works to motivate our nation by using two ideas – what a nation may leave behind and how...
Prior to the outright onset of the American Revolution, many theories and ideals surrounding political philosophy began to emerge, focused on presenting new ideas of republicanism in government, as well as ushering in a newfound wave of nationalism. Pioneered strongly by philosophical leaders such as...
As a united nation, America stood on its foundations of a country that offers freedom and liberty. During the late 1700’s, Congress felt that our country needed a stronger union and a government with greater power. After we declared independence from Great Britain, the Articles...
Neoliberalism rose to prominence in the 1980s, during the Thatcherism and Reaganomics era. This era of economic shift shows a significant move away from Keynesian economics which had been prominent since the 1944 Bretton Woods Conference and established the post-war international economic order. In this...
The history of the American Dream can be traced back to 17th century when the Puritans came to America and tried to gain their religious freedom. In 1630, a speech known as the “city upon a hill” sermon was delivered by John Winthrop to the...
The Communist Manifesto (1848) clearly articulates the fundamental tenets of Communism and Marxism, expounding on historic class struggles, revolutions, counter-revolutions, inequality, industry, capitalistic exploitation, alienation and the declared war by unified workers. Set in the time of the Industrial Revolution, the manifesto outlines the role...
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow is widely considered one of the great American writers. One of his signature themes that he utilised in his writing was patriotism. This theme is expressed in his poems “Wreck of the Hesperus,” “The Arsenal at Springfield,” and “Paul Revere’s Ride.” Themes...
Patriotism on the Decline Indian chief Tecumseh once said “Let us form one body, one heart, and defend to the last warrior our country, our homes, our liberty, and the graves of our fathers” (Tecumseh). Patriotism is on the decline in America. Veterans have sacrificed...
For ages, the term, the government of the people by the people and for the people has been used numerously to describe a democratic kind of government. The United States has acted as the best model for a democratic government. Over the years, since the...
Five percent of America’s GDP is spent on public schooling, as shown by a 2013 study from the UNDP. That is five percent that could be used to protect our more valuable citizens with military spending. Anybody who cannot afford private schooling will contribute the...