John Bunyan, as he tells us in his prefatory remarks, didn't mean to write Pilgrim's Progress; it all happened while he was otherwise engaged. His Apology, at least at first, takes on the word's modern connotations. He regrets having inflicted the reader with the book,...
St. Anthony was raised in a Christian way. With his folks he used to go to the Lord’s House, and neither as a youngster was he idling nor when old did he loathe them; however was both respectful to his dad and mom and mindful...
Introduction to Kierkegaard’s Perspective on Faith Kierkegaard writes about a faith that is not bounded by self-interest or good works. In Sickness Unto Death, the author, Anti-Climacus (another of Kierkegaard’s pennames) argues that the religious life is the only truly satisfactory life. From his perspective,...
Our daily lives consist of a never ending battle within ourselves, a talk with the voice in our heads that tells us “do it” or “don’t do it”. It is rational to think that the voice in our heads tells us all the same thing...
Depicted in Pierre Auguste Cot’s most notorious painting, All Souls’ Day at the Camposanto, Pisa, a woman and her two children mourn the death of her husband/their father. Painted in 1872, All Souls’ Day at the Camposanto, Pisa emphasizes the Catholic church, and the role...
The Pharisees tested Jesus by asking him what the greatest commandment was. He replied with: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” and “Love your neighbour as yourself.” as the greatest and second...
John Bunyan’s work The Pilgrim’s Progress, is one of the most renowned Christian books to read, but it is not in fact within Christian rules, according to the Bible, thus unveiling a logical fallacy. With careful analysis of The Pilgrim’s Progress and the New and...
From the beginning of creation, God has designed humanity to be in relationship with him. A church is building where Christians meet for worship. Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it Each essay is customized to cater to your unique preferences + experts online...
St Jerome’s letter emphasizes on using “Sense-for-sense” translation rather than “word-for-word” translation. He justified his method of translating sense-for-sense by listing examples of Cicero, Horace, Hilary the Confessor and other Classical authors, as well as the Evangelists and the Seventy Translator when translating from the...
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are considered as the oldest monotheistic religions of the world being practiced today. Geographically speaking all these religions originated from what is today called, the Arab world. Abraham, whose story is found in Gen. 11:27–25:10, in the Bible, can be considered...
A saint is said to be someone who has achieved a degree of extraordinary behaviour, or closeness to God, saints were also called hallows during the ancient time. The history of saints goes down back to the year after Jesus was born. Catholics believe only...
The Bible’s teaching about sex and relationships gives us a great understanding of it. The four passages I will summarise are Song of Solomon 7:6-8, Matthew 5:27-30, Mark 7:20-23 and 1 Timothy 5:1-2. Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it Each essay is customized...
Each person has a unique worldview, which is largely shaped by one’s environment, knowledge, beliefs, and more. Those who identify similarly are largely grouped with others who may have the same background. Both Moisés Kaufman’s The Laramie Project and David Egger’s Zeitoun explore the relationship...
When tragedy strikes, it is a normal question to ask, “Where is God in this?” Perhaps the most common tragedy in life is the experience of inner conflict, which leads to a sense of disgust in our hearts. Yet, as we have learned through the...
Mary, Mother of God That Mary is the mother of Jesus Christ our Lord and named as the “Mother of God” or in greek term “Theotokos” or “Birthgiver of God”. According to what I’ve researched in the internet, Mary’s divine motherhood was proclaimed at the...
“Religion is defined by Christopher Partridge as a system of beliefs and worship, held by a community who may express its religion through shared myths, doctrines, ethical teachings, rituals or the remembrance of special experiences.” The question of this essay is: With so many different...
Part i: Salvation; What it is The Kingdom of God is The Unshakable Kingdom reads Hebrews 12:28. It’s available to everyone but sadly only a few get to experience it. If you’ve been wondering about what this salvation (born again) thing is, walk with me...
Historically, women have always been under the control of male dominance and their value was measured on the basis of their biology. The inequality of the sexes has its roots in the inception of the world when Eve was created from Adam’s side and thus...
There are different perspectives on the issue of national security, peace and war. Many religions and doctrines have their opinions and say regarding this matter. While the issue of national security seems to be fully controlled by the government, it is important to consider what...
Discipleship In today’s contemporary churches, discipleship programs have taken many forms and have assumed many understandings due to different views from different churches. Every church handles discipleship programs due to how relevance they consider it and the goals they want to achieve from it. In...
Christianity and Islam are two of the largest and most influential religions in the world, with billions of followers. While they have distinct differences in their beliefs and practices, they also share several similarities that are worth exploring. This essay will examine the key similarities...
What is time, what causes it? Is it a measurement, would you be able to back it off or speed it up? When we consider time we tend to think about the manners by which we measure the progression of time, a clock or watch,...
Dispensationalism is a theological framework within Christian eschatology that has been the subject of much debate and discussion in recent years. This essay aims to provide an overview of Dispensationalism, explore its key beliefs and principles, evaluate its views on the end times, critique its...
War is a state of open armed conflict between countries or groups of people. Typically, these arise from the fight to obtain access and influence over numerous natural resources, such as soil, minerals, and water, and from diverse political, economic, religious, or social beliefs. Usually,...
The concept of Gospel essentials and the Christian worldview are fundamental aspects of the Christian faith that guide believers in understanding their relationship with God and the world around them. The Gospel essentials focus on forgiveness of sin and redemption through Jesus’ atonement (1 Cor....
“He has come to be seen as a trustworthy, intelligent, and above all accessible representative of a theologically and culturally attractive vision of the Christian faith”. What pain, trials, and tribulation did C.S. Lewis have to endure on his journey to be seen as a...
Buddhism and Christianity are two of the world’s major religions, each with millions of followers and rich histories. While they may appear to be vastly different in terms of beliefs and practices, there are also some striking similarities between the two. This essay will compare...
A biblical view of justification has been placed in my heart ever since I started to learn the Bible more deeply and analysing it in the group. Somehow, the feeling of thanksgiving has profusely overwhelmed my heart. My good works are separate from my justification...
The Christian worldview is rooted in the belief that the Bible is the inspired word of God and serves as the ultimate authority in matters of faith and practice. Within this framework, there are certain essential beliefs known as the Gospel Essentials that serve as...
There are many walks and views of life in a world that is as abundant as Earth. Therefore, there are plenty of different origin stories that people have devout and unbreakable faith in. Focusing on a Christian worldview, from a biblical perspective God created the...