The Dunkirk evacuation, which occurred between the 26th May and 4th June 1940, codenamed “Operation Dynamo” involved the successful rescue of 338,000 British, French and Belgian troops from the beaches of Dunkirk in Northern France. The event has embedded itself in the memory of the...
Britain’s wealth was built in the backbone of child labour and hardship, making the Industrial revolution the greatest story in history, highlighting the transition from hand production methods to machine manufacturing. Economic historians identify 4 separate industrial revolutions, providing an understanding of the world economy...
Abstract This paper contains the mystery of Stonehenge. Stonehenge was built on Salisbury Plain some time between 5,000 and 4,300 years ago. It is one of the most famous and mysterious archaeological sites in the world (O’Driscoll, 2009, p.15). The main focus of this paper...
Even if you don’t know much about ancient history and prehistoric monuments, you’ve probably heard of Stonehenge. The story of this incredible structure goes back more than 5000 years, and while it was certainly important to the people who built it, those architects would have...
Stonehenge isn’t just a stone circle. The ancient stones, weighing at an average of 25 tons each, travelled 240 km to Wiltshire from South Wales to form a massive stone monument. It is located north of Salisbury, England. Stonehenge was built roughly between 5,000 and...
Since prehistoric times, people have been creating art and sculptures to represent the world around them. In the study of astrology, much of what we discover about the knowledge and ideas ancient people have had are through artifacts left behind. Most special and expository to...
Heroic stories are critical in world literature, reflecting the daily life of individuals. Such narratives follow a particular structure to reveal the journey of a character towards success. Some of the stories represent heroic characters of the time past which include Beowulf and King Arthur....
Children, similar to mirrors, reflect images of what happens around them. They reflect the gestures, wisdom, and personality traits of the adults at an early age, then later carry them into adulthood. This analogy proves that the character of Merlin has a significant impact on...
Introduction The film King Arthur is a narration of the legend who leads the Britons in the fight against invaders from Saxon. The warrior leads the fight against the invaders through the assistant of a powerful sword a magical beard and knights in shining armor....
Throughout this essay I will be exploring the revolutionary semi-opera that is King Arthur. I intend on delving into the reasons for its success, why it was controversial, as well as looking into the writer, composers and and their perfectly refined work. King Arthur is...
Edward I was known to be a controversial king in the eyes of historians, some believed him to the best English king in the Middle Ages while others believed him to be unsympathetic one. Edward I was most notably renowned for creating a ‘model parliament’...
Modern Colony is a gallery that showcases Singapore as a British Crown colony from 1925 to 1935, with great attention on the Straits-born and migrant Chinese. The gallery’s lighting and background music gave off a colonial vibe, which allowed visitors to immerse themselves in the...
Elizabeth the 1st (1533–1603) was born of King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. A woman with fiery red hair and pale skin who was just as charming if not more then her father before her. She is most recognized for her victory over the Spanish...
In the Victorian era, women were expected to live by certain rules and virtues and had a pretty rigid role in society. They were to bear children, do housework and to be selfless, submissive and pure. They were considered to be the weaker sex and...
The British colonialism in India lasted for about 190 years, beginning in 1757 and ended with India’s independence in 1947. With their regional control for over 200 years, it paved a way for modernization of the country thereby significantly influencing the art, culture and architecture....
The explosive advent of radio technology in Malaya was akin to the revolutionary introduction of the Internet in the 21st millennia, and was instrumental to the development of Malaya during the tumultuous 1950s and 60s. The conclusion of World War 2 resulted in the British...
Introduction Arthurian Legend refers to a group of tales in numerous languages recounting the escapades of King Arthur of Britain, his kingdom, and the knights in his inner circle. The legend has been told over centuries, and remains popular in modern times, brought to life...
Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861) “Books and dreams were what I lived in and domestic life only seemed to buzz gently around, like bees about the grass,” Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it Each essay is customized to cater to your unique preferences +...
The Trial of Louis XIV Louis XIV is widely known as the king who was executed at the end of the French Revolution. The common public executed him for what they believed to be treason, with a plethora of underlying legal, but unpopular reasons. But...