Cinco dе Mауо iѕ аnnuаllу оbѕеrvеd оn Mау 5. It celebrates thе dеfеаt of thе Frеnсh аrmу during thе Bаttlе оf Puebla (Bаtаllа dе Puebla) in Mexico оn Mау 5, 1862. It iѕ nоt to be соnfuѕеd with Mеxiсо'ѕ Indереndеnсе Day. Cinco de Mayo iѕ...
Growing up as a kid in foster care, I was surrounded by many other cultures and races other than my own, of which each brought their own traditions and cultural rituals to my life. One cultural rite I have partaken in for many years and...
“Globalization has produced a new level of interdependence among us and is strong evidence of a new era,” stated Eduardo Paes, the mayor of the city of Rio de Janeiro. As mentioned, globalization has prospered countries around the world and this particular essay will explore...
U.S Imperialism in Latin America has changed the culture and affected the economic structure of many countries in Latin America. The U.S became a world power sometime in the 1870’s as a result of the newly found power the U.S began to invade its neighboring...
California became an American territory when the United States defeated Mexico in 1847. John Marshall discovered gold the next year, bringing people from all over the world to the port of San Francisco and the surrounding area. These prospectors scoured riverbeds and mountainsides, and eventually...
Culture Shock refers to the “trauma” that an individual experiences when transitioning from their home culture to a different one. This transition often leads to uncertainty and stress. There are five recognized stages of culture shock: the Honeymoon Stage, Crisis Stage, Adjustment Stage, Acceptance or...
No one can deny the fact that Drought is the main hazard in Canada which creates many issues whenever it occurs. Drought is the main concern in Canada and in Western countries which damage several industries, homes and main cause of death every year. There...
The 1920s were a period of time where the First World War has just finally ended. Although most of the world was recovering from war, Canada was filled with a potential future, economic growth, peace and prosperity. During the roaring twenties, Canada was going through...
The country is chose is Brazil and for several reasons. Brazil is the largest country in south America and equally one of the richest in culture. It is known to be one of the most ethnically diverse and multicultural nations. It is also one of...
Canadian musicians are more likely to write about landscape, more specifically their connections with their own land, what their region’s focal points are, or simply tell a story. The reason being that Canada is very fortunate to have possessed many of the greatest views of...
Going on vacation is something my family and I do pretty regularly. For spring break my senior year of high school, I had to do the cliche thing everyone did and go to Mexico. There are many fun and exciting things to do in Cancun,...
Culture is all around us. From the food we eat to the things we do to the things we believe, culture is a part of our everyday lives. A sociologist would agree with this. Essentially, sociology is the study of human society. Therefore, sociologists are...
Life drives its own course along different terrains: a smooth and steady patch of road or a dishevelled and rugged path. Nonetheless, both ways diverge into one end: a dead end. Though every life ceases, its denouement is different. There can either be tranquil endings,...
Is that a wake-up call There were many events in my life that served as a wakeup call. One that stands out is when I and my family moved from India to Canada a couple of months ago. It was an overwhelming experience for all...
Introduction The normative school calendar has been in use for over 100 years in Canada. Although some rural schools operate on alternative schedules, the common schedule has been largely unchanged for the past century. Some school districts in rural communities have implemented modified calendars, and...
The Battle of Vimy Ridge: A Defining Moment in Canadian History The Battle of Vimy Ridge is considered to be a defining moment in Canadian history and is known as the moment Canada stepped out from under Britain’s shadow. This victory not only gave Canada...
Every person is unique, some of us have been mistreated or have been oppressed because we are a member of a particular group. If we decide to ignore these present day or historical differences, we may fail to understand the needs of those individuals. People...
Introduction Firstly, there is no globally accepted definition for Indigenous people. These are the first contact people on land and also known as natives and Aboriginal people. The term Indigenous is used in research for Aboriginal people. Canadian constitution recognizes three groups of Aboriginal people...
Experiences in the field help to acquaint individuals with the actual social situation. Field experiences provide opportunities to apply the knowledge learned in classroom settings and to plan, implement, and evaluate these experiences while working with individuals, groups, and communities. Critical self-reflection is a conscious...