Stereotype, as I understand it, is a fixed idea about particular party. Whether this party is a group of people or a country, the stereotype is always overgeneralized and probably not true. Sometimes, the stereotype can be harmless, but it can be harmful as well....
Body image refers to an individual misperception to his or her current body size and may involve either simulating r illusionistic, that is, perceiving one’s body size as petite or chunky than it objectively is. A negative body image is formed as people compare themselves...
Lean manufacturing in its essence is “a commerce proposal to reduce waste in manufactured goods. The fundamental plan is to reduce the cost scientifically, throughout the product and fabrication development, by means of a succession of business reviews”. It is about making incremental improvements in...
PC’s are available in many different sizes to suit the user’s needs; these all provide different services. A PC has a lot of freedom and the user is in control you as the user are able to determine what you want the PC to be...
Both monogamy and polygyny have their roots tracing back to ancient times, however as the capitalist and liberal societies emerged the practice of polygamy started to decay. Thus, Monogamy proved out to be more dominant marital mode in modern world as it did not clashed...
At the very beginning, I had heard a lot of people saying this is a film which should be in the must-watch list. Frankly, I feared for watching this film though when it came out three years ago. The reason is that I was afraid...
Do you think the world can become a better place? Although many of you folks think it can’t, well guess what, you are wrong. “How to make the world a better place” is a question many ponder. The world is now horrible because of things...
Situated in the southeastern region of Vietnam, the image of hundreds of necessitous and poverty-stricken locals left my 13-year-old self in distress. Dressed in a filthy rag, a mother desperately begged people for money – carrying her sick daughter on one hand and a dirty...
A good amount of people consider success a formula to follow, a matter of plugging in for x and for y. People constantly ask the Walt Disneys and Steve Jobs of the world how they reached their status, so they may live like they do...
I connect with people using a positive non-verbal communication gesture, a high five. A high five is a friendly and neutral action that occurs when two people simultaneously raise one hand and slap the upraised palm of the other person. High fives are commonly seen...
In relationships, countless factors determine the strength of the bond between two people. A major factor is communication. Author Ernest Hemingway utilizes this theme in his short story, “Hills Like White Elephants. ” The story features a couple who appear to be having a conversation;...
As cities experience an increasing number of robotic workforce, the need for robot friendly design is becoming ever more critical. From our hawker centers to parks, the future of urban housing and mobility may just be shaped for and by the robots that we will...
In the Babbitt Sinclair Lewis is critical of the American lifestyle and society in a subtler way, he doesn’t necessarily write in the story his thoughts on the society of the time, but you are able to really see and picture his critic in various...
Social Injustice. A self-chosen phrase that best describes the chaos that is currently happening in our society. A judgmental society full of discriminators, oppressors, and self-proclaimed adjudicators. Nevertheless, we are all born with a human nature that search for a feeling of belongingness. Due to...
For a lot of people, the clothes we wear help define who we are. Clothes give us a sense of belonging and personality, as well as displaying our individuality and giving us confidence. Earlier this, River Island released its #LabelsAreForClothes campaign with a anti-bullying charity...
Population growth is not an issue that we can neglect; serious problems can arise like environmental damage and limited resources. Population growth can be defined as an increase or decrease in the population of living species. There are a couple of major impacts that the...
Margaret Atwood is a Canadian author who was born in 1939. When Atwood was eleven, she spent half of each year in northern Ontario because her father worked as an entomologist, a scientist who studies insects. One of the many activities she enjoyed while away...
A common worry among the Islamic modernists and those living in Muslim societies during the late 19th century was, how far can the cultural renaissance progress and how much of their traditions will be swept away along with it? Charles Kurzman notes a modernist Islamic...
Look to the person beside you and try to remember the first day you saw them. Were there any stereotypes hesitating your communication with them? Any labels alarming you to stay away? And most importantly, did you? Labels can help us identify people, however stereotypes...