In The Remains of the Day, Kazuo Ishiguro exemplifies English identity from the perspective of the butler of a prominent estate, Mr. Stevens of Darlington Hall. Ishiguro uses Mr. Stevens’s account to establish English identity, allowing Mr. Stevens’s conservative perspective to be a commentary on...
Stevens believes that to be a great butler, one must maintain their professional facade at all times in order to remain dignified (or at least, the ability to maintain a professional facade regardless of one’s circumstances is Stevens’ definition of dignity). This results in him...
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The true meaning of the phrase “the American Dream” is a topic that could be debated by Americans all across the country. For some, it is accomplishing the goals they set for themselves as children or teenagers. For others, it is simply being the best...
Vikas Swarup’s Q & A tells the story of a young orphan who miraculously transforms from being penniless to possessing more money than he could ever imagine. It seems Ram’s ability to answer all of the questions on a quiz show correctly is the result...
My Hobby Essay Outline Introduction The author’s dedication to being a good student and the associated pressure Introduction of the author’s hobby, volunteering at a care center Volunteering Experience Description of the author’s initial experiences at the care center Challenges faced, such as communication with...
Once upon a time there was a mother, a father, one son and one daughter. They lived in a perfect two story house with a white picket fence and a tire swing. They also owned the cutest dog named Spot. Mr. Smith worked in an...
Luck appears at a moment in time when people need it the most. When all of one’s knowledge, experience and skills have been exhausted, luck can alter given circumstances thus allowing people to push past difficult situations. Luck can be defined as a spontaneous change...
Merriam-Webster defines the word success as “the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence.” To the four year old child, however, success might simply mean mastering the entire alphabet; while success in the eyes of a nun may be dedicating her entire life to God and...
“Rome was not built in a day,” and basically, there exist in a society, two different category of successful persons of different discipline – the talented and the hard worker. Some people are talented at making hard work and at the same time, are hard...
First, I would like to give a brief description of the teaching context. This lesson was designed for 16 intermediate to advanced adult ESL learners from different countries with diverse L1 such as Arabic, Chinese, French, Japanese, Korean, Turkish, and Vietnamese. Their ages range from...
Introduction In crafting this leadership application essay, I am prompted to reflect on the formative experiences that have shaped my leadership abilities and underscore my aspiration to serve as a peer leader. As the oldest boy among four siblings and nine cousins, my family dynamics...
Swirlies, nugees, wet willies, wedgies. We’ve all heard of them and some of us have had the unfortunate luck of experiencing them. If you are like me, when I was a 12 year old in 6th grade it was common to see “locker vandalism” by...
In her novel Charlotte: A Tale of Truth, probably better known under the title of Charlotte Temple, Susanna Rowson relates the unfortunate life of a young girl for a specific purpose that she presents in the opening lines of her work, through the following words:...
Bop jazz divorced itself from its mainstream predecessor when musicians like Charlie Parker, Dizzy Gillespie, and Thelonious Monk began to emphasize fast tempo and improvisation over the predictable music of the swing era. These renegade musicians valued spontaneity and inspired many listeners. It is no...
Since its first publication in 1667, Milton’s Paradise Lost has continued to exert its influence over literature, having particular resonance with the romantics, Wordsworth citing it as among ‘the grand store-houses of enthusiastic and meditative Imagination’. Milton took what Genesis had put forward in a...
A commonality among most of the human race is the fear of what aging does to the body. Crafting a character famous for a sharp mind, not for bodily infirmity, Arthur Conan Doyle brought Sherlock Holmes to life and into the homes of many through...
While people engage in driving as a daily task, it involves complex processes of information processing and imposes heavy cognitive demands due to its dynamic nature. The dynamism occurs due to the change in environmental conditions with which the driver must contend in the course...
Communication, as defined by Merriam-Webster encyclopedia, is “the act or process of using words, sounds, signs, or behaviors to express or exchange information or to express your ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc., to someone else.” Which occurs between a sender and receiver. In order for a...
Eutrophication, is the artificial enrichment of a water body or aquatic system with phosphorus and nitrogen nutrients, usually with an excess amount of nutrients. This process causes an excessive growth of plants and algae and due to the biomass load, may result in oxygen depletion...