The life of an individual transforms as the person encounters new ideas that in turn make him gain experience. Therefore, the experience is the best teacher. This implies that people pass through different types of occurrences and wonders that enhance their transformation. For instance, after...
The numbers that show cell phone usage while driving are shocking. Facts demonstrate that at any time of the day, around 660,000 drivers try to use their phones as they are driving and this can be attributed to a smartphone that has made it people...
I am a young man who hails from Vietnam and one who lives for the purpose of helping the people of the world better their lives by increasing efficiency. My interest in engineering is from an early age as I can recall being interested in...
Sociological imagination was a concept coined by C. Wright Mills in 1959. Mills defined sociological imagination as the way people become aware of themselves and try to relate who they are to the wider society. This includes, how we perceive situations and occurrences in a...
Color is helpful in communicating your message because it draws attention, sets the tone of the message, and guides the eye where it needs to go. It presents a sense of direction and recognition that people can identify and relate to. Color can make clothes...
Although I happen to hate shopping, I do sometimes find myself at a mall in need of a small item that I need relatively quickly or for a last minute Christmas gift for one of my family members that I inevitably forgot. While I may...
Knowledge is a concept of realizing and understanding the patterns and implications of existing data and information (Filemon & Uriarte, 2008). In general, there are two types of knowledge: tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge. Tacit knowledge is a knowledge that resides in the human brain...
“Modernity has long been obsessed with, perhaps even defined by, its epistemic insecurity, it’s grasping toward big truths that ultimately disappoint as our world grows only less knowable. New knowledge and new ways of understanding simultaneously produce new forms of no knowledge, new uncertainties, and...
“The quality of knowledge produced by an academic discipline is directly proportional to the duration of historical development of that discipline.” Explore this claim with reference to two disciplines. ‘Knowledge’ implies the awareness of an individual to a theoretical or intellectual interpretation of a phenomenon....
Amongst many dilemmas that we face today, although communication is easier than ever, yet it is being increasingly difficult for us to maintain conversations face to face. Interaction is becoming increasingly digitalized, where most of us choose to rather send an e-mail, than arranging a...
As I’ve just returned from a trip to Cuba, and given the myriad questions I am facing, I am putting in writing my fresh, unadulterated thoughts:I traveled with the Authors’ Guild for one week filled with three to five lectures and presentations each day. The...
Abstract This paper explores and serves as a reaction to the notion of ethics and one’s personal philosophy. Personal beliefs and ethics will be discussed as well as how ethics can be subjective; and the difference between personal and professional ethics. The intermingling of personal...
My academic background in writing has stayed, for the most part, completely uniform in expectations and what basis my teachers had for grading. Although each assignment my teachers gave to the classroom was different, the basic standard for the grading procedure was always the same;...
A learned man came to me once Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it Each essay is customized to cater to your unique preferences + experts online Get my essay A learned man came to me once. He said, “I know the way, come.”...
You can never have too much knowledge. People often like to argue this against the cliché claim that “too much of any good thing is bad for you”. However, with knowledge, comes the importance of a relatively equal amount of wisdom. Mary Shelley demonstrates this...
Money is not the only measure of success in life. For most people in our modern-capitalism world, money is the first thing, and sometimes the only thing that measures success in their life. Money can buy power. Money can buy fame. Money can buy time....
Child and adolescents are the future of society and therefore, ought to receive the highest quality healthcare for a healthy community. Parents and other caregivers should incorporate the teachings and services of the Bright Future to provide the best healthcare to their children. Among the...
The effects of culture change on the family are so diverse and evident in our contemporary society. This paper examines the effects of culture change to the family which includes both positive and negative. The main discussions are hosted in the body which comes after...
The doctrine, originally coined by Samuel T. Coleridge in his 1817 publication of Biographia listeria, ‘suspension of disbelief’ is built, principally, on the idea that, in order to fully immerse in the fictional world, it is paramount that we force ourselves to believe in premises...