Does the acceptance of either help the speaker accept the fate of time and aging in the poem? Explain why or why not. “Stella’s Birthday” and the “Good Old” Life for the average person is a cycle and consists of a few stages, starting with...
There are many instances where people are not accepted in their own country. This is due to the negative stereotypes given to them by society, they are treated differently and left cut off from the world because they don’t fit society’s ideals. There are two...
In the book, sex plays a major role in Desdemona’s development. Having grown up within the confines of a strict Greek Culture, she has been taught that maintaining her purity is paramount. Due to this cultural pressure placed upon her, Desdemona has lived her life...
Morning Nocturne ( here Nocturne Refers to That precious Moment At peaceful night Music Piano Romantic Party )In this poem, the poet refers to the sudden moment where on a Lakeside at evening when the lake is just calm uninterrupted “Whitewater” with the Ice-Green (bluish...
In Native Son, the main issue for the main character, Bigger, is that he has killed Mary Dalton. However, just like many other elements throughout the novel, this issue is simply a surface level issue. The deeper problem is that Bigger wants to be free,...
The Devil Take Tomorrow by Gretchen Jeannette is a historical fiction set in the American Revolutionary War era. Anyone interested in history, espionage, and romance would enjoy this fast-paced novel. I for one love it when a book delivers on an action-packed storyline and is...
The story Betrayal of Faith by Mark M. Bello is the stunning tale of lawyer Zachary Blake and his plummet from grace. Once a prominent partner in a law firm in the heart of Detroit, Zack’s impending alcoholism forces his business partners in the law...
So, what would you do if you, while visiting the home of your boyfriend’s family, saw a glimpse of something that made you think that the boyfriend’s father is up to something shady, illegal, and possibly dangerous? Would you tell your boyfriend your concerns, or...
With the current state of the world and its economy, everybody could relate to the struggles Alex Fine faces living in his orphanage in LA. With multiple failed adoption attempts, some even ending in mental or physical abuse, Alex gave up on being adopted and...
Mistress Suffragette, written by Dianna Forbes, starts out set in 19th century New England during the panic of 1893. A time period where a womans reputation was absolutely everything. Penelope, the main character, is a very strong willed and spunky young woman. Her mother is...
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How many times have this topic of discussion come up in your conversations? On too many occasions for me. A serious reflection would transport your thoughts to recollections of regrets and wrong decisions. Rarely would one prefer to think of the happier moments and relive...
Fight for Your Life Dylan Thomas’ poem “Do not go gentle into that good night” the speaker is talking to a dying father. The speaker is comparing the fights of several man against the end, and it points out that even though death is inevitable...
In the short story, “The Story of an Hour”, by Kate Chopin, the author provides two examples of the literary technique of irony to enrich and support the theme, “nothing is as it seems.” Kate Chopin uses both situational and verbal irony in different instances...
Introduction My report explores the horrors of war across a range of war poems by examining the dehumanisation of the young soldiers in World War I and how war affects their families and society. The poems I chose to use were Anthem for Doomed Youth,...
Rosalie Ham’s novel “The Dressmaker”, published in 2000, is set in the 1950’s in an Australian outback town called Dungatar. In the novel, Ham utilises genre conventions such as Gothic, romance, detective story, and revenge tragedy conventions to intrigue the reader’s expectations of the novel...
The power of the main character, Beowulf, is constantly emphasized in the text. The passage I have selected depicts a scene in which he is praised like a demigod and shows his ability to triumph in adverse circumstances while a suspenseful build up intentionally leaves...
Cardigan Relationship lost (cold) (blue) Cardigan Decline in mental state (Cold) (blue) Cardigan Emptiness and loss (Cold) (blue) Dementia is a broad category of brain diseases that cause a long-term and often gradual decrease in the ability to think and remember that is great enough...
In a rapidly developing and consumerist world, humanity has fallen deep into the rabbit hole of materialism. The root of man’s estrangement from nature stems from the ongoing issue of the wasteful trappings of society. Believe it or not it seems that the inevitable forces...
Paul Laurence Dunbar’s poem “We Wear the Mask” is a well-known work that highlights his ability to create emotionally moving standard English poems. In this fifteen-line poem, Dunbar points to the suffering of black individuals and the need to hold happy deminors in order to...