The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan is a thought-provoking and comprehensive examination of the complex relationships between humans and the food they consume. The book delves into the various food production systems in the United States, exploring the implications of industrialized agriculture, organic farming, and...
Lusus Naturae, written by Margaret Atwood, is a short story that delves into the theme of isolation. The story follows the life of a young girl who is ostracized by her family and society due to her physical deformities. Throughout the narrative, the protagonist experiences...
Billy Collins, the former United States Poet Laureate, is renowned for his accessible and often humorous poetry that delves into the intricacies of everyday life. One of his celebrated works, “Schoolsville,” epitomizes his unique ability to blend wit with profound reflection. The poem, a nostalgic...
Introduction John Ford’s “Tis Pity She’s a Whore” is a provocative and controversial play that delves deep into themes of forbidden love, morality, and societal norms. Set in Parma, Italy, the play explores the tragic incestuous relationship between Giovanni and his sister Annabella, challenging the...
Book analysis A rather short but interesting read by John Steinbeck called “Of Mice and Men” demonstrates a sort of utopian ideology, it conveys that for the vast majority the american dream is exactly that, but a dream. George and Lennie’s dream of owning a...
Many authors have been inspired to write by their environments, beautifully rendering their scenery with their words. Willa Cather and Mary Austin are two examples of such authors, who recreate the vast expanses of the Midwest’s grassy fields and rolling hills. Cather and Austin were...
The book, Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance, starts the process of having you evaluate your evolving interests and determination to them. I rated myself on the “Grit Scale” and had a score of 43. Overall, this scale is a really good tool to...
The Soloist Mental illness does not discriminate. Despite Nathanial Ayers’ talent as a musician, artist, and generally good upbringing, schizophrenia still found a way to enter into his life. Through meeting compassionate journalist Steve Lopez, Nathanial Ayers was able to begin his road to recovery...
We begin our futuristic adventure on Cassia’s seventeenth birthday, at a fancy party where she’ll get to find out her Match a.k.a. the guy she’s going to spend the rest of her life with. She’s delighted to learn that it’s her bestie, Xander but it’s...
Women’s Bodies as Political Instruments Because Gilead was formed in response to the crisis caused by dramatically decreased birth-rates, the state’s entire structure, with its religious trappings and rigid political hierarchy, is built around a single goal: control of reproduction. The state tackles the problem...
Uniqueness is a struggle to find throughout literature, especially within recreations of previously published stories. Once a story is told, the originality begins to dissipate and the audience skews the story. Popular novels transforming into films can be altered as well. This is specifically noticeable...
Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights is regarded as the hottest stories of love, the most tragic and depressing, among the heroine of the story; Heathcliffe and Catherine Ehrenshaw. Katherine is the daughter of the good man; Mr. Ehrenshaw, who one day decides to enter into his...
Why Women Should Vote was written by Jane Addams. Jane Addams (1915) was with the dynamic ladies amid the mid-twentieth century who initiate the trigger of ladies to take an interest in the authoritative procedure. In this review, she feels sorry for the condition from...
The Perks of Being a Wallflower is a modern classic, written by Stephen Chbosky, an American writer. The book was first published in 1999 and was later adapted into a film, which was released in 2012. It is a coming-of-age story, which touches on first...
What is the source of Rosseau’s happiness and is it related to contemplation and writing? Happiness is a subjective term. It has no formal measurement and differs between people and cultures. It is also multidimensional in that it encompasses the senses and contingent on a...
Introduction Heart of Darkness, a book written by Joseph Conrad, is one of the best books that are related to imperialism and the expeditions that empires undertook to expand their territories and influence through diplomacy or militarism. In a certain way, this book narrates the...
Thomas King’s short story “Totem” is a symbolic attack on Canadian colonization and the struggles faced by the Aboriginal people. He has used symbols to narrate the story,” Totem poles” as a symbol to describe the Aboriginal community of Southern Alberta, “Museum” as land, “Director...
“Still Alice” by Lisa Genova and “My Stroke of Insight” by Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor truly give readers a first-hand experience into how the minds work of patients with Alzheimer’s disease and people who have had a stroke. Made-to-order essay as fast as you need...
“Life doesn’t give you purpose you give life purpose’- The Flash, what this means is that life does not owe anyone anything and you are the one who has to go out of your way to be known as someone. This quote comes from a...
In 1967 the first ever human heart transplant was performed. This surgery saves thousands of lifes a year. In the novel Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes, a 32-year-old mentally retarted man, Charlie Gorden, wants to participate in an intelligence quotation (IQ) surgery. This surgery...
Inigo and Fezzik the two of the main characters in the novel called the Princess Bride, by William Goldman. They come from the same background of losing their parents. Fezzik’s parents were gone from him from being used and Inigo’s parents were slayed. My claim...
You want to win but ends up being a loser; you want to be successful but in the end, you are just a failure; you want to be rich but life has cage you up in the swamp of poverty. You see people around you,...
What is a hero? I believe a hero is a person who shows very good behaviour and physical qualities. In the book, “The Hobbit” Bilbo is the main character and I believe that he is one of the heroes in the book. For me, Bilbo...
Today I will be explaining how the abuse of power and control is a major factor in the Redemption of Shawshank. Throughout the book there are countless times of which Andy the main character of the book/movie, was abused by other prisoners and guards who...
Since its publication in 1921, “Dancing In The Woods” has been a source of intrigue and fascination for literary scholars. Written by an unknown author, the poem depicts a mysterious and surreal scene of individuals engaging in a dance amidst a forest setting. In this...
Ordinary People is a novel by Judith Guest that explores the challenges faced by an upper-middle-class family after the death of their oldest son in a boating accident. The novel delves into the themes of grief, guilt, and the struggle to maintain a facade of...
In Bartolomé de las Casas’ “Defense of the Indians,” the author presents a powerful argument against the exploitation and mistreatment of the indigenous people of the Americas by the Spanish colonizers. Las Casas, a Spanish historian and Dominican friar, was an eyewitness to the atrocities...
Introduction “Escape From Camp 14” is a harrowing narrative that delves into the life of Shin Dong-hyuk, a North Korean defector who was born and raised in a political prison camp. Written by journalist Blaine Harden, the book provides an unflinching portrayal of the brutal...
Significant dialogue from Act 2 of Death and the Maiden reveals how Paulina’s torture in the Chile’s past totalitarian regime has affected her life in the democratic present day. The ambiguity in the meaning of justice is a key theme that is significantly developed because...
Too often in literature, novels surrounding a specific time period lack the authenticity of mise-en-scene for the reader. However, author John Dos Passos commits to unique and innovative writing techniques in his novel 1919 (one of the three entries in the U.S.A. Trilogy) to deliver...