Benito Cereno is a story written by Herman Melville that follows the events of Captain Delano. While his trading ship is anchored, he sees a mysterious flagless ship that seems in peril and decides to offer his aid. He discovers this mysterious ship is a...
Most people seek to mask themselves under a false persona when faced with the world. Criticism and truth often are too harsh for people to face and instead create false narratives about their lives in search of comfort. Katherine Mansfield introduces her character ‘Miss Brill’...
Jhumpa Lahiri’s short story “This Blessed House” follows the newlywed couple Sanjeev and Twinkle as they move into a new home and discover hidden relics left behind by the previous owners. The story explores themes of cultural clashes, assimilation, and the search for identity. In...
In a world where the choices we make can shape our futures, “The Pact” by Drs. Sampson Davis, George Jenkins, and Rameck Hunt is a powerful memoir that explores the impact of friendship, determination, and resilience in overcoming adversity. This compelling narrative follows the authors’...
Choosing between right and wrong is a constant struggle in the human experience. This theme is deeply explored in the short story “Lather and Nothing Else” by Hernando Tellez. The story revolves around a barber who is faced with a moral dilemma when he is...
Introduction Andre Dubus’ short story “Killings” provides a profound exploration of grief, revenge, and moral complexity. First published in 1979, it delves into the emotional turmoil experienced by a family following the senseless murder of their son. The narrative, set in a small New England...
In Steven Pressfield’s book Gates of Fire, a mortally wounded soldier named Xeones tells his life story to a Persian scribe under the order of King Xerxes of Persia. The story is told through a series of flashbacks, broken up by the scribe, who inserts...
In Luce Irigaray’s “Women on the Market,” she argues that, in patriarchal societies, women are essentially reduced from human beings to commodities whose exchange is controlled by men. According to Irigaray, this exploitation of women is so ingrained in our culture that it is in...
According to Laila Lalami, the whole process of emigration is engulfed with social invisibility. The fiction novel elaborates how migrants encounter social invisibility. Migrants lack social link. They face isolation from the society and stand alone as islands or invisible beings. Emigrants lack social acceptance....
“October Sky” by Joe Johnston and “Every Day Use” by Alice Walker’s stories deal with parents and kids relationships. John Hickam and a middle-aged woman are parents who find themselves choosing between both of their kids. Dee and Jim are the strongest kids of the...
The narrator of “Note to Sixth-Grade Self” gains confidence and strength during the course of her story. The narrator is consistently bullied by Patricia and Cara, the popular girls at school. They turn the entire school against the narrator, leaving her to fend and stick...
Paper Towns Quentin “Q” Jacobsen is a high school senior only weeks away from his graduation. Ever since he as a kid, he has had a massive crush on his beautiful, adventurous next door neighbor Margo Roth Spiegelman. One night, Margo comes to his window,...
Analysis of the play elements Terrence Mcnally s career began in the New York off-off-Broadway boom of the late 1960s. Most of his 60 s plays are not really relevant although some are funny. However, during the 70 s his plays began to get recognition....
Judith Ortiz Cofer autobiographical work Silent Dancing: A Partial Remembrance of a Puerto Rican Childhood, is a collection of essays and poems that originate from Cofers childhood memories. Cofer specifically comments on the impact her family back home in Puero Rico and United States have...
The novel From a Crooked Rib was written by Nuruddin Farah in 1968 and was published in 1970. From a Crooked Rib explores the sociological study of the subordinate role of Somali women. The central character of the novel is Ebla. The harsh treatment of...
The enforcement of specific gender roles by societal standards in 19th century married life proved to be suffocating. From the very outset the reader can feel that this seemingly simple family drama may turn into a kind of tragedy which may arise some serious questions....
In 2013, Steven F. Messner and Richard Rosenfeld published and article titled A Society Organized for Crime in the fifth edition of Crime and the American Dream. Their article examines the develop of the American Dream, and how it has affected society and crime. They...
Introduction In Grudem’s (2003) “Business for the Glory of God: The Bible’s Teaching on the Moral Goodness of Business”, the author seeks to create a treatise in which he aims to establish a divine moral ground for our current economic system. Nevertheless, in its seventh...
The first sentence of the very informative and persuasive document know as Common Sense, Thomas Paine says, that just because there isn’t anything wrong does not make anything right. He also starts to explain how America will be an example for the universe and how...
Dragon Born by Ela Lourenco is the first book in a five book series about a young but strong female protagonist named Larissa but was popularly called Lara. The first part of the novel introduces the reader to what it is like to live in...
You know that feeling you get when you read a really good book. The feeling of excitement and eagerness washes over you like an ocean wave. The feeling that you want and need to know what is going to happen next. I got that wonderful...
Women’s roles in literature have continuously evolved throughout age, with female characters becoming more and more present as time goes by. Women in literature nowadays are now becoming the main characters in novels such as The Hunger Games, Divergent, and The Fault in Our Stars...
What They Fought For is a collection of personal letters/journal entries written by those who fought in the American Civil War. These entries shed a light on why the individual soldier fought in this bloody war. The author conveys that most of these men had...
Societal places high expectations for young adults; they are expected to achieve independence and fulfill the expectations of their cultural heritage. These expectations are clear, but as young adults, they are sometimes hard to follow because of all the pressure that is put upon them....
Thomas More’s “Utopia” is a work which fundamentally encompasses and endorses key values of Renaissance Humanists. Despite various interpretations that argue otherwise, in this essay I will contend that through his discussion of education and emphasis on persuasive rhetoric. More demonstrates his support for key...
What does friendship mean to you? In this essay, I would like to share how The Reel Sisters by Michelle Cummings helped me understand the depth of true friendship, despite initially assuming it was just a fly fishing guidebook. To me, it is a haven...
In Toni Morrison’s novel Sula, the reader’s perception of good and evil is challenged as the story unfolds within a small black community in Ohio, post-World War I. The main characters, Sula and Nel, provide a lens through which racial and gender relationships in twentieth-century...
Children of the River is a captivating novel written by Linda Crew that transports readers to the turbulent backdrop of war-torn Cambodia. The story follows the journey of a young girl named Sundara as she navigates the treacherous waters of love, loss, and identity amidst...
David Wagoner’s poem “My Father’s Garden” is a poignant and evocative exploration of the human relationship with nature and the profound impact it has on our lives. Through vivid imagery and introspective musings, Wagoner delves into the transformative power of the natural world and its...
Introduction Julius Excluded from Heaven is a short story written by Nathaniel Hawthorne, which tells the story of a man named Julius who is denied entry into heaven due to his refusal to conform to societal norms and expectations. The story raises questions about the...