Luis Valdez's play Zoot Suit masterfully blends art and politics to examine the historical and ongoing issue of racial prejudice in America. Focusing on the Zoot Suit Riots of 1940s Los Angeles, the play portrays the violent clashes between U.S. servicemen and young Latinos, as...
Who knew that wearing a flashy suit was capable of completely change one’s cultural identity? Zoot Suit is a play written by Luis Valdez that demonstrates the Trial of the Sleepy Lagoon Case of 1942 in which the courts charged a group of “Pachucos” with...
In both A Doll’s House and Woman at Point Zero, the female protagonists are forced to suppress their identities. Henrik Ibsen and Nawal El-Saadawi hide the individualities of Nora and Firdaus in their play and novel respectively from the other characters, however, the audience are...
Women at Point Zero is a novel that tells the story of a prostitute, Firdaus. She is waiting in jail for her death sentence. She experiences sexual harassment which causes her traumas throughout her life in Egypt. The title of the story, Women at Point...
In Woman at Point Zero, Nawal El Saadawi explores the struggles that women face in societies. The protagonist, Firdaus, faces years of discrimination from men throughout the text. The assumed dominance that men take on is shown through their oppressive behavior and the perceived subservience...
Gender Discrimination
Gender Roles
Woman At Point Zero
During World War I, Canada’s Indigenous and First Nations communities had always been the target for racism by European settlers. The novel Three Day Road, written by critically acclaimed author, Joseph Boyden uses the literary lens of critical race theory to further focus on racism...
The Help, written by Kathryn Stockett, follows the lives and perspectives of three women in a Southern American town in the early 1960’s. Jackson, Mississippi is a stereotypically conforming small town with clear racially discriminative norms where coloured maids work for white households. The Help...
Throughout history, the topic of racial and gender discrimination in America has been heavily discussed and researched. As Anderson and Collins state, “Sex, gender, race, sexual identity, and class profoundly influence individuals’ knowledge, experience, and opportunities” (qtd. in Tahir). It is not hard to see...
Alice Walker’s short story, “The Flowers,” delicately examines the fragile balance between childhood innocence and the harsh realities of racism. Through the eyes of the young protagonist, Myop, Walker navigates the landscape of racial injustice in the American South, shedding light on its profound impact...
Introduction These are a set of literature that is produced in the United States by authors of African descent. This literature is very significant in that they depict various important themes that are important in the modern day world. This report discusses an article on...
Richard Wright is one of the most prolific African American literary minds of the 20th century. Wright’s literature uniquely blends aspects of naturalism and idealism to convey important messages concerning the era’s social climate. Wright, who grew up in the south during the early 20th...
Introduction Many movies focused around the theme of racism often show how racist characters are able to change. From start to end, racist characters grow and change their mindset to become more accepting of different races. They begin to see people for who they really...
As a nation of immigrants, American society is composed of major groups such as White and a variety of minority groups such as African American, Latino, Asian, and Native American and so on. As the number of immigrants increased over a long period of time,...
Modern literature, cinematography, music industry, graphic novels or any other major component of pop culture is in one way or another reflection of the society in which it is created and formed as a part of the mainstream culture. For years, popular culture has been...
Introduction Racial oppression and discrimination are identified as a prominent and critically vital subject in the American lives and all through the American history. Over 150 years following the 13th Amendment obliterated slavery in America, majority of the American citizens claim that the legacy and...
Oppression in America
Racial Discrimination
Introduction: The Struggle of Black Identity in America Being American and black can be described as the constant struggle to prove your patriotism to a country that systematically works to exclude you. Niambi Michelle Carter tackles this concept in her book, “American While Black”, and...
Oppression in America
Racial Discrimination
Martin Luther King once famously said that he looks forward to a day where people will not be “judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” Though we as a society have made great strides since those words were first...
Today in society, there are still many types of oppression happening. People are forced to go through these different types of oppression because of something they had no control of. Being born black, a woman, or in the wrong place. Subjected to violence, discrimination, and...
The United States of America is thought to be the “land of the free.” Freedom is what one thinks of the U.S., but there is a long history of millions of African Americans that were treated unfairly and worse than people of the Caucasian race...
Oppression in America
Racial Discrimination