Since the rapid rise and spread of the Zika virus, search for a vaccine has ensued. While the virus causes mild symptoms in most, its association with severe birth defects in pregnant women, notably abnormal fetal brain development and microcephaly, to Guillain-Barré syndrome in adults...
Dengue Fever Virus (DENV) is one of the life-threatening diseases which are caused by pests that transfers infectious agents from a living organism to another that causes serious illnesses. It has become the most endemic tropical disease in the Philippines especially during rainy season, starting...
Introduction Risk communication is the sharing of ideas and knowledge between two parties about the nature, purpose and control of the risk. Risk communication in public health means the involvement of audience and responding to the question and concern as well as providing the important...
Introduction Infectious diseases are the major cause of mortality in recent years. The World Health Organization (WHO) has stated that about 13 million deaths worldwide are attributed to infectious diseases. The majority of these deaths are related to the people living in third world countries....
The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) has affected millions of people worldwide, more especially in sub-Saharan Africa. The number of infections that occurred in infants in 2014 was estimated at 220, 000. Out of this, approximately ninety mine percent of the infections in infants are acquired...
The main important group of biting Dipterans are the mosquitoes. Mosquitoes have long slender body, needle shaped mouth parts and legs. The wings sometimes have discernible patterns of scales. Some species of mosquitoes bite in the evening or morning and at night and some mosquitoes...
I read the article “A stealthy superbug appears to be spreading in us hospitals, study finds.” And for the article on an additional case study, I read “With latest Zika research, our picture of the virus gets cloudier.” Just as mysterious as other viruses, scientists...
A study was carried out 2011, to highlight the prevalence of HCAI and the antimicrobial use in Irish long-term care facilities (LTCF). This was conducted to inform national LTCD policy and to plan for the future of HCAI schemes. With earlier discharges being carried out...
The origin of this natural disease is lost in prehistory, it has been believed to have appeared around 10,000 B. C. At the same time, it has been reported in ancient Asian cultures as early as 1122 B. C. It was not introduced until the...
Corona, a wonderful word without the word virus, reminds of a luxurious car model, Toyota Corolla! There is a deadly word added to it, Virus. Coronavirus is in a family of viruses that result in illnesses such as common cold and severe acute respiratory syndrome....
As reported by Oboho et al. (2015), there have been records that indicate the prevalence of the disease, especially to male residents of Saudi Arabia. Having been the closest to camels, it is believed that they are highly susceptible to contracting the diseases. As the...
Introduction The hospitality industry is undoubtedly one of the sectors that are highly sensitive to global trends, particularly health epidemics such as the Coronavirus. The hospitality industries in China, Thailand, Singapore, and the United States are likely to be affected in the long term if...
Introduction to SARS The first cases of SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) occurred in Guangdong province in Southern China in November 2002. Laboratory tests identified that SARS was caused by a novel coronavirus. The virus is believed to be a mutation of a virus that...
Introduction Diseases are ordered into transferable (or irresistible) and non-transferableforms where in each sort has its own distinctive causes and is transmitted in an unexpected way. One of the principle contrasts between these two sorts is the transferable ailments can be transmitted starting with one...
Good morning, today I am going to give a speech on something that is hot in the news at the moment and could potentially harm us, that thing is a coronavirus. Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it Each essay is customized to cater...
Bacterial biofilms now represent the dominant bacterial growth lifestyle in different habitats including natural and clinical environments. Bacterial cells switch between the free-living planktonic mode and the biofilm growth mode, through multiple mechanisms that include adhesion to a substratum, increasing their aggregation into microcolonies and...
A new report confirmed the first case of human infection of the rat variant of the hepatitis E virus. The case has been identified in Hong Kong and reported by one of the top universities in the country. The case was confirmed by the University...
A plague is an infectious disease caused by Yersinia Pestis, a bacterium that is transmitted from rats to humans by the “oriental rat flea” (Xenopsylla cheopis).Transmission of Yersinia Pestis is possible through any of the following scenarios: droplet contact (coughing or sneezing upon another person),...
Visceral leishmaniasis is a disease that persists in India despite WHO’s 2020 elimination target growing ever closer. The National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme also reported rise in PDKL cases. Therefore, PKDL cases should need to be given priority and it may pose an important...