Introduction Reading is a multifaceted journey that shapes our thoughts, broadens our horizons, and defines our identities. Reflecting on my own reading habits, preferences, and experiences, I realize that my evolution as a reader has been influenced by a myriad of factors ranging from early...
In “The Garden of forking Paths” Jorge Luis Borges has an interesting narrative technique. An unknown narrator opens the story by summarizing Captain Liddell Hart’s report and introducing Dr. Yu Tsun’s deposition. The story begins abruptly in Dr. Yu Tsun’s voice speaking in first person,...
‘Writing, when properly managed … is but a different name for conversation … The truest respect which you can pay to the reader’s understanding, is to halve this matter amicably, and leave him something to imagine, in his turn, as well as yourself.’ (Laurence Sterne) ...
Poverty is not something a kid can control. You can’t control whether your parents work, or if substance abuse goes on in your family because a kid is just a kid. This is a story based off of two kids, born in Baltimore who grew...
Freakonomics. What kind of name is that for an entrepreneurship book? It sounds like a joke. I chose this book for the same reason I chose the other two I have written essays about: I received it as a gift. Unfortunately, this was the last...
From Drift to Shift by Jody B. Miller is inspirational, powerful, and a must-read for all! If you ever have, are currently, or will ever go through a transformative period in your life (hint- you will!), this is the book for you. The author dives...
Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland purposefully highlights the confusion of identity, including the distinction between adults and children, and poses important questions about childhood and growth. As the child reader explores this novel, they also explore the depths of their identity and as the...
Humans are complex beings, each with individual traits, and an individual set of traits that they value in others. Despite this individuality, cultures are formed, in part, by the values they possess and nurture in their society as a whole. In the Homeric society, two...
In modern literature, suspense and tension are almost essential in producing works that are both successful and interesting to the reader. These two aspects of literature are especially important in Truman Capote’s novel, In Cold Blood, which delineates the story of how a mere robbery...
Rajiv Joseph’s characters in Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo wander through the war-torn Iraqi landscape looking for answers and finding none. The characters span a wide range of humanity: from young, ignorant American soldiers to a former gardener now employed as an interpreter for...
In both society and literature, fetishes and sexual fantasies constantly find themselves rooted in racial differences. The philosophical concept of the “other” is one that addresses the idea of fetishization, in that we find ourselves idealizing and fantasizing about that which we are not; that...
While in the play No Exit hell is famously defined as “other people”, it is the setting of hell which will ultimately create the hostile and volatile conditions that the characters find themselves in. Sartre places his characters in his existentialist hell in order for...
The plays The Rez Sisters and Les Belles Soeurs both deal with groups of women, united in sisterhood, who experience social challenges within the story. Through a comedic lens, we accompany the characters in both stories as we are given insight into their social dynamic...
One of the underlying themes presented in The Reader is the importance of literacy being an essential ingredient to the success of society as well as the well-being of individuals in being able to comprehend the world around them. In The Reader, Hanna is illiterate...
PDF files are often used as official documents on the Internet. For this reason, it is important to know how to convert a file format to a file format. Place several PDF files in a document. Regardless of the platform you are using, we will...
Introduction: Literature and Controversial Issues Controversial issues such as incest and murder are tough to discuss and even more difficult to resolve. Literature often employs such realities to leave the reader in a state of thought, rarely offering answers or even stances on the issues....
Introduction In the realm of self-help literature, Don Miguel Ruiz’s work stands as a compelling beacon of insight and personal growth. His book, “The Four Agreements,” resonates with readers seeking profound transformation and a deeper understanding of themselves and their interactions with the world. In...
Critical Analysis of “The Tunnels of Cu Chi” The book that I read for my book report was The Tunnels of Cu Chi by Tom Mangold and John Penycate. The reason that I chose this book was because I am very interested in various aspects...
In the past, Satire has repeatedly been used as a form of humour and irony to criticise and expose stereotypes, as well as political messages with comical geopolitical illustrations. Satirical cartography has often been produced specifically to make a comment upon the social, economic or...
The book I’ve finished is called “The Rivalry Mystery At The Army – Navy Game” by John Feinstein. The time this book was published was on September 28th, 2010. The army navy game mentioned in the book took place on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. There...
One concept from this week’s reading I found interesting was Balanced Reciprocity, or the exchange of something with the expectation that you will receive something in return. There are three stages of Balanced Reciprocity: giving, receiving, and reciprocating. I found this particular topic interesting because...
Many readers of Raymond Carver’s story “Cathedral” may believe that it advocates discrimination against the disabled although, I believe otherwise. I agree with New York Times when they said Raymond Carver is “surely the most influential writer of American short stories on the second half...
Introduction Being yourself can be scary – even more so when being yourself is not welcomed in your house or the place where you live. People either accept you as you are or accept the “fact” that you shouldn’t even be considered human. Becoming Nicole...
The book addresses the concept of assertiveness. It is a wake up call to anyone who feels like they are not living up to themselves and not being themselves. By not being assertive, one does not show the world who they really are, rather they...