Alexis de Tocqueville is most known for his views on democracy in America, and his work as a political scientist gained him a renowned reputation in France, but few realize his observations of America aided in a sociological perspective of nations suffering under tyranny and...
Across the spectrum of sexual orientation and gender identity, individuals of non-conforming identities fall victim to heightened experiences of victimization, discrimination, harassment, and general mistreatment in an array of social settings. Heteronormative, cisgender, white individuals’ experience much less mistreatment and victimization based on gender and...
“Intersectionality” is term coined by the academic scholar Kimberle Crenshaw to recognize the dimensions of identity when classifying an individual by gender, race, class, or sexuality. Each group holds a space of distinctive experiences that allows them to identify with unique struggles. Two written works...
Intersectionality is probably one of the most complex concepts in sociology. This is because it can always be examined on increasing levels, each person’s individual story adding to the collective. In a subject that tends to look at the macro-level intersectionality forces at least some...
Introduction to Double Consciousness At the heart of W.E.B. DuBois’s concept of double consciousness lies Saussure’s structuralism. At one point in time, society decided that a person with light skin would be called a white person, therefore giving the color of someone’s skin a sign,...
What does White America think of when they hear the words “black male”? The records in people’s heads make a certain image of what a black male is pop up. Maybe in the way he wears his clothes, makes money, or what activities he is...
W.E.B. DuBois coined the term “Double Consciousness” in his classic work, “The Souls of Black Folk”. But, what does this term even mean? To be double conscious is the act of seeing yourself through another society’s eyes as well as still being true to your...
Darwinism is the “survival of the fittest” belief of natural selection in evolution. Social Darwinism is the belief that wealth and power naturally goes to the most deserving. The Social Darwinism belief system was used as a rationale in the late 1800s and early 1900s...
Sociology, by definition, is the study of social behavior or society, including its origins, development, organization, networks, and institutions. This means it’s social science which uses a variety of different methods to investigate and advance a range of knowledge and understanding of social change, order,...
“Globalisation is a process in which the world appears to be converging economically, politically and culturally”(Needle,2015). Nowadays, financial markets, industry, and politics are all internationalized. The occurrence of this has increased the transfer of wealth across countries; it has increased communication throughout the world, an...
The sociological imagination is not a concept familiar to most people. This concept is used to describe the ability to “think yourself away from the familiar routines of everyday life” and to essentially look at them through a fresh and entirely new perspective. In order...
Sociology is defined as the systematic study of social behavior and human groups. Sociological Imagination is a type of critical thinking used by sociologists to understand the behavior of different groups of people around the world. Sociological Imagination helps us comprehend how problems and situations...
Sociological Imagination
Sociological Theories
Introduction Learning is something that happens quite certainly and goes by often undetected in many circumstances. Any theory requires a clear idea of what the theory is trying to explain. But when a particular concept or word is used, people usually assume everyone has the...
Introduction In his discourse on inequality among men, Rousseau argued that, contrary to intuition, “savage” man living in a totally pre-social wilderness acted with more empathy and kindness towards fellow human beings than even reasoned philosophers of the modern era. Rousseau considered pity to be...
Double consciousness is a term that was coined by W.E.B. Du Bois in The Souls of Black Folk. According to Du Bois, double consciousness is a “sense of always looking at one’s self through the eyes of others, of measuring one’s soul by the tape...
Introduction Eating disorders afflict millions of Americans, and they are serious, even life-threatening. They are classified as psychiatric disorders, and actually have little to do with food, but rather with underlying issues of self-esteem and other emotional states. They are a significant health concern. Made-to-order...
In this essay, I intend to adress the problem of pensioner poverty in the UK today. I will describe what pensioner poverty is and how sociological theories may offer insights into how it is constructed. I will also describe how C. Wright Mills talks about...
One ever feels his twoness, — an American, a Negro: two souls, two thoughts two unreconciled strivings; two warring ideals in one dark body, whose dogged strength alone keeps it from being torn asunder. The history of the American Negro is the history of this...