The inequality involves different dimensions in the global, for example, income inequality, gender inequality and racial inequality, etc. The widening income inequality is a decisive challenge of our time. The gap between rich and poor has reached its highest level in decades. According to the...
A century ago, America had a much different landscape regarding equality amongst its citizens. Companies were free to hire only the employees they deemed acceptable to the owner’s preferred culture. An individual could be turned away simply because they were a woman, of an ethnic...
The topic of transgender rights is more talked about than ever. With US President Trump’s ‘transgender military ban’ and the ‘transgender bathroom bill’ more and more people are becoming aware of transgender people – people whose sense of personal identity and gender doesn’t correspond with...
A hate group is best defined as a group of individuals that practice hate and hostility towards a targeted segment of people within a society. The operation and existence of these hate groups have nearly always been prevalent. In 2018, the Southern Poverty Law Center...
Introduction The Civil War was one of the largest conflicts in American history, marking a pivotal turning point for both American and African American narratives. Despite the abolition of slavery and the introduction of numerous plans and articles aimed at restoring justice to African Americans,...
The term nativism, also referred to as Americanism, first gained significance following the Civil War. The nativist goal was to protect the interests of so-called “natives”-descendants of the original Anglo-Saxon settlers, above those of more recent immigrants. Nativist views were ugly at times frequently resulting...
It can be argued that there are many significant causes to the rise in hate crimes when examining the way the perpetrators feel threatened, and as a result, it has an everlasting result in the future. Hate crimes are when an individual commits a violent...
Ever since the terrorist attacks on 9/11 there has been a growing prejudice in the United States of America. This prejudice is against those who look, act, or claim to be Muslim. This prejudice has led to many hate crimes taking place. These attacks are...
Online racism or cyber racism is most commonly defined as racism which occurs in the cyber world. This includes racism which occurs on the internet such as racist websites, images, blogs, videos and online comments as well as racist comments, images or language in text...
In this essay I will analyze the July 2009 TED talk “The Danger of a Single Story” by the novelist Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, which expresses the idea of how people should not perceive something by only taking a single perspective to form a conclusion, because...
People imprisoned in a cave are not willing to seek the light because they are fearful of the unknown truth of what is outside. They wish to remain in the cave and its darkness that they know. However, is what they know, the truth? Their...
This essay will be focused on the rise of Islamophobia after 9/11 from the time frame 2001 to 2008, as well as analyzing what caused the rise of Islamophobia. Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it Each essay is customized to cater to your...
Discrimination, based on religious, racial and ethnic differences, is being gradually intensified and largely spread among nations. Religious affiliation may be a stronger predictor of prejudice than others can do. Islamophobia is a type of religious discrimination that is defined as a way of referring...
This paper addresses the theme of multiculturalism in Europe, with the reference point being Islamophobia and the attitude towards ‘the Other’. Many argue that today’s negative attitudes towards Muslims living in Europe result from recent migration trends, the current ‘refugee crisis’ and a fear that...
Nowadays the world is facing many problems that lie in the sphere of multiculturalism. Multiculturalism as a whole presents many different questions and problems of the minorities that strive to be heard. One of the main issues today in my opinion is the problem of...
Every society, every community, every nation of the world has its own social, political, cultural evils that they have to deal with, however these evils are usually at a negligible level or at least manageable level. The challenges that the Muslim society is facing today...
Political violence has become present in our daily life. The popularity of political violence has been escalating for the past years. Almost everyone and anyone – politicians, students, farmers, mass media etc. are affected and are experiencing political violence. In this essay, I will be...
The purpose of this essay is to explore a Canadian Immigrant’s personal experience with multiculturalism in Canada. This was conducted through a one-hour interview in which I sat down with a Canadian immigrant and posed a number of questions that gave me insight into their...
As Meyer-Adams & Conner (2008) said, “Bullying is continued harassment though acts of domination towards another person, either through physical or emotional abuse.” Bullying events have been an everlasting problem with teenagers. With the many new developments, bullying can be done online and through social...