In the scriptures, the teachings of Jesus and those of His disciples, revolve around the kingdom of God (Livingstone, 2000). There are many instances in the New Testament where the term ‘kingdom of God’ is mentioned. For instance, when Jesus taught His disciples how to...
On the third page of a thin, navy-blue booklet is my profile information and identification: Isabella Chow, citizen of the United States of America. This small passport lists among some of my most important possessions, but I know deep down that my true identity is...
“Let the children come to Me; do not prevent them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” In 1976, the United States Catholic Conference (USCC) issued a document entitled “A Vision of Youth Ministry.” It was a guiding and illuminating response to...
Mark 9:1-8 tells a lot about the story of Jesus and the great thing he did and the symbolic meaning behind his robe when he was resurrected. He was wearing an intensely white attire that could not be done by anyone else but the son...
God is at work in the world to defeat and get the rid the world of the tragic sin of mankind. All of mankind are sinners from the time Adam and Eve broke God’s command not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good...
In books and religious stuff, the idea of an angry God keeps popping up and has caused lots of debates over time. Picture an angry God—full of wrath and ready to punish those who mess up or wander off the right path. This image has...