The author Don E. Fehrenbacher was a professor of American History at Stanford University. He won the 1979 Pulitzer Prize for the Dred Scott Case and also won the 1977 Pulitzer Prize for ‘The Impending Crisis”. He earned his Doctorate in American History from University...
The 19th century stood witness to the rapid change, near-suicide, and the rough re-healing of our nation. Throughout such, the interpretation and implementation of the rule of law was at the forefront. Henry David Thoreau, a prominent member of the Transcendentalist movement, posed the question,...
Introduction The issue of racial injustice has persisted for decades, deeply rooted in the fabric of society. As readers seek to engage with literature that addresses these pressing concerns, “The Hate U Give” emerges as a powerful fictional narrative that illuminates the racial and systemic...
Racism plays an incredibly large role in sport, and has been around since other races began to participate in the sport. In this movie term paper I will discuss and break down how critical race theory, and different social issues compare the great movie “Remember...
When coming across the term Ethnocentrism, we tend to not fully understand what it means. Ethnocentrism is when you or another individual judge another person’s culture by the values and standards of that person’s culture, these individuals are known as ethnocentric individuals. In today’s world...
Apartheid is a form of institutionalised segregation which is based on the grounds of a particular extremist ideology. In both Gaza as well as South Africa, historians have found a common causal link between the politics of Apartheid and the negative effect it has on...
The two terms “Civil Rights” and “Civil Liberties” are usually involved in our daily conversations. We use these words so regularly that many of us don’t even realize we’ve been using them interchangeably and incorrectly. Even though we can say that they are similar to...
Job occupations and professions in the United States have a deep history of embedded segregation. Until the 1970s, the term “segregation” suggested the separation of the races, but the concept itself has evolved to encompass more than just racial segregation but physical separation by sex....
Introduction Over about more than a decade, Cook County, Illinois held the first juvenile court system in 1899. Prior to the juvenile court system children were seen as “miniature adults” causing them to be tried and punished as adults were. However, improvements in the understanding...
The solution of using moral and legislative means to produce ethical solutions has been used by many to solve civic conflicts over the course of history. During the early thirteenth century, a man by the name of St. Thomas Aquinas created what is now known...
With the development of globalization, personal mobility has prompted an expansion of international marriage as a social phenomenon. This includes a great source of conflicts, whether or not a marital relationship between partners of different nationalities becomes highly advantageous. As Jones (2012) noted, the numerical...
The first movie I decided to watch was Crash. I chose this movie first because the title intrigued me, then I did more research about the film and I was excited to watch it for myself. Right off the bat the film starts with a...
On April 4, 1968 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr was assassinated and many people were shocked because of this. “A Class Divided” which is a video tells as what happened on the day after this sad day. Because of this, the third graders’ students who...
In A Class Divided experiment Jane Elliott chose to show her class a challenging exercise in the importance of segregation. She needed to demonstrate her understudies what segregation feels like, and what it can do to individuals. What’s more, to exhibit to the youngsters how...
One of the major problems facing companies working with user-generated online content in the modern era is moderating offensive speech and hate speech. The current approach to handling the problem is manually maintaining a list of all possible words and phrases that may be considered...
I always thought that because I am born and raised in a Vietnamese household, I already have a firm grasp on the concept of overcoming ethnocentric biases and be unprejudiced and/or more understanding when it comes to other religious and cultural practices. However, that is...
In many universities, free speech is a controversial topic. Campuses such as UCLA and Berkley argue that they are a free-speech campus yet later they are suspending students for their actions. Some board members agree with the consequences and say there needs to be a...
On April 11, 2016, Mark Meechan, or a youtuber better known by the name Count Dankula had uploaded a video of him telling his dog to raise his paw in a salute whenever he blurted “Gas the Jews”. A couple of months later, on July...
Armenia is a small country located in the south Caucasus and is the smallest of the former Soviet republics. Armenia is bounded by Georgia in the north, Azerbaijan in the east, Iran on the south and Turkey in the west.It is a land of rugged...