The biography, ‘There are no children here’ by Alex Kotlowitz, shows the journey of two young boys and the challenges they face with having to grow up in the inner city of Chicago. The River’s family lives in the inner city of Chicago at the...
Alex Kotlowitz’s novel “There Are No Children Here” is strong and poignant. The book tells the story of two young brothers, Lafeyette and Pharoah Rivers, growing up in the Henry Horner Homes, a public housing project located in the West Side of Chicago. The book...
Lafeyette and Pharoah Rivers are two young brothers who were raised in the Henry Horner Homes, a public housing development on the West Side of Chicago in the 1990s, according to Alex Kotlowitz’s moving memoir “There Are No Children Here.”The book, which was first published...
The nexus between deprivation, crime, and violence is investigated through the eyes of two young brothers who reside in the Henry Horner Homes, a Chicago public housing project, in Alex Kotlowitz’s nonfiction book “There Are No Children Here.” Lafayette and Pharoah Rivers are living in...
Education is a powerful tool in breaking the cycle of poverty. The Rivers children, a fictional family living in a low-income neighborhood, serve as an example of how access to education and opportunities can positively impact their lives. The children’s parents, who have limited education...
In 1991, Alex Kotlowitz published a nonfiction book called “There Are No Children Here.” The book tells the story of two brothers, Lafeyette and Pharoah Rivers, who grow up in the Henry Horner Homes, a public housing project in Chicago. Through the use of literary...
In the heart of Chicago’s notorious Henry Horner Homes, amidst the concrete and crime, lies the powerful and heart-wrenching story of “There Are No Children Here.” This non-fiction book by Alex Kotlowitz, published in 1991, chronicles the lives of two young boys, Pharoah and Lafeyette...