"The Crossover" is a young adult novel written by Kwame Alexander, and it is told in verse. The book follows the story of Josh Bell, a young basketball player, and his twin brother Jordan, who also goes by the nickname "JB." The book is set in a city, and the brothers attend a middle school where they play basketball for the school team.
The book is divided into five chapters, each of which has a unique title that reflects the themes explored in that section. The first chapter is titled "Basketball Rule #1" and introduces the reader to Josh's love for basketball and the bond he shares with his brother. The second chapter, "Double-Double," follows the brothers as they prepare for a big game and explores their relationship with their father, who is a former professional basketball player.
In the third chapter, "Family Dinner," the Bell family sits down for dinner, and tensions rise as their father's health becomes a topic of conversation. Chapter four, "Basketball Rule #2," focuses on the brothers' basketball skills and their rivalry with another player on the team. Finally, in the last chapter, "Crossover," the Bell brothers face a major challenge that threatens their relationship and their love for basketball.
Overall, "The Crossover" is a compelling coming-of-age story that explores themes of family, friendship, and the power of sports to bring people together. Despite its relatively short length and simple verse form, the book packs an emotional punch that is sure to resonate with readers of all ages.