This is a very broad topic exploring many aspects of students’ life, many of their challenges and struggles, the risks they face, topics of high interest to them, analyzing the prerequisites of good academic achievement, the categories of students and students with special needs, providing guides, recommendations, suggestions for creating ...Read More
This is a very broad topic exploring many aspects of students’ life, many of their challenges and struggles, the risks they face, topics of high interest to them, analyzing the prerequisites of good academic achievement, the categories of students and students with special needs, providing guides, recommendations, suggestions for creating a better study environment, etc. These topics can range from being curious explorations of certain subjects to literally having a direct and vital impact on a student’s life. Current students are the ones who will be shaping the future of this society, highlighting the importance of these topics for both individuals and the nation. Below, you’ll find a list of properly written essay samples on topics related to students.
Scope and Limitations The study is focused on the determination of knowing the possible effects of homesickness to the academic performances of Grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences students of SLU-LSHS. The study process is performed at Saint Louis University – Laboratory Senior High School...
Education is necessary for everyone. Education is very important, without education no one can lead a good life. Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it Each essay is customized to cater to your unique preferences + experts online Get my essay Education is of...
Smartphones, one of the most versatile and resourceful tools known to this generation, enabling you to deepen your understanding with the world around us and staying social with others. Although this may seem like a helpful and interactive tool, the addiction of smartphones does negatively...
Attitude can change each phase of a person’s life, including their education. Student attitudes on learning decide their ability and eagerness to learn. If negative attitudes are not changed, a student is doubtful to continue his education beyond what is necessary. Altering a student’s negative...
Abstract: The provision of feedback to students is one of the various roles of mentors in the context of nursing education. This essay provides a critical analysis of the process of giving feedback to a nursing student in the context of achieving one of the...
People tend to form their identity starting from about an age of six, and they continue doing it in the course of their entire life. This phenomenon is quite complex and can be labelled with diverse names such as self-discovery, for instance. The process of...
Homework is something that every kid in school gets. They get it usually after finishing a lesson or chapter and have to do it at home. The amount of homework has increased in the years. I’m fine with a little homework here and there, but...
Research writing is a contribution to academia. It should not be mere regurgitation of the facts and ideas of scholars and specialists. As educators, we must teach students to realize that they are required to have their own insights into source materials. They must engage...
Time and time again, we see Asian-American students quietly but surely rise above their peers with their quiet, studious, and high tests scores. What is it about these students that separates them from their peers? Keith Osajima, a professor of race ethnic studies at the...
Abstract Gratitude defines an attitude of positivity in a person’s character whether personal or professional. It can be easily understood as the realization of gratefulness towards a person’s deed from the beneficiary of the said deed. It is a spontaneous feeling emerging from within. However,...
FYI just in case you are not aware ICAI has renamed the entrance test CA CPT to CA Foundation course and has declared new CA syllabus from 2018. So in this post you will become more familiar about CA Foundation course. The new CA Foundation...
Choosing a major is a critical decision in an individual’s life as it impacts their academic progression, success or failure, satisfaction or disappointment, and determines job opportunities, financial return, and economic well-being. According to Beggs et al. (2008), a “great” major choice is one that...
The main focus of this study is to see if the use of computer-presented brain training games done on young students would harness their brain’s overall neuroplastic potential and improve learning as a whole. The experiment was performed on a study sample that consisted of...
Introduction I am an adaptable and self-driven student with a committed approach to training and academic goals. As an astute music engineer professional, who has worked on various community musical projects, I can be resourceful in a variety of demanding situations. I possess a reliable...
Incorporated on 1 June 2005 as a wholly-owned subsidiary of Temasek Holdings, Certis Group has always been recognized as CISCO, the leading physical security provider in Singapore that secures key installations and the key player in Singapore’s cash ecosystem. As a member of the global...
Introduction Pharmacy is one of the most respected professions worldwide, and one that has undergone tremendous developments over the years. The pharmacist’s role has changed from being product oriented to being patient oriented. This is due to the fact that pharmacists are experts in medicines,...
Tardiness Defined Tardiness is a form of disorderly behavior. Many students are tardy since they had turned tardiness to be a habit. The habit of being late to school is an unwritten behavior that may be passed on with each student. Tardiness suggests being slow...
One of skills which are important in English language is speaking. The students should be fluent in speaking to communicate with other. It is also to avoid misunderstanding when communicate with other. Speaking is productive, oral skill and comprise of producing systematic verbal utterances to...
Introduction The experience of studying abroad can be transformative, offering opportunities for personal growth, academic advancement, and cultural enrichment. However, it can also bring about unique challenges and stressors, contributing to mental health issues, particularly depression, among international students. In this essay, we delve into...
For as long as I could remember, I have wanted to be a participant in the Global UGRAD Program which enables students to study abroad. I have been curious about studying abroad, especially in the USA ever since my English teacher told me about that...
While some individuals find music distracting during study sessions, many students report that listening to music enhances their ability to focus, memorize information, and maintain concentration on tasks. Research demonstrates that music can serve as an effective stress reliever by redirecting attention toward productive work....
Introduction 1.1 Overview Student enrolment in tertiary institutions is increasing at a very alarming rate. The increase in students’ population over the years has made the work of administrative officer in charge of processing students’ result a very tiresome exercise to deal with (Atebong et...
There are various researches, debates, and discussions going on about the impact of smartphones on a student’s generation. In this article writer compared the ratio of girls and boys and their use of mobile phone during studies. Easy access and overuse of mobile phones by...
Introduction Everyone has always hated getting up super early to go to school. As children get older they move to different schools, from elementary to middle to high school, and the start times get earlier. In elementary school it was never a problem getting up...
It is noted that high school students are more influence by the peers than the adults and found to be more interested to try an intervention by their peers rather than the teachers or other staff members. Laursen 2005 suggested that a positive peer group...
Service-learning is an educational approach that basically involves a cycle of actions. In order to make service learning a reality, there is the need to make some reflections. These cycles are necessary when students seek to achieve real objectives for the community. I also consider...
Have you ever been exhausted on a Monday morning and feel like you needed more sleep? Do you hate waking up early in the morning every day? Almost every weekday high school student’s wakeup at 6 am to get ready for school. Most high schools...
Students with disabilities that enroll in high school are students that come from mass schools, thus having studied English, preferably (ideally) according to their abilities, or from special schools, where no English have been studied. In high school, they have the choice of opting for...
Introduction: The Challenges of Good Writing The most important ideas I present to my students on the first day of class is how incredibly difficult good writing is and that I, too, am just a dedicated student trying to master this art form. Essays are...
Within the three years that I have been attending Wilfrid Laurier University, I have noticed that there is a tremendous amount of pressure when it comes to drinking, and with these pressures may come some negative outcomes. With that being said, there are a lot...