Prologue: Laying the Groundwork This piece is not meant to be coherent, as I am quite an inconsistent individual. Instead, I wish to display my own growing indecisiveness and tangential thoughts in relation to my upbringing. Once complete, I hope my rambling and varied thoughts...
I’m going to write my autobiography in 300 words. On the 13th of August 2006 at 7:35am, at the Townsville hospital, with Renee and Peter Larragan as my proud parents, unexpectedly I made my way into the intense world. My family background is full of different cultures, my...
In this 300 words essay about self worth we will discuss self-worth as the foundation of our opinions, thoughts, and actions, which reflects our sense of value and significance as individuals. However, many studies suggest that establishing one’s self-worth on external factors can be detrimental to one’s psychological wellbeing,...
This is my ideal person essay in 150 words. In my opinion, an ideal person is someone who possesses a strong sense of integrity, kindness, and intelligence. Such an individual should have the ability to inspire others through their actions and words. My ideal person is someone who has...
This is a 100 word essay on respect. Respect is a fundamental concept that governs how individuals should treat others. It involves recognizing the inherent worth and dignity of every person, regardless of their background, beliefs, or status. Respect is essential in building healthy relationships, fostering trust,...
Understanding one’s psychological type through the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is a way in which to identify and gain insight into strengths, weaknesses, gifts, and provide the opportunity to further self-reflect and self-analyze behaviors and desires. Within “What is understanding the self?” essay I will exaime...
The topic of burnout is something that is often discussed in the counseling field, due to intense nature of the work required for counselors in their work with clients on a daily basis. As helping professionals, Counselors are given the task to listen and support...
Socrates was considered the foremost philosopher in ancient times. He believed that you can really know who you are, what is good and what is bad, only with the help of philosophy, namely a specific approach to the evaluation of knowledge. The topic for this...
Passion brings out the best in us. I adhere to this as my life’s motto. Having said this, I would like to introduce my future plans and goals in this essay as someone who have always strived hard to understand my true calling and plan...
Abstract The main purpose of my self introduction essay is to present a summary about my educational background, work experience, the companies for which I worked, positions which I held in the company and how it helped in shaping my career in the Information Technology...
Self-awareness is something so crucial which an individual can’t live or survive and without it, a person will become incompetent, impassionate, weak, and overall is not in control of oneself. It is extremely vital in a career, especially for leaders, since they should be able...
Have you ever woken up in the morning and knew right away once you started your day you should have stayed in bed? Almost every day? Don’t worry- you aren’t the only one. About 53% of all humans feel ‘dreadful’ when their alarm goes off...
Throughout human history, the concept of free will has been accepted and assumed to be the true proposition regardless of its problems. Human mind’s ability to choose between two or more different options has enforced the idea that human beings are capable of making choices...
I never really considered myself beautiful. Taking compliments from other people was rather hard, as they were mostly backhanded compliments such as, “ you’re pretty for a dark skin girl”. I was always fully aware that because of my dark skin tone there were rules...
“Your attitude determines your altitude” means that a person who has a positive and optimistic outlook were able to rise above their challenges in order to make something good for themselves despite their upbringing and circumstances. I personally agree with this quotation because I believe that...
I am a Medical officer with a two years experience working in two of the busiest referral hospitals in East Africa. I studied my Bachelors in Medicine and Surgery at the China Medical University in Shenyang from 2011 to July 2016 having graduated among the...
When the talk of helping those around you what type of emotions go through you? Do you feel guilty for when you didn’t help the little old lady grab a jug of milk at the top of the shelf, or are you proud of your...
I have completed my undergraduate studies in BSc Mechanical Engineering from University of Engineering and Technology Lahore, Pakistan, in November 2016. The journey of my educational career started with an Industrial Tour to a Power Generation Company arranged by my school in the early days...
Coming from a poor background I know very well how it feels going without a meal for days and denying myself of the social life of an average student so the little funds I had could pay for tuition. Made-to-order essay as fast as you...