Chivalry is an evocative word, conjuring up enchanting images of gentlemen in shining armor mounted on white horses fighting bravely to rescue the damsels in distress, protectors of the poor and downtrodden, servants to their virtuous kings, and guardians of the Christian faith. But this...
Martin Luther was born during an incredibly distressed age, and this was the tense transitional period between the Middle Ages and the Modern Ages. During this progressive time, outdated ways were becoming unfavoured, and new innovations and means of change were uprising at a rapid...
The diversity within Protestantism is a result of the reformation and schism that occurred in the Church throughout the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries. This resulted in the forming of new Christian churches and their numerous and multiple ways of practicing Christianity. This is incredibly important...
The Reformation formed the era in which modern society commenced. An era in which people began to think for their own wellbeing and not follow the will of the Church without question. Luther’s core belief that salvation came through one on one interaction with God...
The church was very dark before Martin Luther decided to step into for what the church was doing and by stepping in, he made an enormous impact. Martin Luther was a German professor of theology, priest, and a seminal figure in the Protestant Reformation. Luther...
Martin Luther was born in 1483 and died in 1546. He was German reformer and founder of the Lutheran church. Luther is the most famous of all the reformers, for he is credited with initiating the Protestant reformation on October 31, 1517 when he nailed...
There are two main figures credited with the Reformation: Martin Luther, who initiated a tidal wave that brought ancient beliefs to an end by empowering individuals to stand forth as independent thinkers. The second figure, arguably by many, is John Calvin, whose works are regarded...
What is your opinion of the Chinese Communist party and the system of reform? The main purposes of the text are about the reformation of China. The text also explains the discontent between China and the West. The West controlled globalism and imposed its rules....
Introduction to Christian Humanism Christian Humanism was an intellectual movement in the late 1400s-early 1500s in Northern Europe. This outlook combined interests in classics from the Renaissance with early Christianity and the gospel. The Lollards were the group of followers of Wycliff. He advocated for...
Introduction Colonialism and imperialism have both played major roles in the development of the Belfast landscape that we know today. In the 1500s Ireland was initially taken over by Britain through settlements which were known as plantations in Ulster who were generally loyal to the...
Introduction While there is some debate as to the definitive start and end date of the great French Revolution, it is widely agreed that the most prominent events occurred between the years 1789 until 1799. This revolution encouraged a progression of similar combats in Europe...
Native Americans have distinct indigenous culture and oppressive, mainstream white culture failed to assimilate it, in spite of staunch desire and strenuous strides to do so. Native Americans are even today maintaining their specific cultural traits. This research intends to analyze the efforts of Native-American...
Introduction The Middle Ages was the era from Rome’s collapse to the start of the Italian Renaissance, but it starts about 476 and lasts for 1000 years as we get into the 14th and 15th centuries, also famous as the “Dark Ages”. The term Dark...
Charlemagne was also known by another name, Charles the Great. As with many of the other greats, he received the title of ‘‘great’’ because of the things he accomplished and his impact on history. To fully understand that impact we must look at his rise...
The revival of the Western Roman Empire, an empire that lasted for over a millennium, an empire that rivaled the Byzantine Empire, an empire that helped shape modern Europe as we know it, and all came from a group of people with the same name...
During romance in England, customs were more than prayer and thanks. In the modern sense of the term, they have referred more to their customs than to politeness, to the way people behave, to their character, to their expression and to their sincere appeal. In...
There are many modern-day heroes. Those who we see as strong and brave. Those who protect us. However, where did these qualities aspire from. How do we judge if someone is noble. If someone is worth honoring. There are many attributes that contribute to this...
An important theme found throughout Beowulf and Lanval is the role of “hero”. It is the leading theme for both texts and is very crucial to the understanding of the texts. The warrior code was a crucial aspect that warriors must have acquired in Beowulf...
Medieval warfare has always been known as a violent affair, which in most researched cases is quite accurate. In the earlier period, battles constituted of opposing sides decimating land, houses, and wreaking havoc and violence against civilians. Then there would sometimes be a pitched battle...